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A26    U.S. NEWS
                       Friday 24 april 2020
            11,000 deaths: Ravaged nursing homes plead for more testing

            Continued from page 25       emphasis  has  gone  away  lance,"  White  House  virus  15  minutes.  Massachusetts  Cuomo, who has described
                                         from hospitals to where the  chief  Deborah  Birx  calls  it  abruptly halted a program  COVID-19 in nursing homes
            After  a  home  in  Brooklyn  real battle is taking place in  — to find these hidden car-  to  send  test  kits  directly  to  as  "fire  through  dry  grass,"
            reported  55  coronavirus  nursing  homes,  we  should  riers, isolate them and stop  nursing  homes  this  week  said  he  would  ideally  like
            deaths  last  week,  its  CEO  be at a priority level one."  the spread.               after  4,000  of  them  turned  to see any resident, staffer
            acknowledged       it   was  Two-thirds  of  U.S.  nursing  The  U.S.  is  currently  testing  out  to  be  faulty.  New  or visitor seeking to enter a
            based  entirely  on  symp-   homes still don't have "easy  roughly  150,000  people  Hampshire  teamed  with  nursing home take a rapid
                                                                                                                                test that would come back
                                                                                                                                in 20 minutes. But, he said,
                                                                                                                                "that's millions of tests."
                                                                                                                                Dr. Roy Goldberg, medical
                                                                                                                                director of a nursing home
                                                                                                                                in  the  Bronx  that  reported
                                                                                                                                45  deaths,  said  his  facility
                                                                                                                                still can't test asymptomatic
                                                                                                                                patients  because  of  short-
                                                                                                                                ages that have limited test-
                                                                                                                                ing to those showing fever
                                                                                                                                or a cough.
                                                                                                                                "This  isn't  what  anyone
                                                                                                                                signed  up  for,"  Goldberg
                                                                                                                                said. "It just breaks my heart
                                                                                                                                that the long-term care in-
                                                                                                                                dustry  is  going  to  end  up
                                                                                                                                being totally scapegoated
                                                                                                                                on this."
                                                                                                                                Amid  the  tragedies  have
                                                                                                                                emerged  hopeful  cases  in
                                                                                                                                which early and aggressive
                                                                                                                                testing has made huge dif-
                                                                                                                                After the first of two deaths
                                                                                                                                at  a  Sheboygan,  Wiscon-
                                                                                                                                sin, nursing home and other
                                                                                                                                residents and staffers start-
                                                                                                                                ed  falling  ill,  administrator
            In this Monday, April 20, 2020, file photo, emergency medical technicians transport a patient from a nursing home to an emergency   Colinda Nappa got on the
            room bed at St. Joseph's Hospital in Yonkers, N.Y.
                                                                                                              Associated Press.  phone  and  pleaded  with
                                                                                                                                state officials: "I got to know
                                                                                                                                what is going on."
            toms and educated guess-     access to test kits" and are  daily, for a total of 4.5 mil-  an  urgent-care  company  A   65-member    National
            es the dead had COVID-19  struggling  to  obtain  suffi-  lion  results  reported,  ac-  to  test  care  workers.  Sev-  Guard  testing  unit  soon
            because they were unable  cient  resources,  said  Chris  cording  to  data  compiled  eral  states  including  Colo-  showed up, donned head-
            to  actually  test  any  of  the  Laxton,  executive  direc-  by the COVID Tracking Proj-  rado,  Florida,  Maryland,  to-toe  protective  suits  and
            residents or staff.          tor  of  The  Society  for  Post-  ect.  Public  health  experts  Tennessee  and  Wisconsin  quickly  tested  nearly  100
            At  a  nursing  home  in  sub-  Acute and Long-Term Care  say that needs to be much  have  dispatched  National  residents and 150 staffers.
            urban  Richmond,  Virgin-    Medicine.                    higher. "We need likely mil-  Guard testing strike teams.   In all, 19 residents and staff-
            ia,  that  has  so  far  seen  49  "Those  nursing  home  lead-  lions of tests a day," said Dr.  "It's   a   snapshot,"   New  ers  tested  positive  and  all
            deaths, the medical direc-   ers  who  have  developed  Ashish  Jha,  director  of  the  Hampshire  Health  Care  are  either  now  housed  in
            tor  said  testing  of  all  resi-  good   relationships   with  Harvard  Global  Health  In-  Association President Bren-  a  special  section  of  the
            dents  was  delayed  nearly  their  local  hospitals  and  stitute.                    dan  Williams  said  of  the  building  or  quarantined  at
            two  weeks  because  of  a  health  departments  seem  The  federal  Health  &  Hu-    national  piecemeal  ap-     home. There have been no
            shortage of testing supplies  to  have  better  luck,"  said  man  Services  Department  proach.  "We  need  a  mo-  more deaths.
            and  bureaucratic  require-  Laxton,  whose  organiza-    told  The  Associated  Press  tion picture."              In  the  Seattle  area,  which
            ments. By the time they did,  tion  represents  more  than  that  "there  are  plenty  of  While  the  federal  govern-  had  the  nation's  first  ma-
            the spread was out of con-   50,000 long-term care pro-   tests and capability for all"  ment promised this week to  jor  nursing  home  outbreak
            trol,  with  92  residents  posi-  fessionals.  "Those  that  are  priority categories and that  start  tracking  and  publicly  that eventually claimed 43
            tive.                        not at the table must fend  all  should  be  tested.  The  releasing  nursing  home  in-  lives, health officials are tar-
            Mark  Parkinson,  CEO  of  for themselves."               agency also noted one of  fections and deaths, which  geting  their  testing  efforts
            the American Health Care  Public health officials have  President  Donald  Trump's  could  help  identify  hot-     on homes that have shown
            Association,  which  repre-  long  argued  that  current  briefings this week in which  spots,  that  work  was  only  little sign of the disease.
            sents  long-term  care  facili-  measures  like  temperature  he underscored the states'  beginning.  In  the  mean-  Their plans for testing at 19
            ties, says "only a very small  checks  aren't  sufficient.  role in coordinating testing.  time, The AP's own tally from  such facilities are aimed at
            percentage"  of  residents  They  can't  stop  workers  Only  one  governor,  West  state  health  departments  trying to head off hotspots
            and staff have been tested  with  the  virus  who  aren't  Virginia's  Jim  Justice,  ap-  and media reports put the  by  quickly  identifying  and
            because  the  federal  and  showing signs from walking  pears  to  be  mandating  count  at  11,128  deaths  containing  cases.  In  con-
            state  governments  have  in the front door, and they  testing for all nursing homes  from  outbreaks  in  nursing  junction  with  ramped-up
            not  made  nursing  homes  don't  catch  such  asymp-     without  conditions.  Detroit  homes and long-term care  capacity  for  tracing  con-
            the top priority.            tomatic carriers among res-  Mayor  Mike  Duggan  or-     facilities nationwide. About  tacts  of  patients,  it's  con-
            "We  feel  like  we've  been  idents either. What is need-  dered tests at all 26 nursing  a third of those are in New  sidered  an  important  pre-
            ignored,"  Parkinson  said.  ed is rigorous and frequent  in  the  city,  using  new  kits  York.                   requisite  to  reopening  he
            "Certainly  now  that  the  testing  —  "sentinel  surveil-  that can spew out results in  New  York  Gov.  Andrew  economy.q
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