Page 12 - AHATA
P. 12
Tuesday 11 July 2023 locAl
Episode 17
Boratios, Beykes, Boitius, they were called “Beyke”
Whitchdocterare some of and “Boitiu”. Beykes are
the titelspeople use to iden- ceremonial leaders and
tifythose who practice the teachers of groups. The
art of traditional healing. beyke’s responsibility is to
Locally they where known organize and lead group
asCuranderos or Curiosos, ceremonies which are nec-
“ titles”which may have essary to maintain the bal-
come from the inquisitive ance and connection be-
nature of those who prac- tween the people and the
tice the natural way of Divine Consciousness of the
healing with assistance of Great Spirit. Thegoal is to
spiritual powers of plants. learn and become an ex-
pert in the tradition so that
What is a Curioso? A Cu- he or she can then teach
rioso is a spiritual healer of and be a vehicle for the
a group or tribe who ad- evolution and blossoming
here to the belief in ancient of the group.
practices like the Caqui-
etian Boratios Shamanism. The boitiu, on the other
The belief and practice hand, is an explorer. The
incorporates a range of boitiu’s job is to go into
beliefs, customs, ceremo- realms where not everyone
nies and rituals regarding can go. The boitiu does
communication with the this through a technique
spiritual world in which their called “journeying”. The
religious leader, a Curioso journey takes the boitiu
or Curandero enters a su- to places where she or he like in the case of Aruba’s basic traditions. are some regional and trib-
pernatural realm particu- can gain spiritual power Curiosos and Curanderos al variations to their beliefs
larly when the tribeis facing or wisdom and then bring who had incorporated or The role of the Curioso or in Shamanism. There are,
adversity or need to obtain it back to the community. adaptedRoman Catholic Curandero. however, several common
solutions to problems af- These places are located believes which they took The healer uses appropri- roles that are shared by
fecting their community in- in the spiritual realms that over fromthe Spaniardsto ate words, objects and every Shaman, Healer, Cu-
cludingsickness. are identified as the “Three their existing natives’ prac- rituals to protect men from rioso or Curandero.
Cosmic Levels” of shaman- tices. Many items such as evil spirits - his role is that of
The doctrine associated ic geography; the Upper crucifix, rosary, candles opponent to the bad spirits He or she is a healer, com-
with Curanderiaor Curiosos World, the Middle World and images or statues of and of guardian to the or- municator, educator,
incorporates the ancient and the Lower World. Some saints where used in order dinary man. The role of the prophet and a mystic lead-
role of Shamans, which is of the power that the boitiu tosupplanting their natural Curioso Curandero differs er:
probably one of the old- brings back from the spirit spirits in order to maintain from tribe to tribe as there Communicator: provider of
est beliefs man created realm is used to heal. The help and advice to mem-
whichorigins dates back to boitiu is what many know bers of the community
the Stone Age. as a “shaman”. Educator:keeper of myth,
The term “Shaman” is de- tradition and community
rived from the Sanskrit word We must note that Sha- wisdom
“sraman” meaning a work- manism is not a specific re- Healer: spiritual Healing
er or toiler. ligion but a doctrine based powers and the ability to
on a belief that physical treat sickness caused by
Native American Shaman- nature might be brought evil spirits - hence the west-
ism under the control of man, ernized name Medicine
There are two kinds of spiri- in the person of a Shaman. Man.
tual leaders or guides in The Shaman is believed to Prophet: ability to perform
prehistoricCaribbeanEra: have a spiritual connection various forms of prophecy
with animals, supernatural Mystic: wisdom to commu-
creatures and all elements nicate with the spirit world,
of nature. The Shaman leave the body and enter
helps members of the tribe the supernatural world to
to identify personal Animal search for answers
Totems that are spirit guides
who walk through life with In many tribes, including
them and sometimes ap- North American plain com-
pear in dreams or Vision munities, theMedicine man
Quests or on a Spiritual also had the role of the
Journey in the form of an head warrior or war chief
animal. which made him the most
powerful and influential
Shamanism is mixed with man of the tribe.
other beliefs such as Ani- Source; Island Insight column
mism, Totemism, Ritual-
ism and Fetishism beliefs by Etnia Nativa.