Page 10 - Binder1
P. 10
local Friday 19 august 2022
Prime minister Evelyn Wever-Croes:
Eliminating the problem of homeless addicts is a big contribution
to Aruba’s development
durable manner. With the ready, there will be a total
funds received, 5 capable of between 16 to 24 beds
people will be employed, available where these ad-
who will dedicate to this dicts can receive profes-
project exclusively. These sional help and care. At-
5 professionals will be re- tention will also be given to
sponsible for approach- every other need these cli-
ing the homeless addicts ents might have once they
and to make sure each of are taken off the streets.
them is placed in one of For this, all materials will be
the reception centers, thus available in order to effec-
eliminating the nuisance tively provide for them.
the addicts cause on the
streets, particularly in the Prime minister Wever-Croes
city centre. thanked Minister Rocco
Tjon and his whole team
Changes in infrastructure for their dedication and
will also be done, in order work for this achievement.
to place these clients and Eliminating the problem of
give them their due care. homeless addicts, particu-
This week during a press was approved for a project dicts the attention it re- As minister Tjon indicated, larly in the city centre, is
conference of the govern- to give attention to home- quires. in the beginning the proj- an enormous contribution
ment of Aruba, minister of less addicts. ect will make use of the to the economic develop-
Justice and Social Affairs, Wever-Croes expressed center in Meiveld, but the ment of Aruba, seeing the
Rocco Tjon announced that According to a press re- satisfaction for this achieve- plan was also allocated Afl. sentiment of safety that this
last friday, during the meet- lease, this will be a big ment, because she said this 100,000 to renovate four will create in each citizen
ing of the Council of Minis- achievement in giving the problem will receive the rooms in Centro Colora- and visitor of our country,
ters, a sum of Afl. 600,000 problem of homeless ad- attention it deserves in a do. Once these rooms are Wever-Croes said.
First stone laid for Stichting Hunto
ORANJESTAD – Wednesday morning was a very all stakeholders for believing in this project and making it a reality.
important day for the community of Aruba,
when the first stone was laid for Sticthing Hunto
(Together Foundation). This centre will provide
care to people who have problems with mental
health, including homeless addicts.
Minister of Public Health, Mr. Dangui Oduber
was the one who started with the idea to add
care for people suffering from addiction to-
gether with people with mental health prob-
lems under one roof.
In May 2019 a new supervisory board was ap-
pointed for the Foundation for the Manage-
ment of Addiction in Aruba, FMAA. In October
2020, an MoU was signed between FMAA and
SPD (Department of Social Psychiatry) with the
intention to join these instances.
This foundation will help many families who
have members suffering from mental health
issues. It will help with rehabilitation in order
to reintegrate them into our society. Each of
these people will once again contribute to Aru-
ba’s economy. The work was not easy; many
stakeholders had to be convinced in order to
achieve this.
Minister Oduber thanked and congratulated his
colleague, minister of Justice and Social Affairs,
Mr. Rocco Tjon who continued and finalized this
very important project. This is also the first new
infrastructure in 25 years dedicated especially
to homeless addicts.
Minister Oduber also thanked SPD, FMAA, DVG,
FADA, HAVA, Respaldo, stuurgroep GGZ and