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A30     world news
                        Diahuebs 6 Mei 2021

                                     UK grants EU ambassador full diplomatic status

            LONDON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                                not least over Northern Ire-
            U.K. has granted full dip-                                                                                          land, which is the only land
            lomatic  status  to  the  Eu-                                                                                       border between the two.
            ropean  Union's  ambassa-
            dor to the country, in a re-                                                                                        The  change  of  course  came
            versal of policy that settles                                                                                       during a discussion between
            one  of  the  disputes  that                                                                                        Raab and Borrell on the mar-
            have strained relations be-                                                                                         gins  of  the  Group  of  Seven
            tween the two sides since                                                                                           meeting of foreign ministers
            Brexit.                                                                                                             in London.

            In a joint statement Wednes-                                                                                        They also discussed coopera-
            day, British Foreign Secretary                                                                                      tion  on  foreign  and  security
            Dominic Raab and the EU's                                                                                           policy  and  ways  of  stepping
            top  diplomat,  Josep  Bor-                                                                                         up  joint  work  on  climate
            rell, said they had reached an                                                                                      change  ahead  of  this  year's
            agreement that was "based on                                                                                        United  Nations  Climate
            goodwill and pragmatism."                                                                                           Change  Conference  in  the
                                                                                                                                Scottish city of Glasgow.
            Under  the  so-called  Estab-
            lishment  Agreement  for  the                                                                                       They  also  discussed  efforts
            EU  Delegation  to  the  U.K.,                                                                                      to kickstart peace talks in Cy-
            the EU's ambassador to Lon-                                                                                         prus  and  stressed  the  need
            don  will  now  have  a  status                                                                                     to build momentum for the
            consistent  with  those  from                                                                                       next  meeting  of  Greek  Cy-
            states around the world. The  soured  relations  since  the  EU is not a state even though  as many concessions as pos-  priots  and  Turkish  Cypriots
            EU's staff will also have the  U.K.  left  the  EU  in  early  other countries give it equiv-  sible  from  the  EU  during  after  their  failure  last  week
            same  privileges  and  immu-  2020.  The  U.K.  had  sought  alent credentials.        their  post-Brexit  discussions  to make headway in the lat-
            nities  that  other  delegations  to  justify  its  decision  not  to                  last  year.  Though  a  trade  est U.N.-sponsored effort on
            have in the U.K.             grant  full  diplomatic  status  Many  thought  the  U.K.'s  deal  was  eventually  sealed  the future of their ethnically
                                         to João Vale de Almeida, the  stance  was  petty  and  aimed  on Christmas Eve, there are  divided island.
            The  changes  bring  an  end  bloc's  first  ambassador  to  purely at helping Prime Min-  many  lingering  tensions  be-
            to one of the rows that have  London, on the grounds the  ister  Boris  Johnson  to  draw  tween the U.K. and the EU,

                                  Germany, WHO set up global health monitor center

            GENEVA — Germany and  tor risks and help drive inno-      systems  for  pandemic  and
            the World Health Organi-     vations.                     epidemic intelligence."
            zation say the country will
            set  up  and  host  a  global  "The  current  COVID-19  The hub, which will receive
            monitoring     center    to  pandemic has taught us that  about  30  million  euros  ($36
            help prepare for and pre-    we can only fight pandemics  million)  from  Germany  and
            vent  future  public  health  and epidemics together," said  seek  funds  elsewhere,  will
            threats like the COVID-19  German  Chancellor  Angela  build on existing monitoring
            pandemic.                    Merkel,  saying  the  hub  will  mechanisms  at  WHO  and
                                         bring together governmental,  elsewhere. Those include the
            The  "global  hub  for  pan-  academic and private sectors.  Global  Outbreak  Alert  and
            demic  and  epidemic  intel-                              Response  Network  and  the
            ligence"  based  in  Berlin  was  WHO   Director-General  Epidemic  Intelligence  from
            announced  Wednesday  and  Tedros Adhanom Ghebreye-       Open Sources system.
            will be coordinated by WHO.  sus  says  the  pandemic  has
            It aims to collect data, moni-  "exposed  gaps  in  the  global

                                    Canada OKs Pfizer vaccine for ages 12 and older

                                                                                              TORONTO  —  Canada's  Preliminary  results  in  late
                                                                                              health  regulator  has  autho-  March  from  a  Pfizer  study  of
                                                                                              rized  Pfizer's  COVID-19  2,260 U.S. volunteers ages 12 to
                                                                                              vaccine for ages 12 and older.  15 indicated there were no cases
                                                                                                                             of COVID-19 among fully vac-
                                                                                              Dr. Supriya Sharma, chief med-  cinated  adolescents  compared
                                                                                              ical  adviser  at  Health  Canada,  with  18  among  those  given
                                                                                              on  Wednesday  confirmed  the  dummy shots.
                                                                                              approval of the vaccine for ages
                                                                                              12 to 15.                      The  Pfizer  vaccine  was  previ-
                                                                                                                             ously authorized for anyone 16
                                                                                              The  U.S.  Food  and  Drug  Ad-  or older.
                                                                                              ministration also is expected to
                                                                                              authorize  Pfizer's  vaccine  for  Vaccinations  have  ramped  in
                                                                                              the young by next week, setting  Canada,  which  expects  to  re-
                                                                                              up  shots  for  many  before  the  ceive at least 10 million vaccines
                                                                                              beginning  of  the  next  school  this month. More than 34% of
                                                                                              year.                          Canadians have received at least
                                                                                                                             one dose.
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