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A32    sports
                     Diaranson 8 Juni 2022

                          Golfers put aside ‘reprehensible’ Saudi moves to join series

            By ROB HARRIS                consulate in Istanbul as a le-  use the game of golf as a way  with what Graeme said.”
            AP Sports Writer             gitimate  area  of  concern  of  for them to get to where they  The  series  is  being  over-
            ST.  ALBANS,  England  joining a series he accepts is  want to be and they have the  seen  by  Greg  Norman  with
            (AP)  —  The  stars  of  the  “incredibly  polarizing”  for  resources  to  accelerate  that  54-hole  tournaments  and  a
            new  Saudi-funded  golf  the sport.                       experience,  I  think  we  are  shotgun start that sees every
            league  tried  to  fend  off  “Take  the  Khashoggi  situa-  proud  to  help  them  on  that  group start at the same time
            concerns     on    Tuesday  tion,”  he  said.  “We  all  agree  journey  using  the  game  of  on different holes. The win-
            about human rights abus-     that’s reprehensible. Nobody  golf and the abilities that we  ner gets $4 million, while last
            es  and  signing  up  to  ac-  is going to argue that fact.”  have  to  help  grow  the  sport  place gets $120,000.
            cept hundreds of millions  U.S. intelligence services said  and take them to where they  The  golfers  are  taking  more
            of dollars despite the risk  they believe the killing of the  want to be.”             heat than some other athletes
            of  being  banned  from  U.S.-based  Saudi  journal-      How, though, McDowell was  who have competed in Saudi
            long-standing events.        ist came at the orders of the  asked, is that journey helping  Arabia. While sports, includ-
                                         crown  prince,  Mohammed  women  who  are  oppressed  ing golf, soccer and Formula
            After announcing he quit the  bin  Salman,  who  heads  the  in Saudi Arabia, the LGBTQ  One,  have  chosen  to  take
            PGA  Tour  to  join  the  LIV  Public Investment Fund. The  individuals  whose  rights  to  events to Saudi Arabia with-
            Golf  series,  Dustin  Johnson  prince denies wrongdoing.  live  freely  are  criminalized,  out the stars having a say, LIV
            evaded  questioning  about  The  fund  is  providing  the  the  migrant  workers  whose  is a case of the players opting
            the  source  of  the  $25  mil-  hundreds of millions of dol-  rights  are  violated,  the  vic-  out  of  existing  structures  to
            lion prize fund for each event  lars in sign-on fees and prize  tims of the Saudi-led bomb-  go  all-in  on  the  kingdom’s
            flowing  from  Saudi  Arabia’s  money  that  is  enticing  play-  ing of Yemen, or the 81 men  project.  Tiger  Woods  and
            sovereign  wealth  fund.  The  ers away from the established  who  were  executed  by  the  Rory McIlroy are among the
            first LIV Golf Invitational  is  tours  and  jeopardizing  their  kingdom in March?    players to reject an approach
            taking place outside London  participation  in  the  majors  “I wish I had the ability to be  from LIV.
            from Thursday.               and Ryder Cup.               able to have that conversation
            Another  former  major  win-                              with  you,”  McDowell  said.  “An  opportunity  like  this
            ner — Graeme McDowell —  Human  rights  groups  de-       “As golfers, if we tried to cure  comes  along,”  the  42-year-
            was left at a news conference  scribe  Saudi  Arabia’s  efforts  geopolitical  situations  in  ev-  old  McDowell  said,  “where
            trying  to  publicly  reconcile  as “sportswashing” its image.  ery country in the world that  you can play the last three or
            causing  fractures  in  golf  by  McDowell  tried  to  avoid  we play golf in, we wouldn’t  four years of your career, in a
            signing  for  the  rebel  series  discussing  the  specifics  of  play a lot of golf. It’s a really  very financially lucrative en-
            that appears to be part of Sau-  the  country  he  is  effectively  hard question to answer.  vironment. It would be crazy
            di Arabia’s attempt to reshape  working for.              “We’re just here to focus on  to  walk  away  from  that  as  a  dia had the opportunity.
            its image as a backer of lavish  “I really feel like golf is a force  the golf and kind of what it  businessman.”   Fleischer  was  asked  about  a
            sports events rather than one  of good in the world — I just  does  globally  for  the  role  Ari Fleischer, a former White  tweet he posted in 2011 that
            associated with human rights  try  to  be  a  great  role  model  models that these guys are.”  House  press  secretary  in  talked  about  Saudi  Arabia
            abuses.                      to kids,” he said. “We are not  McDowell  did  most  of  the  George W. Bush’s presidency,  and  implied  that  the  king
            The  Northern  Irish  golfer,  politicians. I know you guys  talking on Saudi rights issues,  was  the  tournament  orga-  was  willing  to  “spend  hun-
            who  won  the  U.S.  Open  hate that expression, but we  with two-time major winner  nizer’s host of the two news  dreds of billions so he won’t
            and Ryder Cup in 2010, did  are really not, unfortunately.  Johnson  responding  earlier:  conferences involving players  be overthrown.” He said that
            bring up the 2018 murder of  We are professional golfers.  “I would pretty much say the  Tuesday. He posed questions  comment was made “a long,
            Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi  “If  Saudi  Arabia  wanted  to  exact  same  thing.  I’d  agree  to the golfers before the me-  long time ago.”

