Page 13 - HOH
P. 13
Diasabra, 19 October 2019 AWEMainta 11
Inspectie Volksgezondheid Aruba:
Ta pidi pashentnan pa hiba
nan remedi Ranitidine y AUCTION
Zantac® cu a wordo prescribi THURSDAY NOVEMBER 21, 2019
pa dokter bek na su botica
On Thursday November 21, 2019, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room
of the Chamber of Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public. ex.
art. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil Code of Aruba:
Inspectie Volksgezondheid Aruba (IVA) a
haya notificacion cu e remedi Ranitidine cu
ta wordo bendi bou e nomber di Ranitidine A residential house, locally known as
y Zantac di e siguiente fabricanan: Accord MABON 10-D
Healthcare B.V., Apotex Nederland B.V.,
Aurobindo Pharma B.V., GSK, Mylan B.V., standing on a parcel of public land, 655 m2 in size, situated at Mabon in
Omega Pharma Nederland B.V., Sandoz B.V Aruba, as further described in measure document # 5 M 77 / 1991.
The lease rights will expire on July 29,
en Teva Nederland B.V. a wordo saca for di
mercado. Starting bid: to be announced
Motibo cu e Ranitidine a wordo saca for di _________________________________________________
mercado ta cu e ta contamina cu N-Nitrosodi- A residential house, locally known as
methylamine (NDMA).
NDMA ta un kimico cu probablemente por POS CHIKITO 98-A
causa cancer. Sinembargo e risico pa haya
cancer dor di uza Ranitidine cu ta contamina standing on a parcel of public land, 834 m2 in size, situated at San
Nicolas in Aruba, locally recorded as Fourth Department Section D
cu NDMA ainda no ta comproba. number 440. The lease rights will expire on March 29, 2079.
Starting bid: to be announced
Ranitidine ta wordo uza pa persona cu ta su- ______________________________________________
fri di zuur, dolor, kimamento y/of ulcera di
stoma. A residential house, locally known as
Si bo persona ta uza e remedi Ranitidine y/ SABANA BASORA NOORD 26
of Zantac cu ta wordo traha dor di e fabri-
canan ariba menciona y a haya e remedi cu
standing on a parcel of public land, 481 m2 in size, situated at San
un receta di dokter, bo persona lo mester en- Nicolas in Aruba, locally recorded as Third Department Section G number
trega e remedi aki bek na bo Botica y acudi 479. The lease rights will expire on March 1st, 2035.
serca bo dokter di cas pa prescribi un otro Starting bid: to be announced
remedi. _______________________________________________
Inspectora di Remedi, drs. Roselynn Ange-
la (Boticario) ta urgi tur pashent cu a haya • The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions
Ranitidine cu un receta di dokter pa stop di and special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law
bebe e remedi inmediatamente y pa hiba e notary T.R. Johnson.
• The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and
remedi Ranitidine bek pa su botica. by decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
Tambe e Inspectora ta pidi tur pashent cu • Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
tin pregunta y/of un preocupacion pa tuma • The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
• A private bid can be submitted until November 6, 2019, 5 PM.
contacto cu su botica y/of su dokter cu a pre-
• Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a
scribi e remedi. reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with
an amount equal to the auction costs.
Inspectie Volksgezondheid Aruba lo informa
pueblo pa cualkier cambio na su debido mo- For more information:
mento. E lista completo di e remedinan cu
a wordo saca for di mercado por haya riba e WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
website di IVA: