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TECHNOLOGY Wednesday 24 June 2020
Apple previews new iPhone software, changes to Mac chips
By MICHAEL LIEDTKE its secretive nature, Apple
AP Technology Writer hasn't disclosed any plans
Apple on Monday provid- for its own line of AR devic-
ed a glimpse at upcom- es. Analysts believe the re-
ing software changes de- lease of the iPhone 12 will
signed to make the iPhone be come later than usual,
even easier to use and also but are expecting it still will
announced a long-antic- be on sale well before the
ipated shift to a new type pivotal holiday shopping
of chip to power its line of season. Earlier this month,
Mac computers. the CEO of chip maker
The preview of the next ver- Broadcom, Hock Tan, told
sion of the iPhone's operat- analysts he expected a
ing system, known as iOS delay in the production of
14, highlighted Apple's an- a product made by a ma-
nual conference for com- jor North American smart-
puter programmers and phone maker. Broadcom
mobile app makers. The is a major supplier for the
event, which was delayed iPhone.q
for three weeks due to the
coronavirus pandemic,
took place in virtual form
via a webcast from the
company's Cupertino, Cali- In this photo provided by Apple Inc., CEO Tim Cook delivers the keynote address during the 2020
fornia, headquarters. Apple Worldwide Developers Conference Monday, June 22, 2020, in Cupertino, Calif.
Associated Press
In recognition of the pan-
demic, Apple's next iPhone But most of the presenta- Google and Amazon. real world. Although Cook
operating system will in- tion revolved around an Apple also said its Mac has been hyping AR has
clude an option to put a array of new features that, computers will begin using the next big wave in tech-
face mask on a personal- for instance, could help its own chips as it phases nology, it hasn't caught on
ized emoji. Upgraded soft- iPhone users manage their our the Intel processors in the mainstream yet and
ware for the Apple Watch apps better, find new ones, that have powered the Apple didn't drop any new
will also detect when wear- and use their phones to machines for the past 15 bombshells about it during
ers wash their hands. unlock and start their cars years. Some Macs will have Monday's event. Instead,
Apple CEO Tim Cook remotely. (Though that last the Apple chips before the the company disclosed a
kicked off Monday's session feature will initially only be end of the year, but the full few relatively minor fea-
with remarks that acknowl- available for a 2021 BMW transition away from Intel tures in its AR platform for
edged the nationwide pro- model.) chips won't be completed iPhones and iPads in a writ-
tests triggered by George Apple also promised an up- until 2022. ten summary.
Floyd's death last month at graded version of its digital There had been specula- Apple is widely believed
the hands of Minneapolis assistant Siri intended to tion that Apple would unveil to be working on an AR
police, as well as the social make it smarter and less apps that rely on augment- headset and internet-con-
and business challenges cumbersome, helping it ed reality, or AR, a tech- nected glasses that could
posed by the worst pan- fend off rival voice-activat- nology that melds digitally be released in the next
demic in a century. ed concierges made by projected images with the two to three years. True to
Patagonia latest brand to join Facebook July ad boycott
By BARBARA ORTUTAY main focused on the im-
AP Technology Writer portant work of removing
The outdoor gear com- hate speech and providing
pany Patagonia is the lat- critical voting information,”
est company to announce said Carolyn Everson, vice
an advertising boycott of president of Facebook’s
Facebook and its Insta- global business group, in a
gram app for the month of statement.
July — or longer — saying Last week, civil rights groups
the social media giant has called on large advertisers
failed to take steps to stop to stop Facebook ad cam-
the spread on its platform paigns during July, saying
of “hateful lies and danger- the social network isn’t do-
ous propaganda.” ing enough to curtail racist
Patagonia joins The North This April 9, 2020 file photo shows a closed Patagonia clothing and violent content on its
Face and the outdoor gear store in Freeport, Maine. Associated Press platform.
company REI, which have The groups in the
announced similar boy- of its total revenue for the according to Facebook’s “#StopHateforProfit” cam-
cotts in recent days. It is not year. Patagonia, which is ad library. The ads got the paign, launched Wednes-
clear how much the boy- based in Ventura, Califor- “social issues” moniker be- day, include Anti-Defama-
cotts will affect Facebook’s nia, spent nearly $1 mil- cause they were about en- tion League, the NAACP,
advertising revenue, which lion on ads about social vironmental issues. Sleeping Giants, Color Of
was nearly $70 billion in issues or politics between “We deeply respect any Change, Free Press and
2019, making up nearly all May 2018 and June 2020, brand’s decision, and re- Common Sense.q