Page 41 - Djamars 3 aprel 2018.pdf
P. 41

Djamars 3 Aprel 2018                                                                           43
                            Esaki ta nifiká ku gobièrnu  tin posibilidat di studia  negoshando ku e  diferente  ta paga 10 mil dòler pa
      Kontinuashon di pagina 2  ta riba e  trayekto pa wak  lokalmente, studia den  universidatnan i ‘college”  “tuition”, miéntras  Aruba
        No tin ningun desishon
                            kon studiantenan por studia  region i internashonalmente  nan. Na promé lugá ta wak  i St. Maarten ta paga 5 mil
                            mas faborabel.        den Oropa. Esaki ta e punto  si nan ta rekonosé i wak kon  dòler. Pasobra nan gobièrnu
        esta e “college” nan i e   Den ak uerdo di  di salida di programa di  ta yega na akuerdo ku nan  a negoshá pa estudio sali
     universidatnan di region  gobernashon a pone ku  gobernashon i ta para p’e.   pa baha e gastu di studia.  mas barata. P’esei gobièrnu
     pa sera akuerdo ku nan.  studiantenan mester   E minister a informá ku ta  Un studiantenan di Kòrsou  di Kòrsou  ta aserkando e
                                                                                               skolnan den region i nan
                                                                                               tambe ta ofresé tarifanan
                                                                                               faborabel i otro bentahanan
                                                                                               pa nos studiantenan.
                                                                                                 Mas aleu minister Alcalá-
                                                                                               Wallé a indiká ku durante
                                                                                               su bishita resien na Merka,
                                                                                              el a sinta na mesa ku entre
                                                                                               otro un “college” ku for
                                                                       Djasabra mainta di 9.00 –   di 2009 a tuma studiante
         E dianan aki Servisio di Pòst ta repartiendo e formulario di     	

  13.00 mèrdia.   di Kòrsou. Awor aki nan

         deklarashon di entrada 2017(aangiftebiljet 2017). E fecha di     

  tin 31 studiante ku sea a
         salida ta stipulá pa 	
 !"  Pa bin na remarke pa e   studia kaba òf ta studiando
         Si akaso pa 	
 bo no a risibí bo formulario di   #  $
%!"  servisio aki mester yama pa   aki. A palabra ku ta bai

         deklarashon di entrada 2017 ainda, anto bo ta deseá di yena   

  traha un sita for di awe na e   konsolidá e palabrashon
         un, bo por pasa na e bali di Servisio di Impuesto Kòrsou pa   (  

  siguiente numbernan.   den un akuerdo. El a papia
         tuma un 

.                                             ku universidat na Florida,

     ku tin nos studiantenan.

         Tambe bo por “download” e formulario di entrada 2017 aki   "  E deklarashon di skol  pa yunan di 16   +  	 	  No tin nada formalisá i
         for di riba nos “web-site”, 

  aña pa riba ku ta studia (VSBO,   a palabra ku aki lo bai
                                                     HAVO, VWO, MBO, HBO,   +  	 
      firma un akuerdo ku nan.