                                 Los Angeles Sparks fire coach and GM Derek Fisher

            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —                                                                                               season with nine of their first
            The  Los  Angeles  Sparks                                                                                           12 games on the road and are
            have  fired  head  coach                                                                                            5-7.
            and    general    manager                                                                                           Fisher  won  five  titles  while
            Derek Fisher the team an-                                                                                           playing  with  the  Lakers  and
            nounced Tuesday.                                                                                                    had  served  as  coach  of  the
            Fisher took over the team                                                                                           Knicks  before  he  took  over
            in  2019  and  became  the                                                                                          as  the  Sparks  coach.  The
            GM  a  year  later.  He  fin-                                                                                       Sparks won one playoff game
            ished his career with a 54-                                                                                         in Fisher’s tenure in Los An-
            46 record as coach.                                                                                                 geles.
                                                                                                                                “I  want  to  thank  the  LA
            Assistant  Fred  Williams  will                                                                                     Sparks  organization,  owner-
            take  over  as  interim  head                                                                                       ship,  staff,  players,  and  fans
            coach.                                                                                                              for the opportunity they have
            “After a thorough evaluation                                                                                        afforded me over the last four
            of the state of our team, the                                                                                       years  as  a  part  of  this  his-
            Sparks and GM/Head Coach                                                                                            toric  franchise,”  Fisher  said.
            Derek Fisher have agreed to                                                                                         “Their  support  has  allowed
            part ways,” managing partner                                                                                        me to grow as both a coach
            Eric Holoman said. “On be-                                                                                          and front office executive and
            half of our ownership group,                                                                                        I am proud of what we have
            I want to thank Derek for his                                                                                       accomplished.”
            efforts  and  contributions  to                                                                                     “The Sparks and I have mu-
            the Sparks franchise. We wish                                                                                       tually agreed to part ways as I
            him the best moving forward.                                                                                        shift my focus back to pursu-
            I have full confidence in Fred                                                                                      ing  other  opportunities  and
            Williams to step into the role                                                                                      private  endeavors,”  Fisher
            of interim head coach, bring-                                                                                       added. “It has been an amaz-
            ing  a  wealth  of  experience                                                                                      ing ride and I wish the entire
            leading WNBA teams.”         offs  last  season  for  the  first  stered their roster by adding  offseason.  They  had  a  dif-  LA sparks organization great
            The Sparks missed the play-  time  since  2011  and  bol-  All-Star Liz Cambage in the  ficult  schedule  to  start  the  success moving forward.”
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