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Pagina 28                                                                                                             Diaranzon 20 Januari 2016

KNVB/Concacaf/AVB di bishita na C.D. Franklyn
                       Bareñ/Sv Britannia

Diasabra ultimo tabata         sumamente contento di          futuro sercano por jega
di bishita den cuadro          con Sv Britannia a atende      nan acuerdonan concreto
estrecha e amistad cu          cu prijsnan ariba mercado      cu KNVB/Concacaf via di
futbol di Aruba y tambe        internacional pa jega na       AVB pa desaroyo di futbol
pa explora e posiblidad        un prijs husto pa e prome      di Aruba. Tambe na final
pa ta un ajudo extra           veld cintetico na Aruba.       presidente di Sv Britannia
pa futbol di Aruba, un         Despues e delegacion           Anthony Jansen y Sra. Lisi
delegacon consistiendo         a haña un rondlijding di       Paris Werleman a entrega
di AVB, KNVB y Concacaf        e compleho completo y          presidente di KNVB Sr.
a bishita e fasilidadnan       despues di un drinks y un      van Praag un shirt di Sv
di C.D. Franklyn Bareño        hapje e delegacion a sigi cu   Britannia. A wordo palabra
/ Sv Britannia na Piedra       nan tour rondi di diferente    pronto un delegacion di Sv
Plat. Presente na bishita      fasilidadnan di Aruba. Sv      Britannia lo hasi un bishita
aki tabata Richard Dijkhoff    Britannia ta kere cu den       na KNVB Hulanda.
y Harm van der Seijp di
AVB, M. van Praag, Bert
van Oostveen y Johan
van Geijn di KNVB y
Jean Pierre Decossaux
di Concacaf. Despues
cu di a sinta cu directiva
y comicion Lifida di Sv
Britannia y unda cu
a intercambia idea di
con hunto nos por sigi
desaroya futbol den
cas di Sv Britannia y na
Aruba engeneral a pasa
pa inspeciona e jerbe
cintetico di Sv Britannia.
E delagacion a keda
impreciona cu e calidad
di e jerbe y nan pregunta
prinsipal ta con a jega na
un prijs rasonabel pa por a
instala e jerbe cintetico aki
na Aruba. Un splicacion
amplio a wordo duna
y e delegacion a keda

The oil crash is causing the cancellation of 27 billion
                    barrels worth of oil projects

An estimated $380 billion      all around the world, and      when oil prices fell once     company plans has been    non-essential operational
worth of oil and gas projects  Wood Mackenzie says            again following a modest      brutal. What began in     and capital expenditure,”
have been cancelled since      that 68 major projects         rebound in the spring,        late-2014 as a haircut    Wood Mackenzie analyst
2014, according to a           were scrapped in 2015,         the industry pushed off       to discretionary spend    Angus Rodger said in a
new estimate from Wood         which account for around       22 major projects worth       on exploration and pre-   statement.
Mackenzie.                     27 billion barrels of oil and  7 billion barrels of oil      development projects has
                               natural gas.                   equivalent. “The impact       become a full surgical    The cancellations will lead
The downturn in oil                                           of lower oil prices on        operation to cut out all  to dramatically lower oil
prices have hit projects       In the latter half of 2015                                                             production in the years
                                                                                                                      ahead. An estimated $170
                                                                                                                      billion in capex spending
                                                                                                                      was slashed for the period
                                                                                                                      between 2016 and 2020.
                                                                                                                      All told, industry cuts
                                                                                                                      will translate into at least
                                                                                                                      2.9 million barrels of oil
                                                                                                                      production per day (mb/d)
                                                                                                                      that will not come online
                                                                                                                      until at least sometime
                                                                                                                      next decade.
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