Page 29 - MIN VOS 21 SEPT 2015
P. 29
vents Feed
/DGLHV1LJKW Be a friend. It is the biggest goal of a new
September 19, 11 PM foundation on Curaçao: Feed Friends.
By Marja Berk The foundation works together with other organizations
September 19 Board members Dyveke Fraaij-Brugman and José Schmitz %UXJPDQ ³:H GRQ¶W KDYH RI¿FLDO FRQWUDFWV EXW WKHUH LV
Spoonz are excited to tell the story of their foundation. Fraaij-Brug- frequent, mutually good contact.” A lot is done about mar-
man says: “In short, Feed Friends was founded last April, keting, and the food is also very expensive. It’s no wonder
7KH/RDGLQJ%DQG to realize a central reporting and registration system for that each donor or sponsor is more than welcome.
September 19, 5 PM stray dogs on the island. As you know, we have a major Feed Friends does not only provide food and water. Once
Zanzibar problem here with stray dogs, who don’t have an owner a dog is approachable, he will be caught and spayed or
and are often neglected. neutered. “That is the big problem here among stray dogs,
Jill Frans “The Foundation has a database where all dogs are regis- they keep reproducing. Once the surgery is done, they are
Zanzibar LQWKHV\VWHP,IQRWKHZLOOEHUHJLVWHUHG%XW¿UVW)HHG familiar place, and of course, we keep feeding them. In ad-
Friends starts an investigation. This means that we check dition, each dog is provided with basic medication such as
Living Expo if it is a street dog with an owner or a real stray dog. If we GHZRUPLQJDQGDUHPHG\IRUWLFNVDQGÀHDV,IWKHGRJLV
September 24 - 27 are convinced that it is a stray dog, the animal will be reg- really sweet, he will be even be put up for adoption.” When
WTC istered in that particular database. We also have a network a stray dog with puppies is found, the mother dog gets
of feeders, people who have volunteered to feed the dogs. extra attention. “As soon as the puppies can eat indepen-
Tinto Latin Flavor Of course, there is a schedule, so the dogs get food and dently they are taken away. Otherwise, they start running
September 24 water, every day.” When asked how dogs are registered, around and at some point, you can’t catch them anymore.
Jan Thiel Beach Schmitz says: “ We look at the appearance of the dog and We have experienced this recently with a litter of eight pup-
take a picture, so we are able to know the difference be- pies. Only two were left at a foster home for adoption. We
Rainbow Lounge ‘Spoil me’ tween registered and new dogs. Before you feed a dog on try to be selective about adoptions, and when a puppy is
September 25, 6 PM WKHVWUHHWSLFNLWXSRUFDUU\LWLWLVZLVHWR¿QGRXWPRUH adopted, we keep monitoring for a while. “
Floris Suite Hotel The dog may already get fed by someone else, have a se- 6FKPLW] ³2Q <RX7XEH \RX FDQ ¿QG D QLFH YLGHR FOLS
rious disease, or have an owner who may disagree if you called ‘Be a Friend’ that was made by the local youth band
27 Tribute AC/DC take the dog. Not every street dog is in fact a stray dog. µ8QORFNHG¶,WSODFHVRXUIRXQGDWLRQLQDPDJQL¿FHQWVSRW-
September 25, 11 PM On Curacao, many dog owners leave their dogs to fend for light and draws attention to our work. “
27 themselves. The dogs are often either chained inside the If you are interested in becoming a feeder or a donor, you
fence, or roaming the streets. “ can always contact
Tipsy by Hennesy
September 26, 10 PM - 4 AM IN tShPeOT LIGHT Weight Loss Tips
Hershel Rosario Easy to Apply
Sonnos Band
September 26, 5 PM “The artist is nothing without the gift, but
Zanzibar the gift is nothing without work.”
Licious, for ladies only! By Karina Popa
September 29, 6 PM
Floris Suite Hotel By Francis Koolman When it comes to work ethic and bringing a song to Never skip breakfast
Hershel Rosario has spent most of his life working to life, Hershel’s approach is simple and requires work-
Rasta Fairley get the most out of his musical gift. He taught himself ing and working until it is done. He recalls a time According to researches, eating breakfast
September 30, 7.30 PM how to play numerous instruments; he sought to know when a friend of his worked hard on the melody for can help in controlling a person’s weight.
Zanzibar and understand many different styles of music; he a particular song. The friend played the melody for Some individuals skip breakfast thinking
DOVRGHYHORSHGDZRUNHWKLFWKDWUHVXOWVLQ¿QGLQJWKH someone else to get some general feedback; that they can lose their excess pounds this way.
Curaçao Pride core of a musical idea. Hershel stresses that there someone referred to the melody as garbage (the ac- Actually, skipping meals does not let you
2SHQLQJ $ZDUGV1LJKW are no bad ideas, just ideas that have not been fully tual word used in Papiamentu is much too vulgar for lose weight and is not healthy at all, since
September 30, 7 PM developed. Through years of work and experience, this article). Hershel’s friend was disappointed and it can deprive you of the essential nutrients
Floris Suite Hotel Hershel Rosario has come to appreciate and respect discouraged by the negative feedback, he even came you need. Moreover, it makes you feel hun-
the music making process, as well as relish the joy of very close to abandoning it all together and start over, gry, encouraging you to eat more during the
4VLJQ0DUDWKRQ performing those songs for the people. but when Hershel gave the melody a listen, his re- day.
