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a8    local
                    Friday 2 February 2024

            Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!

                                                                                                   have  responded  and  can  not  even  imagine.  As  the
                                                                                                   respond  to  fluctuating  sea  scientists  themselves  have
                                                                                                   levels or extreme weather,  pointed out, these fossilized
                                                                                                   like  hurricanes  and  tsuna-  reefs on the windward side
                                                                                                   mis.                         are truly an incredible and
                                                                                                                                rare  remnant  of  geologi-
                                                                                                   Through  underwater  and  cal history, as they provide
                                                                                                   land  surveillance,  and  3D  a clear view of how these
                                                                                                   models  of  the  reefs,  they  reefs have formed.
                                                                                                   were able to narrow down
                                                                                                   when    these   formations  This  research  is  also  im-
                                                                                                   started to take place. They  portant  for  the  future  of
                                                                                                   were also able to track the  coral  reefs  on  the  island.
                                                                                                   fluctuation  of  sea  levels  By  studying  rising  sea  lev-
                                                                                                   during the past hundred or  els and climate impact on
                                                                                                   even  thousands  of  years,  these  coral  reefs,  we  are
                                                                                                   and  the  effects  that  this  able to take concrete ac-
                                                                                                   fluctuation has had on the  tion in protecting and pre-
            (Oranjestad)—If     you’ve  and     changes    can   be  Prof.  dr.  Gianfranco  Scic-  coral reefs of the windward  serving our coral reefs. So, if
            been to the northern coast  traced back to the last gla-  chitano, from the University  side of Aruba.              you are ever visiting one of
            of  Aruba  already,  you’ve  cial period.                 of Bari Aldo Moro, present-                               the bocas or driving along
            probably  noticed  how  the                               ed their research on these  These findings can certainly  the northern part of the is-
            ground differs entirely from  On  May  30  2023,  geosci-  fossilized coral reefs at the  put things into perspective.  land,  please  be  conscious
            the sandy beaches on the  entists,  Dr.  Patrick  Boyden  University  of  Aruba.  Their  The  ground  on  which  we  to help protect our natural
            southern part of the island.  from  the  Marum  research  focus  for  their  research  in-  have  walked  many  times  historical remnant. Oh, and
            These  hard  surfaces,  with  faculty  at  the  University  of  cluded studying the health  in  the  northern  part  of  the  wear  (coral-friendly)  sun-
            sharp  bumps  and  holes  Bremen,  Prof.  dr.  Alessio  and  formation  patterns  of  island hold such rich history,  screen! q
            are actually fossilized coral  Rovere  from  the  Ca'  Fosc-  these  coral  reefs,  and  to  history  that  dates  back  to
            reefs,  of  which  its  growth  ari University of Venice and  investigate how these reefs  a time that most of us can-

            PSA from the Arikok National Park:

            How to behave when you see a “lora”

            (Oranjestad)— The conser-    Please  refrain  from  inter-  are kept inside of your yard
            vation of the Yellow-Shoul-  fering  with  the  “Lora”.  The  or are kept on a leash when
            dered Amazon, also known  Lora  is  a  highly  intelligent  going out for a walk.
            as the 'Lora,' relies on how  and  social  animal,  per-
            we  act  as  humans.  We've  haps  slightly  too  friendly  Do  not  feed  them  food  or
            seen  many  hikers  who've  because they have gotten  water
            encountered  the  'Lora'  in  used to the rangers as they  You  may  think  that  giving
            our  protected  nature  ar-  prepared  for  their  reintro-  the  any  food  or  water  is
            eas  and  we  can  certainly  duction.  However,  it  is  our  doing a good deed, but it
            imagine  the  pride  and  joy  collective   responsability  actually  does  not  contrib-
            it  brings  to  any  Aruban.  to help them adapt to the  ute  to  them  developing
            However,  not  everyone  wild  once  again.  Please  survival skills in the wild. By
            may know how to behave  play your part by not inter-      interfering  with  the  survival
            when  encountering  these  fering  (calling,  provoking  instincts of wild animals, we
            clever and social birds. This  etc.)  with  the  Lora.  Simply  are  doing  the  opposite  of
            guide is here to explain the  enjoy  their  beauty  from  a  helping.  Therefore,  please
            behaviors that will most ef-  safe distance.              do not attempt to give the
            fectively  help  us  in  our  ef-                         Loras food or water.
            forts to conserve the 'Lora.'  Be  respectful  and  keep
            Please,  don't  just  read  but  cats and dogs away       Capturing a Lora is against
            also follow these guidelines  Pets  and  strays  such  as  the law!
            so  we  can  ensure  the  sur-  cats  and  dogs  are  prone  The  biggest  threat  to  the
            vival  of  these  birds  for  fu-  to attacking other animals,  Lora  before  their  extinc-  Lora. Let’s work collectively  beauty  from  a  distance
            ture generations.            especially  birds,  as  part  tion in 1947 was caused by  to  prevent  this  from  hap-  and  admire  them  as  they
                                         of  their  natural  instincts.  human  activities  including  pening again. So when you  flourish in the wild. q
            No interfering, please       Please make sure your pets  poaching and killing of the  see  the  Lora,  enjoy  their
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