P. 10
10 AWEMainta Diabierna, 25 Mei 2018
Adicto a wordo atraca
DIAMARS anochi, a presenta na warda e
homber C. un conocido adicto, y a declara cu
AUCTION el a wordo atraca pa un homber desconoci. C. a
sigui splica cu e ta wak pa e auto di clientenan
THURSDAY JUNE 28, 2018 di Maxim Bar na Playa. Banda di 11’or y 45, un
homber desconoci a atrak’e cu un cuchiu. El a
On June 28, 2018, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the Chamber bay cu un paki di tabaco marca Look Out y dos
of Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public: florin. Segun C,. te cu asina leu cu e por a mira,
e homber tin un largura di 1.75 meter, color
EX. 3:268 JO. 3:254 CIVIL CODE OF ARUBA: bruin cla y tabata tin un tshirt oranje, cu un
short berde bisti. Segun C., e homber desconoci
A condominium locally known as
aki ta un Latino, pasobra el a papia cun’e den un
THE RESIDENCES AT papiamento kibra. Despues di esey e homber a
core bay direccion zuid den Caya Betico Croes.
Keho a wordo tuma. Durante patruya, banda di
DIVI GOLF & BEACH RESORT 5’or y mey di mainta polis a mira e conocido
Machete cu a cuadra cu e descripcion duna pa e
victima C.
UNIT # 23
locally recorded as First Department Section K number 4066-A
appartmentindex 23, consisting of: Cinco hoben a maltrata
- the exclusive right to use a condominium on the 1st floor; un otro turista
- a 1.69 % undivided share in "The Residences at Divi Golf & Beach DIAMARS, pa mas of menos 3’or y 58 di
Resort"-buildings and facilities situated at Irausquin Boulevard
Irausquin Boulevard 41, Eagle. atardi, Central ta manda polis tras di Renaissance
Convention Center, caminda cu cinco dama
Starting bid: to be announced tabata haci fastioso y tabata bruto contra di
A private written bid can be submitted until June 13, 2018, 5 PM. Eynan polis a papia cu un di e securitynan di e
hotel den vecindario y a declara cu cinco dama,
cu tabata riba e pier, un rato prome a maltrata un
dama y cu e victima a haya un herida na banda
drechi di su cara. Tambe e security a declara cu
A residential house with apartments, locally knows as
e victima lo tabata den e oficina di personal di
siguridad y lo a ricibi tratamento medico di e
SAN BARBOLA 63 personal di hotel.
Den cuadro di esaki, dos colega polis femenino,
standing in a parcel of full ownership land, 3.122 m2 in size, situated cu na e momentnan ey tabata na warda, a wordo
at San Barbola in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section P pidi pa tira un bista riba e cinco damanan aki ,
number 2723. tras di Convention Center. Na e sitio, polis a bay
na e victima, mientras cu e coleganan a detene
Starting bid: To be announced
e damanan aki. E turista victima RM tabata tin
AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. Johnson, LL.M. rasca na varios parti di su curpa, entre otro na e
banda drechi di su cara, pia drechi y na banda
• The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and robes di su pechonan. RM a declara cu e tabata
special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R. na bar di e pool ora cu cada biaha e tabata
Johnson. wordo muha pa e cinco muhenan kendenan
• The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by
decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session. tabata comporta bruto. El a sigui bisa cu el a
• Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion. bay papia cu nan y pa pidi nan pa stop di spat
• The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time. awa, pasobra cada biaha e tabata muha. RM a
• Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable declara cu e situacion despues a sali for di man y
bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount e cinco muhenan aki a atak’e. E sospechosonan
equal to the auction costs.
tur a keda deteni. Y parce cu tur tabata turista
For more information: femenino. E sospechosonan a wordo hiba warda
di Playa unda cu nan a presenta na fiscal auxiliar.
WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM Despues nan a wordo pasa den man di recherche
pa mas investigacion.