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Diaranson, 10 Maart 2021 AWEMainta 19
Prijs di gasoline a subi cu 32 cent
compara cu e prijs na comienso di aña
Juan 11:25: Jesus a bis’e “Amita e resurecciony e bida; “Then sings my soul,
esuncukere den Mi, lo biba, maske e muri”. my Saviour God, To Thee,
How Great Thou art, How Great Thou art”
Cu hopi tristesana nos curason, pero agradecidoy
conforme cuboluntad di Dios, nos ta anuncia cu a bai
laga nos den braza di Señor: For di aña pasa caba por a ripara cu e prijsnan
di producto petrolero a keda subi. Entrante awe
10 di maart 2021, Minister di Finanza, Asunto
Economico y Cultura ta anuncia e prijsnan nobo
di benta di combustibel. For di comienso di aña
pa awor, esaki a subi cu 32 cent.
Ivan Rupert Renfrum
*22-08-1933 - †03-03-2021 Prijs di producto petrolero entrante awe 10 di
Sr. Andres Theodoro Weller maart:
Cariñosamente yama“Padu” of “Dede di Dada di Didi di Doy” Wife: Gasoline unleaded-premium: 208,8 cen p/ltr. (+
*10november 1939 - †03 maart 2021 †Susanna Renfrum-Williams 12,5 cen): Diesel LS:: 170,9 cen p/ltr. (+ 12,3
Nanomber di su cen): Kerosin: 151,4 cen p/ltr. (+ 10.4 cen). E
Querida Esposa: Ina Weller - Di Vecchia. Children:
Yuinan: †Melvina Weller. Deborah Renfrum, Irma Renfrum, Brenda Lubbers- prijsnan ta inclui BBO/BAZV/BAVP
Joselito Weller & Martha Lucia Zapata - Montoya. Renfrum, Stella Martes-Renfrum, Glen Renfrum, Ingrid
Natalie & Anthony Koolman - Weller.
Renfrum Locual ta prijs di gasoline, esey a subi hopi mas.
Nietonan: Zayne Koolman & Francys Gomez.
Arran Koolman. Son-in-Law: Ora aña a habri e prijs tabaya Afl. 1.76 (7) pa
Nathan Koolman. Bruce Da Costa,Marciano Croes, Jan Lubbers, Gilbert liter y awo eta Afl. 2,08 (8) pa liter, cual ta nifica
Martes, Ron Spaans, Hans Somers.
Stimamescoscu su nieto:Gerroy Michelle Koolman- Gesterkamp y yiu. un aumento di 32 cen pa liter. Esaki t’e di tres
Su Mayornan: †Jose Trinidad y †Marianita Weller-Geerman. Daughter-in-Law biaha caba p’e aña aki cu e prijs di gasoline a
Joan Renfrum-Raven
Rumannan: subi. E prome tabata dia 13 di januari y e di dos
Antonia Weller yfamia. Grandchildren: tabata riba 9 di februari.
Cecilia y†Simplicio Boekhouwer-Weller y famia. Urbanie&MarreztaRenfrum, Amy Da Costa–Balo Wilson,
JulianyMilda Weller-Dijkho y famia.
Margo y†Eddy Ruiz-Weller y famia. Nathalie Da Costa, Gary Da Costa,
Filomena y†OiFigaroa-Weller y famia. Sally & Arshad Warner, Roxane Lubbers-CesiSavut,
Theresita yJossyLacle-Weller y famia. Stephanie Lubbers, Anthony Lubbers,
Francisca y Jani Tromp-Weller y famia. Michael Lubbers, Melissa Frietman, Glenda Friedman, La
Anastaciay Antonio Rivera-Weller y famia. Belle & Aaron Howell, Dailey Renfrum -
Frenk Weller y famia.
Rommyy Rosa Weller-Tromp y famia. LitienneLacle, Gregory Spaans,Sergio Spaans, Georgina
Jolanday Albert Lampe-Weller y famia. Spaans - CharelDors, Barbara &Jhonerick Stuart
MaikyyNancie Weller-Le Blanc y famia.
