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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Tuesday 10 sepTember 2024
            U.S. seeks new pedestrian safety rules aimed at increasingly

            massive SUVs and pickup trucks

            By TOM KRISHER                                                                                                      a  regulation  that  would
            AP Auto Writer                                                                                                      focus  on  vehicles  made
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  The  U.S.                                                                                         uniquely for the U.S. market.
            government’s  road  safety                                                                                          Through  August,  SUVs  and
            agency  wants  the  auto                                                                                            trucks  of  all  sizes  account-
            industry  to  design  new  ve-                                                                                      ed  for  almost  79%  of  new
            hicles  including  increas-                                                                                         vehicles  sales  in  the  U.S.,
            ingly large SUVs and pickup                                                                                         according  to  Motorintelli-
            trucks  so  they  reduce  pe-                                                                             
            destrian  deaths  and  inju-                                                                                        Last  year,  an  Insurance  In-
            ries.                                                                                                               stitute  for  Highway  Safety
            The National Highway Traf-                                                                                          study  found  that  vehicles
            fic  Safety  Administration                                                                                         with  higher,  more  vertical
            said  Monday  that  for  the                                                                                        front ends raise risks for pe-
            first  time  it’s  proposing  a                                                                                     destrians.
            new rule setting testing and                                                                                        The research arm of the in-
            performance  requirements                                                                                           surance industry found that
            to  minimize  the  risk  of  pe-                                                                                    pickups,  SUVs  and  vans
            destrian head injuries.                                                                                             with a hood height greater
            The  rule  would  cover  all                                                                                        than  40  inches  are  about
            passenger  vehicles  weigh-                                                                                         45%  more  likely  to  cause
            ing  10,000  pounds  or  less,   The 2025 model Hyundai Ioniq 5 electric SUV is seen Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024, after being unveiled   deaths in pedestrian crash-
            but  it’s  is  aimed  largely   at an auto dealership in Savannah, Ga.                                              es than cars and other ve-
            at  big  SUVs  and  pickups,                                                                       Associated Press  hicles with a hood height of
            which  have  grown  in  size                                                                                        30 inches or less and a slop-
            and  hood  height  over  the  The proposed rule, required  way  deaths,  and  it’s  even  out  that  companies  have  ing profile.
            years,  causing  blind  spots  by  Congress  in  the  Bipar-  worse  among  vulnerable  already  developed  crash  The  authors  also  ques-
            for drivers.                 tisan  Infrastructure  Law,  road users like pedestrians,”  avoidance  technology  to  tioned whether wider pillars
            NHTSA    said   pedestrian  would  set  test  procedures  NHTSA  Deputy  Administra-   make  roads  safer  for  pe-  holding up roofs of the larg-
            deaths increased 57% from  to  simulate  head-to-hood  tor  Sophie  Shulman  said  in  destrians  and  others.  The  er  vehicles  make  it  harder
            2013 to 2022, from 4,779 to  impact  as  well  as  require-  the  statement.  “This  pro-  industry  has  given  input  to  for  drivers  to  spot  people
            7,522. The agency says the  ments to reduce the risk of  posed  rule  will  ensure  that  NHTSA  on  pedestrian  safe-  walking near the corners of
            rule would save 67 lives per  head  injuries.  Human-like  vehicles  will  be  designed  ty  and  will  review  the  pro-  vehicles.
            year.                        head  dummies  that  simu-   to protect those inside and  posal, the alliance said in a  Consumer  Reports  found
            Data show that nearly half  late  children  and  adults  outside  from  serious  injury  statement.                 in 2021 that elevated vehi-
            of  all  pedestrian  deaths  would  be  used  in  testing,  or death.”                 The  infrastructure  law  re-  cle  hoods  also  obstructed
            when  hit  by  the  front  of  a  NHTSA  said  in  a  prepared  The  Alliance  for  Automo-  quired NHTSA to make U.S.  driver  views  of  pedestrians
            vehicle  are  most  common  statement.                    tive  Innovation,  a  large  in-  regulations match a global  crossing before them.q
            for SUVs and trucks.         “We  have  a  crisis  of  road-  dustry trade group, pointed  pedestrian safety rule, with

             A former NYC school food chief is sentenced to 2 years in a

             tainted chicken bribery case

            By KAREN MATTHEWS            NEW YORK (AP) — The for-     for  New  York  City  public  “Eric  Goldstein  corruptly  Goldstein  oversaw  school
            Associated Press             mer head of food services  schools  was  sentenced  to  abused  his  high-ranking  food as head of New York
                                                                      two years in prison on Mon-  position of trust as a public  City’s Office of School Sup-
                                                                      day  for  a  bribery  scandal  official  and  pursued  lucra-  port  Services  from  2008
                                                                      that resulted in children be-  tive  bribes  at  the  expense  to  2018.  Iler,  Twomey  and
                                                                      ing served chicken tenders  of  school  children,  many  Turley  had  a  company,
                                                                      contaminated  with  metal  of  whom  rely  on  healthy  SOMMA  Food  Group,  that
                                                                      and bone.                    meals provided by the New  contracted with the city to
                                                                      Eric  Goldstein,  the  former  York  City  Department  of  provide school food.
                                                                      school food chief, was sen-  Education,” U.S.             Around the same time, the
                                                                      tenced  in  Brooklyn  federal  Attorney Breon Peace said  three  men  and  Goldstein
                                                                      court along with three men  in a statement.               formed  another  company
                                                                      who ran a vendor that had  Peace  said  Goldstein  “pri-  to  import  grass-fed  beef.
                                                                      contracted with the city to  oritized  lining  his  pockets  Prosecutors  argued  that
                                                                      provide school food Blaine  with  payoffs  from  his  co-  the  venture  was  a  way  to
                                                                      Iler,  Michael  Turley  and  defendants”    to   ensure  pay Goldstein off.
                                                                      Brian Twomey. Iler was sen-  that  the  defendants’  food  Prosecutors said the largest
                                                                      tenced  to  one  year  and  stayed in the schools even  bribe  payment  was  made
                                                                      a $10,000 fine, Turley to 15  after  plastic,  bones  and  in the fall of 2016 after the
                                                                      months and Twomey to 15  metal  were  found  in  the  city  school  system  had
             Eric Goldstein, Chief Executive, Office of School Support Services,   months and a $10,000 fine.  chicken.         stopped  serving  SOMMA’s
             New York City Department of Education, speaks in a discussion
             with other school leaders and experts on school nutrition at an   All  four  men  were  found  Messages  seeking  com-  chicken  tenders  because
             event in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White   guilty of bribery, conspiracy  ment  were  sent  to  attor-  an employee had choked
             House complex, May 27, 2014, in Washington, D.C.         and  other  charges  after  a  neys for Goldstein, Iler, Tur-  on a bone in a supposedly
                                                     Associated Press  monthlong trial in 2023.    ley and Twomey.              boneless chicken tender.q
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