P. 21

                 Wednesday 19 July 2017
                                                                  Endless Vacation

                                         where  wedding  vows  are  some  people  decide  to  fi-  coming  more  widespread  for  an  acupuncture  “time
                                         repeated.    This  vacation  nally take a vacation.  Early  in the West uses various pro-  out.”    If  you’re  ready  for
                                         then serves as a reaffirma-  signs  of  stress  are  Mother  cedures, such as heat and  a  complete  make-over,
                                         tion  of  the  original  hopes  Nature’s  way  of  telling  us  pressure  but  mainly  fine  whether  you’re  visiting  or
                                         and  aspirations  for  their  something  is  wrong  and  needles, to stimulate points  live  in  the  land  of  endless
                                         marriage.                    needs our attention.         on the body to relieve pain  vacationers, at our natural
                                         A  third  reason  is  a  school  A  break  from  work  could  by rebalancing the flow of  healing  center,  we  do  full
                                         break.    School  breaks  be  vital  to  our  well  being.   energy.  The  world  health  health  evaluations,  based
                                         were  originally  provided  Unfortunately  this  critical  organization   has   listed  on science, but with a stress
                                         because children were es-    period  is  also  he  least  re-  many  conditions  treated  free, barefoot, Island flavor.
                 By Dr. Carlos Viana     sential in agricultural areas.   spected.    Weekly,  we  ob-  safely  and  effectively  by  Call  us  for  a  mini  or  maxi
            Aruba,  with  our  beautiful   In  North  America,  school  serve  tourists  trying  to  ac-  acupuncture  including,  al-  vacation that can have ef-
            beaches  and  perfect  cli-  summer  vacation  is  three  complish the most possible  lergies,  hypertension,  inju-  fects that last long after the
            mate  is  an  endless  vaca-  months  long  because  im-  during  their  vacation.    En-  ries,  chronic  pain,  depres-  break.
            tion  paradise.    However,   migrants could not exclude  joying all that the Island has  sion and fatigue.
            the  summer  is  tradition-  their  children  from  the  to offer, they are partying,  Many  of  these  are  inter-  CARLOS  VIANA,  Ph.  D.    is
            ally  known  as  “vacation   farming  demands  during  gambling,  and  frantically  related  with  stress.    While  an  Oriental  Medical  Doc-
            time.”    With  the  children   the  short  growing  season.   pursuing   their   hobbies.   many of our patients come  tor (O.M.D.) having studied
            home from school, people     Similarly,  the  spring  recess  Their  motto  is  “work  hard,  in  for  their  twenty  minute  in China; a US Board Cert.
            make  extensive  plans  to   coincides  with  the  labor  play hard.”                  session  to  relieve  pain;  our  Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.),
            catch up on all the things   intensive  period  when  live  Although  the  exercise  we  policy of turning cell phones  an  Addiction  Professional
            they  never  seem  to  have   stock gave birth and crops  do  on  vacation  can  be  a  off  or  on  silent  allows  our  (C.Ad.),  Chairperson  of
            enough  time  to  do.    They   needed  to  be  sowed  and  good  stress  reducer,  mod-  clients  to  more  fully  relax.  the  Latin  American  Com-
            arrange  elaborate  family   the  fall  break  coincides  erate exercise needs to be  After their sessions many re-  mittee  of  the  International
            reunions and fly off to more   with the traditional harvest  done on a regular basis to  alize that the treatment has  Academy of Oral Medicine
            exotic locations.            period.                      contribute to overall health.   gone  beyond  pain  reduc-  and Toxicology (IAOMT), a
            Traditionally,   we   vaca-  A  forth  reason  for  a  rest  Not working out the rest of  tion  and  they  feel  a  bal-  Rejuvenating Cell Therapist
            tion  for  several  reasons.    is  health  related.    With-  the year and then overdo-  ance and harmony in their  specializing  in  Age  Man-
