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A28    u.s. news
               Diahuebs 25 November 2021

                          Acquitted and in demand, Rittenhouse ponders what’s next

                                                                                                   who  cater  to  conservatives  The man who was shot and
                                                                                                   could jump at the chance to  wounded by Rittenhouse and
                                                                                                   sign him.                    the family of one of the two
                                                                                                                                men  killed  are  suing  Keno-
                                                                                                   Former  Illinois  Gov.  Rod  sha officials. Neither lawsuit
                                                                                                   Blagojevich,  who  was  re-  names  Rittenhouse  as  a  de-
                                                                                                   leased  from  prison  last  year  fendant, and it wasn’t imme-
                                                                                                   after  then-President  Don-  diately clear if claims would
                                                                                                   ald  Trump  commuted  his  be  filed  against  him.  The
                                                                                                   sentence,  told  reporters  in  standard of proof is lower in
                                                                                                   August that money he earns  civil  trials  than  in  criminal
                                                                                                   sending  personalized  greet-  ones.
                                                                                                   ings  via  the  Cameo  app  is
                                                                                                   “surprisingly  lucrative.”  A  As  Rittenhouse  weighs  his
                                                                                                   personal video greeting from  next moves, many conserva-
                                                                                                   Blagojevich  costs  $100  and  tives are rushing to tie them-
                                                                                                   messages for business use are  selves to him as a symbol of
                                                                                                   $500.                        the  vindicated  right  to  self-
                                                                                                   Blagojevich  also  started  a
                                                                                                   podcast, another possible op-  Besides   Carlson’s   exclu-
            (AP) — When he was acquit-   said Andrew M. Stroth, a for-  including thousands since his  tion for Rittenhouse.    sive interview, the host has a
            ted  of  murder  in  shootings  mer talent agent and an attor-  acquittal.  It’s  not  clear  how                   documentary on Rittenhouse
            during  unrest  in  Wisconsin,  ney in Chicago with no ties  much  an  additional  website,  There’s  also  merchandise.  upcoming   in   December,
            Kyle Rittenhouse went from  to Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse,, has raised.  “Free  Kyle”  T-shirts  and  with  footage  from  an  em-
            staring at possible life behind  he said, “could monetize his                          other  items  that  were  sold  bedded camera crew. Trump
            bars  to  red-hot  star  of  the  brand  and  potentially  make  One  email  Tuesday  from  online  after  the  shootings  talked up Rittenhouse’s visit
            right:  an  exclusive  interview  in the millions.”       “Free Kyle USA,” sent under  were  eventually  dropped  by  to Mar-a-Lago on Sean Han-
            with  Tucker  Carlson  and  a                             the  name  of  Rittenhouse’s  the  vendor  after  prosecutors  nity’s  show,  complete  with
            visit  with  Donald  Trump  at  Rittenhouse  could  get  the  mother,  Wendy,  called  his  criticized the sales. Acquittal  photo.
            Mar-a-Lago capped by a pho-  $2  million  that  was  raised  acquittal  “a  victory  for  the  might re-open that market.
            to  of  both  men  smiling  and  for  his  bail,  though  there  is  truth, for justice, and for ev-                Some of the most conserva-
            snapping a thumbs-up.        a legal battle for it. In Keno-  ery  American’s  God-given  In  his  interview  with  Fox  tive  members  of  Congress
                                         sha  County,  where  he  was  and unalienable right of self-  News,  Rittenhouse  hinted  — Reps. Madison Cawthorn,
            For Rittenhouse, a year of le-  tried, if a defendant is acquit-  defense.” It said funds would  that he was looking into pos-  Paul  Gosar  and  Matt  Gaetz
            gal uncertainty over whether  ted, the entire bail amount is  go toward case-related debts,  sible libel lawsuits. “I feel like  —  took  to  social  media  to
            his  claim  of  self-defense  typically refunded to whom-  legal  bills  and  then  toward  my  life  has  been  extremely  dangle  internship  offers  for
            would stand up has given way  ever posted it, upon a judge’s  a  scholarship  fund  for  Rit-  defamed,” he said, adding: “I  Rittenhouse,  though  it’s  not
            to  uncertainty  over  what’s  order. The poster of the bail  tenhouse so he can graduate  have really good lawyers who  clear  whether  they  were  se-
            next. He told Carlson, in an  is  not  necessarily  the  defen-  from college without debt.  are  taking  care  of  that  right  rious or if Rittenhouse even
            appearance  that  spiked  the  dant, said Rebecca Matoska-                             now.”                        has an interest in such work.
            host’s  ratings  by  some  40%,  Mentink, the clerk of courts  He  may  not  have  to  wait                         Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
            that  he  hoped  to  become  a  for Kenosha County.       around for donations. Stroth  It’s  not  at  all  clear  whether  introduced  a  bill  to  award
            nurse  or  maybe  even  a  law-                           estimated Rittenhouse could  Rittenhouse  has  a  strong  li-  him the Congressional Med-
            yer. He planned to “lay low”  Rittenhouse’s bail was posted  command a speaker’s fee on  bel  case.  The  threshold  for  al of Honor.
            but would for sure leave the  by his former attorney, John  the  lecture  circuit  of  any-  proving libel is far higher for
            Midwest.                     Pierce, who said he has relin-  where  between  $2,500  and  figures in the public eye and  Rittenhouse  himself  may
                                         quished claim to the money.  $25,000 a speech.            those  charged  with  crimes,  need  to  move  fast  for  the
            Even  as  Rittenhouse  figures  Mark   Richards,   Ritten-                             even if they were later acquit-  most gain from his story, Ba-
            out his next moves, fundrais-  house’s current attorney, said  Both  Stroth  and  Bachrach  ted.                    chrach said.
            ing  continues  on  his  behalf,  in a Friday filing it should go  said they would never seek to
            ostensibly to retire legal bills  to his client. Fightback Foun-  represent  Rittenhouse,  and  And  Rittenhouse  could  be  Of  Rittenhouse’s  fame,  he
            from his trial but perhaps in  dation, the organization that  that  many  speakers’  agents  open to some civil liability of  said:  “I  think  it  has  a  shelf
            recognition that he may face  raised  the  funds  and  trans-  and  publishers  would  con-  his own.               life, but I don’t think it will
            civil lawsuits over the shoot-  ferred them to Pierce so bail  sider him too toxic. But some                        ever go away.”
            ings. Rittenhouse has hinted  could be paid, argues that the
            he  may  bring  defamation  money should be refunded to
            claims of his own, and could  the organization.
            seek possession of $2 million
            in  bail  money  raised  by  his  Other  fundraising  opportu-
            supporters.                  nities have opened up.

            And some marketing experts  After his acquittal, GoFund-
            say Rittenhouse — at least for  Me  lifted  a  ban  on  Ritten-
            a short while — may be able  house  fundraisers  that  had
            to leverage his story into lu-  been in place as part of a pol-
            crative paid appearances and  icy  blocking  fundraising  for
            even a book.                 the legal defense of someone
                                         accused  of  a  violent  crime.
            “I  wouldn’t  go  near  it  on  a  There didn’t appear to be any
            number  of  levels,”  Ric  Ba-  new  fundraising  efforts  for
            chrach,  CEO  of  branding  Rittenhouse on the GoFund-
            and   marketing   company  Me website.
            Celebrity  Focus,  said.  “But
            somebody out there is going  But there are at least three ef-
            to want to tell his story.”  forts to raise money for Rit-
                                         tenhouse or his family on Gi-
            “He  could  easily  secure  a  veSendGo, one of which has
            seven-figure  book  contract,”  raised more than $625,000 —
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