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U.S. NEWS Thursday 30 November 2017
FRI/SAT DECEMBER 1 & 2 | 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Culinary Secrets by Hadicurari is the name of an adventurous trip which will delight the palate.
Chef Ronald van Hasenbroek will present you a scrumptious 4-course creative, plant-based dinner.
San Francisco pushes forward with legal marijuana sales
By JANIE HAR tions required for growers
Associated Press and retailers to get a state
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — permit. California voters
San Francisco leaders have approved legalizing recre-
overcome deep divisions ational marijuana in 2016.
about how to regulate le- A well-organized group of
gal recreational marijua- Chinese immigrants strong-
na in the densely packed ly opposed to marijuana
city, approving pot-friendly had lobbied supervisors
rules that could allow sales for larger buffer zones and
to start the first week of neighborhood prohibitions
January. that pot advocates said
The San Francisco Board would strangle the industry.
of Supervisors late Tuesday San Francisco will not be
adopted regulations fa- ready for sales New Year’s
vored by marijuana advo- Day, but if Mayor Ed Lee
cates, rejecting attempts approves the rules quickly,
to mandate a larger barrier the city could be open for
between schools and pot business at midnight Jan.
shops as well as provisions 5, said John Cote, spokes-
allowing neighborhoods to man for the city attorney’s
limit the number of dispen- office. Stores that now sell
saries or ban them outright. medical marijuana can
The rules also could help start selling to adults that In this Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2017 photo, cultivator Carla Selvin rallies outside City Hall to tout the
benefits of marijuana and urge supervisors to pass pot-friendly regulations in San Francisco.
residents — largely African- day. Following weeks of emotional and detailed debate over where to allow new stores, San Francisco
Americans and Latinos For that to happen, Lee supervisors approved regulations for the sale of recreational marijuana when it becomes legal in
— who have been dispro- would need to sign the California in January.
portionately affected by legislation Dec. 5 after the (AP Photo/Janie Har)
marijuana-related arrests board votes on it a second comment. and schools, rejecting at- 1,000-foot (305-meter) bar-
and convictions. time. The board approved a tempts by Supervisor Katy rier. She also wanted the
Pot advocate Patricia Bar- His office did not immedi- 600-foot (180-meter) buffer Tang, who represents a barrier to apply to child
raza rallied before Tues- ately return a request for zone between pot shops heavily Asian district, for a care centers.q
day’s meeting, calling for
supervisors to quickly ap- Union:
prove rules allowing small
marijuana businesses to Many AA flights in December lack scheduled pilots
start preparing for sales
that become legal in Cali-
fornia on Jan. 1. She said By DAVID KOENIG but the pilots’ union says for example — even when The union has lodged a pro-
weed could be a major AP Airlines Writer that about 15,000 flights there were no other pilots test against the company’s
economic driver, particu- DALLAS (AP) — A schedul- were scheduled without a available for that flight. Nor- plan to fix the mistake by
larly for people finding it ing glitch has left American captain, a co-pilot or both. mally such a request would tapping reserve or on-call
hard to stay in pricey San Airlines scrambling to find American, the world’s big- be denied, especially dur- pilots and offering over-
Francisco. pilots to operate thousands gest airline, has about ing busy travel periods. time pay for some of the
“Your family can live in this of flights over the busy 15,000 active pilots and The pilots’ union estimated unstaffed flights. The union
city and thrive in this city by Christmas holiday period. expects to operate more that when the problem was says American is violating
having your own business, A spokesman for the air- than 200,000 flights in De- discovered late last week, its labor contract by impos-
it just happens that can- line said Wednesday that cember. about 19,000 cockpit seats ing a solution without union
nabis is the way to do that American expects to avoid Pilots bid each month for were left empty. input, and is improperly re-
right now,” she said. canceling flights by paying flying assignments based “This is a potential crisis that stricting premium pay.
It had been surprisingly dif- overtime and using reserve on seniority. The schedul- we see well in advance,” American officials “expect
ficult for the pot-friendly pilots. ing glitch let pilots drop said Dennis Tajer, a spokes- to avoid cancellations this
city to adopt local regula- American isn’t saying how scheduled flights — to take man for the union. “This is holiday season,” said airline
many flights are affected, a vacation over Christmas, very unusual.” spokesman Matt Miller. q