Roland y Olga Weller-Jimenez y famia. Great-Grandchildren:
Edwin Weller.
†Marieta Weller. Anisa Götze, Shawn Götze, Ashwan Edwards, Latysha
Wilson, Hailley Da Costa,Imani Da Costa, Chris Savut,
Suegro y Suegra: †Dominico y†Maria Di Vecchia- Tromp. Tristan Savut, Delano, Djenairo, Daneisha, Shifanya,
Yoënna, Ronami, Bella Howell, J’Ronn Howell,Julia
Swa-yCuñanan: †Eufemia y†Guillermo Arends - Di Vecchia y famia. Spaans, CataleyaSlenders, Emma Spaans, Mila Stuart The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Eugenio y†Luisa Di Vecchia - Oduber y famia. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth
†Tony Di Vecchia y famia.
Canicioy Nini Di Vecchia – Dijkho y famia. Nephews & Nieces to numerous to mention me beside the still waters.
Ika y †Juan Martijn - Di Vecchia y famia. Sister-in-Law: He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of
Maud Williams, Minerva & Winston Salomon righteousness for his name's sake.
Subrino- ySubrinanan: Francis,Karel, Magaly, Siegfrid, Rudolf, †Arturo,
Swinda, Haime, Jenny, Elvis, Zulaika, Gerald,Angeline, Mervelin, Edrick,
Alice, Astrid, Vivian, Gregory, Ivan, Gillian, Shareena, Gino, Sharline, Best friend:
Julienne, Marcelino, David, Elton, Edsel, Edson, Bjorn, Juliette, Rachell, Jesus Koeiman& family With deep sorrow we announce the passing of our
KendickGuillermito, Marieta, Esther, Roland, Edgar, Robbio, Giovanni, beloved:
Eveline, Elton, Robert, Rebecca, Aaron, Mireilla, Julaiska.
Primo-yPrimanan, amigo-&amiganan, bisiñanan, tur su ex colega- Dr. Sneek, Liliana, Tamieka, Wit Gele Kruis.
&trahadornany tur su conosirnan,
Consuegro y Consuegra: Related to:
†Armando y†melda Koolman-Schwengle. Arrindell, Gumbs, Thomas,Williams
Most special all the other families, friends &Reina
Dokter di cas:Gerrit Croes.
Su bon amigo d.f.m.: G.F. “Betico” Croes. Toppenberg& family. Pastor GilbertMartes (Iglesia
Demas famianan:Weller,Di Vecchia, Zapata-Montoya, Koolman, Emmanuel).
Schwengle, Gomez, Geerman, Gersterkamp, Boekhoudt, Tromp,
Boekhouwer, Dijkho , Ruiz, Figaroa, Lacle, Rivera, Lampe, Jimenez, The thanksgiving service which will take place on
LeBlanc, Paskel, Croes, Fingal, Solognier, Martijn, Arends, Oduber, Posner.
Wednesday March 10, 2021 - leaving “Iglesia Emmanuel” Guillermo Roberto Pantophlet
Nos ta pidi disculpa si nos lo por a lubida un of otro famia den nos Grenadaweg 12C in Dakota to the SabanaBasora
tristesa. cemetery in Pos Chiquito. better known as “J.J”
The late Mr. Ivan Renfrum will be laid at 2pm-4pm at *22-09-1953 †06-03-2021
Acto di condolencia y entiero lo tuma lugar diaranson 10 di Maart 2021 Iglesia Emmanuel. The funeral will take place Saturday march 13th at Pray
na Aurora Funeral Home na Cumana. For di 09:00 pa 11:00 di mainta. If we in this time of sorrow we may have forgotten to Funeral Home in San Nicolaas starting at 9am until
Acto di cremashon lo tuma lugar den seno familiar. Despues di 11am, then we will form a procession to the central
cremashon lo no ricibibishita di condolencia nacas. mention any other family, we sincerely apologize.
We regret that after the funeral we cannot receive cemetery in Sabana Basora where we will lay “J.J” down
Pamotibo di e situacion actual di Covid-19, ta pidi pamantene condolences at home. to rest
estrictamente na e reglanan di DVG.