            Though  not  all  countries   out  question,  the  greatest  ing  it  on  vacation  causes  body, mind and spirit.   agement,  has  a  weekly
            have  evolved  into  the     health  benefit  is  where  a  more stress.  Many people  My  father  once  told  me  radio  program,  writes  and
            practice  of  vacationing,   vacation helps in your stress  need  to  return  home  to  that  he  had  never  heard  lectures  extensively.    For
            most do provide some time    reduction program.  My fa-   their “normal” lives to recu-  anyone state in their closing  information:  VIANA  HEAL-
            off for newly married cou-   ther, who lived ninety six ro-  perate from their vacation.   years that they wished that  ING  CENTER,  Kibaima  7,  St
            ples.    The  “honeymoon,”   bust years, told me several  These  people  may  have  they  had  worked  harder.   Cruz TEL: 585-1270 Web Site:
            originally  month  long,  was   times, a heart attack is na-  had  a  temporary  break  In our pursuit to make our-
            a reprieve from daily pres-  tures  way  of  telling  you  to  from  their  work  and  prob-  selves  more  comfortable,  “Prescriptions  from  Para-
            sures  where  almost  total   slow down.  Someone with  lems,  but  they  certainly  our daily affairs have a way  dise”  -  International  Book
            strangers  could  adjust  to   ailing  health  has  few  pros-  have  not  benefited  physi-  of  obscuring  more  impor-  Award  Winner,  Alterna-
            living with another person.    pects.    Sickness  carries  a  ologically  from  their  vaca-  tant issues.  Issues we ignore  tive  Health  -  ta  optenible
            Today  the  “honeymoon”      message that only the wis-   tion.                        until we are forced to retire  na    Aruba  na  Viana  Heal-
            can  be  an  extension  of   est heed.                    It has been estimated that  or  Mother  Nature  gives  us  ing Center, Tur libreria, Gift
            the courting period where    A fifth motivation for a va-  managers spend at least 25  her message in sickness.     shops y centro nan di salud
            new couples can agree on     cation  is  a  respite  from  percent of their time resolv-  Get  the  point,  a  diversion  di  calidad.    tambe  ta  dis-
            goals of their joint lives to-  our  profession  or  occupa-  ing  workplace  conflicts  –  from  daily  responsibilities  ponibel den forma do print
            gether.                      tion.    This  break  could  be  causing lowered office per-  can  rejuvenate  our  lives.   y  pa    Kindle  download
            A  second  reason  for  a    the  most  important.    We  formance.  Some  compa-      Either  this  weekend  at  pa  nos  amigo  nan  pa  fo
            vacation  is  the  “second   labor  frantically  to  make  nies are resorting to making  home, or this summer spent  di  Aruba  na    www.ama-
            honeymoon.”  Special ob-     ourselves  more  comfort-    their employees to take va-  in an exotic place like Aru-    Pa  anuncio  nan
            servances of wedding an-     able  and  end  up  with  the  cation days or “time out” in  ba, take time to reflect on  acerca di mas evento nan
            niversaries  are  usually  re-  byproduct of modern soci-  order to improve their profit  health.    Schedule  a  spa  y firmamento di buki check
            served for milestone dates   ety, stress.  Continuing stress  margin.  In our clinic we see  treatment  between  water  , check  corant nan local,
            like  the  tenth,  twenty-fifth   causes  a  whole  host  of  many of our patients take a  sports  and  rounds  of  golf.   radio  y  television  tambe
            and  the  “golden”  fiftieth   health problems.  A recent  mini vacation or “time out”  Have  some  tropical  fruit  como    riba    www.viana-
            anniversaries.  During these   survey  reported  forty  per-  when they come in for an  on  the  breakfast  buffet  in- y  join e discusion
            honeymoon replays, some      cent  of  North  Americans  acupuncture session.          stead of coffee and toast,  riba nos  Facebook pagina:
            couples have a ceremony      are  suffering  from  chronic  Acupuncture,  an  ancient  put  away  the  laptop  and
                                         stress.  Stress is what pushes  Chinese therapy that is be-  enjoy  the  view.    Come  in  scriptionsformparadise
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