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A28    u.s. news
                      Diahuebs 7 aPRiL 2022

                           US: Discrimination based on opioid treatment violates law

                                                                      legal drugs.                 for opioid addiction; a town  stopping  the  discrimination,
                                                                                                   refusing to allow a treatment  Ready to Work was required
                                                                      Public health experts believe  facility  if  the  opposition  is  to pay the person who com-
                                                                      that  increasing  the  availabil-  based  on  residents’  hostility  plained $7,500.
                                                                      ity  and  acceptance  of  medi-  toward  people  with  addic-
                                                                      cations  such  as  methadone  tions;  a  jail  barring  inmates  The  department  also  sent  a
                                                                      and  buprenorphine  to  treat  from taking prescribed medi-  letter  in  March  to  the  Indi-
                                                                      opioid  addiction  is  essential  cation to block opioid addic-  ana  State  Board  of  Nursing
                                                                      to  curtailing  the  crisis.  But  tion.                  over its decision to remove a
                                                                      those  drugs  —  which  are                               nurse from a required licens-
                                                                      themselves  opioids  —  have  In  February,  the  department  ing program over her use of
                                                                      long had stigmas attached to  sued  the  judicial  system  in  medication to treat an addic-
                                                                      them.                        Pennsylvania,  alleging  that  tion. A spokesperson for the
                                                                                                   some  courts  under  its  juris-  board  did  not  immediately
                                                                      The    Justice   Department  diction prohibit or limit peo-  respond to a request for com-
                                                                      guidelines  clarify  that  drug  ple in court supervision pro-  ment Tuesday.
                                                                      addiction  is  considered  an  grams from using medication
            (AP) - A deepening opioid  accessing      evidence-based  impairment under the ADA.  to  treat  opioid  use  disorder.  The Justice Department doc-
            epidemic  is  prompting  treatment  or  continuing  on  The department says they do  In  a  response,  Pennsylvania  ument notes that federal law
            the  U.S.  Department  of  their path of recovery,” Assis-  not represent a policy change  officials  said  they  had  taken  does not protect people who
            Justice to warn about dis-   tant Attorney General Kristen  but rather clarify existing re-  steps  to  “enhance  awareness  are using illegal drugs. A drug
            crimination  against  those  Clarke said in a statement.  quirements.                  in  the  few,  discrete  judicial  rehabilitation  program,  for
            who are prescribed medi-                                                               districts involved,”         example,  would  not  be  vio-
            cation to treat their addic-  The nation’s addiction over-  “We  know  that  seeking  and                           lating the law if it kicked out
            tions.                       dose crisis has intensified in  accessing treatment is a criti-  The  U.S.  reached  a  settle-  a  participant  who  routinely
                                         recent years. The U.S. Cen-  cal  part  of  reversing  the  ad-  ment  with  Massachusetts  kept using drugs.
            In guidelines published Tues-  ters for Disease Control and  diction  crisis  and  the  over-  courts last month over simi-
            day,  the  department’s  Civil  Prevention  announced  last  dose  crisis,”  said  Kevin  Roy,  lar allegations, prompting the  But the guidelines do say that
            Rights Division said employ-  year that more than 100,000  the chief public policy officer  courts  to  change  their  prac-  a person who uses opioids le-
            ers, health care providers, law  people  had  died  from  over-  at  the  advocacy  group  Shat-  tices.            gally prescribed to treat pain
            enforcement  agencies  that  doses  over  a  12-month  pe-  terproof.  “People  are  going                          could not be fired because of
            operate  jails  and  others  are  riod,  the  highest  level  ever  to be more likely to get treat-  The government last month  it.
            violating the Americans with  recorded.                   ment  because  of  this  policy,  also  reached  a  settlement
            Disabilities  Act  if  they  dis-                         and that has the potential to  with Ready to Work, a Col-  “The  Justice  Department  is
            criminate  against  people  for  Most of the deaths are linked  reduce the number of people  orado  agency  that  provides  committed  to  using  federal
            taking  prescription  drugs  to  to  opioids,  which  include  at risk of overdose death.”  services  to  the  homeless.  It  civil  rights  laws  such  as  the
            treat opioid use disorder.   prescription painkillers, mor-                            was  accused  of  denying  ad-  ADA  to  safeguard  people
                                         phine, heroin and potent lab-  The guidelines give examples  mission to one would-be par-  with  opioid  use  disorder
            “People  who  have  stopped  oratory-made  drugs  such  as  of possible violations: A doc-  ticipant  because  she  was  on  from  facing  discriminatory
            illegally  using  drugs  should  fentanyl that often are mixed  tor’s  office  denying  care  to  medications  to  treat  opioid  barriers as they move forward
            not face discrimination when  into the supplies of other il-  patients  receiving  treatment  use  disorder.  In  addition  to  with their lives,” Clarke said.

