Page 22 - AAA JUNE 16 2015
P. 22
LOCALTuesday 16 June 2015
Tonight at Cas di Cultura:
Nuevo Mundo Festival 2015 Closes With Chamber Orchestra Concert!
ORANJESTAD - After seven different student of Musical >Jean-Christophe Do- String Orchestra. nowned musicians
superb free concerts in the Direction. The name of the >Jorge Montilla, (Venezu- Admission to the Gala Con-
small theatre of Cas di Cul- students will remain a sur- brzelewski, (Poland/Cos- ela) Clarinet. cert will be minimal; Afls 35
tura, tonight at 8 PM Nuevo prise till the last moment. 4. Saint Saens – Introduc- for adults and Afls 25 for
Mundo Festival & Acad- The program is as follows: taRica) Trompet tion and Rondo Capriccio- students. We trust that the
emy will close its 2015 Fes- 1. Johann Baptist Georg so in A minor, Op. 28 (1863). Aruban classical music lov-
tival with a Gala Concert Neruda – Concerto in E- 2. Edino Krieger – “Brasili- >Dmitri Berlinsky, (Russia) ers will take advantage of
by its Chamber Orchestra flat Major for trumpet and (Violin). this unique opportunity.
consisting of over 30 mas- strings. ana” All four soloists are world re- q
ters and students. The last
time a larger orchestra ap- >Richard Young, (USA) Vi-
peared in Cas di Cultura
was 56 years ago, in 1959, ola.
when the world renowned
National Symphony Or- 3. Julio Racine – Concer-
chestra of Washington, DC
visited our island. tino for Bb Clarinet and
Attached picture shows
the Chamber Orchestra of
the 2011 Festival, taken in
the Central Bank of Ven-
ezuela theatre in Maraca-
ibo. The violinist wearing a
frock coat is Simon Gollo,
founder and Director of
Nuevo Mundo Festival &
For the closing concert
NMFA has prepared a four
part program and each
part will be directed by a