P. 2
Saturday 3 March 2018
Tierra del Sol Resort & Golf’s 2018 Club Championship
ORANJESTAD - On February Junior Croes held of Rob
24th and 25th, Tierra del Sol Nolle to win the A-Flight by
hosted their annual 2018 one stroke. The B-Flight was
Club Championship. won by Cliff Starke who
This event is always well had his best round ever to
awaited by the members, overtake several players
looking forward to playing and edge out Josef Croes
over two days to decide who finished second. The
the Club Champion in both C-Flight finished in a tie,
the Ladies and Men’s divi- with Ken Hover taking the
sion and the other flights for first-place trophy over Larry
the year. Nedd by means of the tie
breaker, both finished one
In the Ladies division Mrs. ahead of Ashikito Martinus.
Betty Green had a very The Ladies Net division was
strong showing with two won with the same score
consistent rounds to cap- as the Men’s A-Flight. Jas-
ture the title, the trophy min Ismael took the victory
and the famed parking over Vivienne Teunissen
space for the year. who finished second.
Regarding the Men’s side, The prize giving was cel-
the battle started with Rick ebrated in the Restaurant
Ingrassia taking a com- with a great meal pre-
manding 5 shot lead after pared by the Food and
the first round. Half way Beverage team at Tierra
through the second round del Sol and the additional
this lead had decreased prizes of Nearest to the Pin
with the duo of Orlando where won by Vivienne
Rasmijn and Junior Croes Teunissen in the Ladies divi-
gaining several strokes on sion and Orlando Rasmijn
his lead. On hole # 16 a de- in the Men’s division.
cisive birdie by Rick gave A big thank you goes out to
him a 7-stroke cushion with all participants, and con-
2 holes to play. This proved grats to all the winners in
to be enough and Rick their categories and espe-
managed to close out the cially the 2018 Club Cham-
others and result in the 2018 pions; Betty Green and
Men’s Club Champion. Rick Ingrassia, enjoy your
In the respective flights, personal parking spots.q