                        Residents evacuated from Florida apartments deemed unsafe

            (AP) — Residents of a five-  from  faulty  buildings  when  said.                      residents.”
            story  apartment  building  necessary.                                                                              In  addition,  the  building’s
            near Miami have been evacu-                               The  building  had  been  un-  He said residents were given  owner is returning April rent
            ated after an engineer said its  North Miami Beach has been  dergoing repairs since July to  until  Tuesday  afternoon  to  and  security  deposits  within
            foundation  was  unsound,  as  especially   proactive,   also  try to meet recertification re-  retrieve  smaller  items,  and  72 hours, Sorey said.
            officials  heighten  focus  on  evacuating  a  10-story  condo  quirements. But an engineer  that  they  would  be  able  to
            the safety of aging buildings  tower shortly after the Surf-  then  informed  the  building  remove larger furniture start-  “One  thing  to  note  is  the
            following  last  year’s  deadly  side collapse.           owner  that  the  foundation  ing Friday. Officials will limit  rents in this building that just
            Surfside  condominium  col-                               was  shifting  and  residents  the number of people in the  closed  are  between  $1,500
            lapse.                       Bayview  60  resident  Austin  should be removed immedi-  building, however, he added.  and $1,900 a month. And If
                                         Harper said he was surprised  ately,  City  Manager  Arthur                            you  know  anything  about
            The evacuations Monday and  to  see  sheriffs  and  munici-  Sorey  told  The  Associated  Residents  were  given  three-  South  Florida  that  is  very
            Tuesday were at the Bayview  pal officials posting notes on  Press on Tuesday.         day  hotel  vouchers  for  now,  cheap rent right now and af-
            60  Homes  tower,  built  in  the  building’s  60  apartment                           and the Miami-Dade Home-     fordable,″ Sorey said. “That’s
            1972 in North Miami Beach,  doors early Monday.           The engineer copied the city  less  Trust  and  the  American  going  to  be  the  issue  right
            and came during one of the                                in  on  the  email  late  Friday  Red  Cross  would  help  with  now  with  those  individu-
            structure’s   recertification  “They said you have until 2  but since it was after working  housing for those having dif-  als  trying  to  find  something
            inspections  required  by  the  p.m. tomorrow to vacate, so  hours,  city  officials  did  not  ficulty  finding  accommoda-  along the same lines and the
            county  every  10  years,  fol-  I said, OK, you know — not  see it until Monday morning,  tions, Mayor Anthony DeFil-  same  price.  It’s  going  to  be
            lowing  its  initial  40-year  re-  really much you can do with  Sorey said. He said as soon as  lipo said.         very hard.”
            certification.               that,”  Harper  told  reporters  they  did,  they  contacted  the
                                         outside the building Tuesday  building owner and came up
            That process has drawn new  while residents carted boxes,  with a plan to evacuate every-
            scrutiny  after  the  Champ-  lamps  and  mattresses  into  one.
            lain  Towers  South  collapse  moving trucks.
            last year killed 98 people as it                          “We did speak with the own-
            was having its 40-year check.  Harper said many of the el-  er and advised the owner that
            Miami-Dade County is mov-    derly  people  living  in  the  they  should  have  closed  the
            ing toward requiring the first  building will have trouble re-  building,”  Sorey  said.  “But
            major  recertification  to  take  locating. “For me, I’m more  once we got the information,
            place after only 30 years, and  of bachelor life so I can move  we went out and did what we
            municipalities  have  stepped  out easily. Some people have  needed  to  do  to  protect  the
            up action to remove residents  lived here 10 years, plus,″ he  lives of North Miami Beach
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