Page 22 - MIN VOS 4 MAART 2016
P. 22

                                                                                                                 Friday 4 March 2016

Amazon amplifies its Alexa line of voice-controlled devices 

MICHAEL LIEDTKE                In this Wednesday, March 2, 2016 photo, David Limp, Amazon Senior Vice President of Devices,                                          mostats.
AP Technology Writer           speaks about Alexa family devices in San Francisco. is introducing two devices, the                                        The Echo now ranks among
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) —           Amazon Tap and Echo Dot, that are designed to amplify the role that its voice-controlled assistant                                    Seattle-based Amazon’s is introducing      Alexa plays in people’s homes and lives.                                                                                              top-selling items in consum-
two devices designed to                                                                                                                                              er electronics, although the
amplify the role its voice-                                                                                                                        Associated Press  company hasn’t specified
controlled assistant Alexa                                                                                                                                           how many have been sold
plays in people’s homes        vices such as Apple’s Siri,      graphics found 57 percent        like the Echo.                                                      so far.
and lives.                     Microsoft’s Cortana and          of them either had used or       But the assistant has be-                                           “The response has been
The products unveiled          Google’s search engine           were interested in using a       come increasingly versa-                                            nothing short of incredible,”
Thursday are echoes of         that are built into the op-      smart home device.               tile as Inc.                                             boasted David Limp, Ama-
Amazon’s Echo, a cylin-        erating systems of smart-        Alexa, a riff on the Library     learned more about what                                             zon’s senior vice president
der-shaped speaker with        phones and other devices         of Alexandria, initially didn’t  customers want. Last sum-                                           of devices.
Internet-connected micro-      that do more than the            do much but answer trivia        mer, the company gave                                               The 6.25-inch Amazon Tap
phones that became Al-         Echo.                            questions, play music and        outside programmers the                                             is a slimmed down “grab
exa’s first major showcase     The interest in smart homes      order stuff from Amazon’s        ability to build applica-                                           and go” version of the 9.25-
when it debuted in late        appears to be rising as          website. The device’s lim-       tions that work with Alexa                                          inch Echo that sells for $130.
2014. Set these gadgets up     more people become en-           ited range raised the pros-      in a move that expanded                                             Unlike the Echo, the Ama-
and they’ll listen for your    amored with their smart-         pect that it might be a          service’s skillset. Alexa can                                       zon Tap doesn’t need to be
voice and respond to com-      phones. A recent online          passing fancy or little more     now perform more than                                               plugged in.
mands — for instance, to       survey of more than 4,600        than a cute party trick for      300 tasks, such as hailing                                          To conserve battery power,
read the morning’s head-       adults in the U.S. by For-       consumers who could af-          car rides, turning on lights                                        however, the Tap requires
lines.                         rester Research’s Techno-        ford to indulge in a curiosity   and controlling home ther-                                          people to touch a button
Both new devices, called                                                                                                                                             on the front of the device
the Amazon Tap and Echo                                                                                                                                              to prompt Alexa to awak-
Dot, cost less than the $180                                                                                                                                         en and listen for a question
Echo and offer slightly dif-                                                                                                                                         or a command. The Echo
ferent features in an at-                                                                                                                                            operates on more energy-
tempt to plant Amazon’s                                                                                                                                              intensive  technology  that
Internet-connected micro-                                                                                                                                            allows people to summon
phones in more homes and                                                                                                                                             Alexa with spoken words
other places.                                                                                                                                                        that can be heard from
In doing so, Amazon                                                                                                                                                  as far as 25 feet away. The
hopes to outmaneuver ri-                                                                                                                                             Tap connects to the Inter-
vals Google and Apple in                                                                                                                                             net through Bluetooth or
their battle to build hubs                                                                                                                                           Wi-Fi signals.
in “smart” homes that are                                                                                                                                            The Echo Dot, priced at
being furnished with ap-                                                                                                                                             $90, represents Amazon’s
pliances, electronics and                                                                                                                                            attempt to expand Alexa’s
other accoutrements that                                                                                                                                             household presence be-
connect to the Internet.                                                                                                                                             yond the kitchen or another
Alexa is competing against                                                                                                                                           room where the Echo typi-
other voice-controlled ser-                                                                                                                                          cally remains anchored.

Google engineers working
with UNICEF in Zika virus fight 

PETER PRENGAMAN                tion efforts.                    ated Press.                      Caio Julio Vasconcelos who was born with microcephaly is
Associated Press               Zika has become an epi-          Fabian said the UNICEF did       kissed by a therapist at the Institute for the Blind in Joao Pessoa,
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina        demic in Latin America           similar projects during the      Brazil, Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016.
(AP) — Google said Thurs-      and the Caribbean since          Ebola crisis in Sierra Leon
day that a half-dozen of       last fall. The virus is mainly   and a recent dengue out-                                                                             Associated Press 
its engineers are working      spread through mosquito          break in Pakistan.
to help Brazil track the Zika  bites and has been poten-                                         nounced it was donating                                             mation, and it has experi-
virus and the mosquito that    tially linked to birth defects.  Gary Stahl, UNICEF’s repre-      $1 million to UNICEF for the                                        ence analyzing large sets
spreads it by doing one of     The data sets will include       sentative in Brazil, said the    fight against Zika.                                                 of data. The company has
the things the search en-      movement of people gath-         data would be cross-refer-       Google said in a blog post                                          seen a more than 3,000
gine giant does best: write    ered from cellular phone         enced with epidemiologi-         that it is in a good position                                       percent increase in global
algorithms.                    locator systems, weather         cal maps created by the          to assist since its mission is                                      search interest in Zika since
Volunteer Google engi-         patterns and epidemio-           country’s Health Ministry.       to help people find infor-                                          November.
neers in San Francisco and     logical maps of the Zika         The result could help fumi-
New York are working with      outbreak from the Brazilian      gators know better where
UNICEF counterparts to         Ministry of Health.              to target, he said.
create a system that com-      “We are hoping to make           “We are hoping that what
bines several types of data    predictions about where          we can learn in Brazil can
to help predict where the      the next hotspots might          be useful in other coun-
Aedes aegypti mosquito         appear,” Chris Fabian, co-       tries” facing outbreaks of
might next be particularly     leader of UNICEF’s Innova-       Zika, he said.
active, helping in eradica-    tion Unit, told The Associ-      Also Thursday, Google an-
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