*        E universidat aki tin un

  Di djaluna te ku djabièrnè
                                                  8.  Formulario di SSC (Schuldoverzicht) o    akuerdo firma pa basta
         Manera ya ta un kustumber e aña aki tambe Servisio di   DUO (ántes IBG) ku informashon   mainta entre 8.00 – 12.00 i   aña ku St. Maarten, i ta
         Impuesto ta brinda e oportunidat durante luna di   tokante e “beurs” o “studielening” di  djaluna te ku djaweps   fásil pa firma akuerdo ku
                                                     e yu (Berichtenformulier DUO), pa
          pa yena e formulario di deklarashon di entrada   esnan ku ta na merka e I-20 formulier   mèrdia entre 14.00 – 15.30 i   Kòrsou. E universidat aki ta
         (aangiftebiljet) di 2017.Esnan ku ta bin na remarke pa hasi   i esnan ku ta na Canada e   djabièrnè mèrdia entre 14.00   konosí ku e estudio ulandes.
                                                     informashon tokante gastunan di           Banda di e dos skolnan aki,
         uso di e servisio aki ta e pagadó di impuesto ku su entrada   estudio.    pa 15.00.   ta hasiendo ehersisio ku
         di trabou o penshun ta NAf. 85.000 o ménos.
                                                                        Por pasa personalmente   SSC kua di e ‘college” nan
                                                 Kòrda ku sin e informashonnan   tambe pa traha sita na lokèt   aki por firma akuerdo riba
         E aña aki tambe nos ta brinda e servisio aki na kas pa esnan
                                                 ariba menshoná nos lo no por   di informashon na prome   término korto pa mayornan
         ku pa motibu di malesa o un desabilidat físiko no por yega                            sa ku or anan yunan ta bai
         ofisina di Inspekshon di Impuesto.      yudabo.                piso.
                                                                                               studia na un dje “college”
                                                                                               nan aki i universidat ku nan
                                                                                             ta ‘sigur”.
                                                                                                 Sra. Alcalá-Wallé a
                                                                                               konfirmá ku no tin ningun
                                   Manager • Autonomous • Experienced
                                                                                               desishon tuma i te na ora
                                                                                               tuma desishon esaki ta
                                           Accounting/                                         konta pa e grupo nobo ku lo
                                                                                               bai studia den region.
                        Controlling Manager                               How to apply ?         ‘Un trahadó di SSC a
                                                                                               haña e mail di e kambionan,
                                                                                               el a komprondé robes, el a
                                                                         Please send your resume and cover
           Company                                                       letter with motivation to:  añadí mas informashon
                                                                 ku niun hende ta na altura
          Our client is a private global holding company, who   Signals challenges and pro-actively searches for pragmatic   before 7  of April 2018.  di dje. El a pasa tur su
          decided to strengthen its team with a dynamic, and   solutions or assistance from management. Build and   Extensive background checks and   outoridat, e mandatario a
          eager Accounting/Controlling Manager to meet the   maintain a strong network both internally and externally.  a psychological assessment will be
          growing and challenging workflow in the region. As a solid      part of the application procedure.   splika.
          holding company, our client is continuously poised to          For more information about the   Direktor di SSC, a splika
          invest in its team. Facilitating permanent education and   ProFile  appli cation procedure please visit:  ku tin hóben ta apliká
          opportunity of meaningful participation in the strategy  pa bai studia Bussiness
          of the company. The work environment is professional   Solid understanding of the principles of accounting; at   administration na Merka
          and collegial and the atmosphere is positive. Our client   least bachelor degree in Finance, Economics, Accounting   For other queries please contact
          offers excellent employee benefits and a challenging   or Business Administration. Experience in an audit firm   Darshana Persaud on:   i nan ta kaba ku 109 mil
          career opportunity.           is appreciated. Result-orientated team player. Dedi-  (+5999) 736-0875.  florin na debe.
                                        cated to creating effective relationships at work. Strong   Miéntras hasiendo e
                                        ana  ly tical and communication skills. From 6 years   estudio na Kòrsou esaki ta
           Positions                    experience to mid-career with the ambition to grow in   kostanan 36 mil florin. Si
                                        the organization. Specific knowledge of drafting annual
          Monthly and timely Balance Sheet and P&L reporting to   accounts and thorough command of Excel is of utmost   e hóben disidí tòg pa bai e
          the Board. Reports to the General Manager and Directors.   impor tance. Experience or affinity with IT products is   Balance Consultancy Group   tin di komprondé ku e  no
          Managing and coaching an  administrative team.  Corre-  welcome. Inquisitive nature: proactively seeking tools   is based in Curaçao and active   por sigui pa su master. E
          spondence in English, preferable also in Portuguese.   for solutions and guidance where necessary. Open   throu g hout the Dutch Carib-  tin di regresá Kòrsou, traha
          Liaising with external parties such as auditors and Tax   and honest personality. Self-motivating and excellent   bean. We advise our clients in   i bai pa su master. Dia 4 i
          Advisors for annual audit, tax compliance and further   planning skills. People person, able to connect to others   all mat ters of recruitment, HRM
          assessments. Assist the Managing Directors in various   and to create an effective team dynamic. Excellent   and stra  tegy, organization and   5 lo reuní ku mayornan i
          projects. Participates actively in  team meetings and   command of the English language, good understanding   policy development, as s ess ments,   studiantenan ku e aña aki lo
          actively executes management policy.  Actively  analyzes   of Portuguese (in writing and orally), Dutch & Spanish   commu nication.  Sali pa studia den region i lo
          financial data and reports to the Board where necessary.   is a plus.                 splika nan detayadamente
                                                                                               riba e debe ku nan por krea.
                                         Contact     Darshana Persaud     (+5999) 736-0875
                                                                                                   di nos e ta
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