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                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 28 deceMber 2020

            Urgent Care Aruba communicates:

            Book your remote pre-travel COVID-19 PCR

            Test on

            NOORD  —  Urgent  Care  72 hours prior to boarding.  How  to  book  your  remote
            Aruba (UCA) offers the pos-  The website offers informa-  testing appointment
            sibility  to  schedule  remote  tion  and  link  to  bookings,  It  is  possible  to  book  your
            Pre-travel  COVID-19  PCR  price,  results,  testing  loca-  appointment  via
            Testing  (on  location).  This  tion,  payment  methods,  or  you  can
            test  is  available  for  both  frequently asked questions  request  assistance  from   in advance.
            locals  and  island  visitors  and more.                  your  Front  Desk  Agent  to
            needing to conduct the test                               schedule the appointment     What does the remote test-
                                                                                                   ing entails?
                                                                                                   On  the  day  of  appoint-
                Happy 25th Aruba Today anniversary to our great editor Richard Brooks. We are      ment, our lab personnel will  Test results is accepted by
                proud of you and happy to have you in the team. Congratulations Richard!           come  to  you  to  conduct  government  entities  and
                                                                                                   the  Pre-travel  COVID-19  airlines.  You  can  pay  with
                                                                          Aruba Today Team         PCR  test.  Our  personnel  cash, credit/ debit card af-
                                                                                                   comply with safety PPE pro-  ter completing the test. It is
                                                                                                   tocols  upon  visit.  The  ad-  important  to  mention  that
                                                                                                   vantage of scheduling the  the  Pre-Travel  COVID-19
                                                                                                   appointment in advance is  PCR Testing is not covered
                                                                                                   that the service is free. For  by the Aruba Visitor’s Insur-
                                                                                                   last  minute  same  day  re-  ance.
                                                                                                   mote testing we charge a  We  also  accept  walk-ins
                                                                                                   coverage fee of $50.         at  our  testing  location  in
                                                                                                   During  the  holidays:  Con-  Noord  Medical  Center,
                                                                                                   duct the test before 9:30am  Noord 63.
                                                                                                   for same day results.
                                                                                                                                For  more  information  con-
                                                                                                   Price  for  the  COVID-19  tact  us  at  +297  5860448,
                                                                                                   PCR test is $126 and results  +297  5975549,  or  at  info@
                                                                                                   are   sent   electronically.
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