October 1, 10 PM Similar to the way most all musicians start out with sponse was much different. He told his friend, “the
Spoonz music, it was something to do for fun and the feel- melody is great, but it’s just not done yet.” The two Eat meals regularly who want to lose weight. They are found in
ing of holding court and playing in front of family and men worked and worked on the melody until they got fruits, vegetables, oats, brown rice, pasta,
Rainbow Lounge Pride IULHQGV7KH¿UVWLQVWUXPHQWWKDWVWDUWHGLWDOOZDVWKH to the core of it, and then went on to build a complete While some individuals believe that skip- wholegrain bread, peas, beans and lentils.
Party 4 string guitar (Cuatro). One of the main ways Her- song from it. For Hershel, an idea for a melody or ping meals can let them lose excess weight,
October 2, 6 PM shel learned to play this instrument and many others arrangement of music is an ever evolving process. studies prove that eating meals regularly Read food labels
Floris Suite Hotel was by listening to the radio. He would sit close to the (YHQWXDOO\\RXGR¿QLVKLWEXWQRWEHIRUHLWLVGRQH can actually burn calories at a higher rate. before buying
radio and wait for the song to play and Hershel would Besides, it reduces a person’s cravings of
D.A.N.C.E. do his best to play along. Eventually, the notes, the foods high in sugar and fat. It is important to read the labels on the prod-
October 3, 10 PM - 4 AM chords, and the melodies of these were understood ucts so you will know if they are healthy or
Club Elevate by Hershel and he would play like another member Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. not. Check out the amount of fat, sugars,
of the band. Another aspect of his musical educa- salt and calories, and use this data to see
&XUDoDR3ULGH:KLWH3DUW\ tion was his fascination and curiosity of other styles of There are 3 essential ingredients for suc- if a certain food product would be able to
October 3, 8 PM PXVLFQRWRQO\GLG+HUVKHOEHFRPHIDPLOLDUDQGSUR¿- cessful weight loss. Fruits and vegetable meet the daily calorie intake on your weight
Floris Suite Hotel cient in the music of Curaçao, but he also consciously DUHULFKLQ¿EUHEXWORZLQIDWVDQGFDORULHV loss plan.
broadened his horizons and learned other kinds of They are also rich in minerals and vitamins.
Junior Tecla & music (Latin, Rock, and R&B). Eat on a smaller plate
7KH5RRWVULGHUV Be more active
October 3, 8 PM While Hershel’s instrument of choice has always been Research shows that people who eat on a
Hemingway the guitar, he did not limit himself to just one. For According to studies, being active is the smaller plate have a tendency to eat less,
many years, Hershel relied on the skill and talent he key to losing pounds and keeping them off. while being contented. Using smaller bowls
³+RSL'XVKL³ had for the guitar, but when he was challenged to play ([HUFLVH RIIHUV ORWV RI KHDOWK EHQH¿WV DQG and plates helps you get accustomed to
October 3, 10 PM the bass, he saw how much more he had to learn burns extra calories that won’t come off with eating smaller portions of food without be-
Spoonz about music. One of his band members – Danny diet alone. Choose the exercise that you coming hungry. It usually takes around 20
Plantein – urged him to play the bass. Hershel tried in FDQHQMR\DQG¿WLWLQWR\RXUVFKHGXOH minutes for the stomach to send a signal to
Kings Land vain but could not understand all the subtle details of the brain that it is already full. So, it helps
October 3, 8 PM the instrument. Feeling a bit embarrassed and disap- Hydrate yourself to eat slowly to digest the food completely.
International School pointed, Hershel took the bass guitar, went home, and
practiced and practiced, and practiced some more un- Thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Instead 5HGXFHWKHDOFRKRO
&KRFRODWLQ til he got it. He searched for whatever resources he of consuming more calories, people may intake
October 4 FRXOG¿QGWRKHOSKLPJHWEHWWHUDWKLVQHZWR\LQFOXG- just need to drink water. Make sure to drink
Spoonz ing books and videos (there was no Google, Youtube, 6 to 8 glasses of water (total of 1.2 litres) a A regular glass of wine can have the same
or even the internet in those days). Eventually, it all day or even more, on a hot day or when you amount of calories as a chocolate bar,
ART & CULTURE clicked and Hershel developed an above average skill are very active. just like a pint of lager can have the same
set. amount of calories as a pack of crisps. In
+HDOWK\/LIHVW\OH([SR (DWIRRGV¿EUHULFKIRRGV the long run, drinking too much alcohol can
September 19, 4 PM - 11 PM result to gaining excess pounds.
to feel full, making them perfect for those Article Source: http://EzineArticles com/9166003
September 20, 2 PM and 5
Till September 26
Landhuis Bloemhof
Flavors of Curaçao
September 27, 4 PM
Kleine Werf
October 1, 7 PM
48 Hour Film Project
October 2, 6 PM
Teatro Luna Blou
Oasean Wellness Farm
October 3, 5 PM - 9 PM
The Eatery
Exposition “Blik op
Till October 3
Curaçao Museum
Thursdays at 8.30 AM
Landhuis Ascencion
Tuesday - Friday,
10 AM - 4PM
Wednesdays at 7 PM
Teatro Luna Blou
Every 2nd Saturday of the
month, 10 AM - 2 PM
Gallery Alma Blou