P. 20
Wednesday 21 June 2017
Welcoming Baby - By: Dr. Carlos Viana
Planning or expecting the Statistics. The U.S. ranks be- up delivery by pulling the choosing a painful birth.
birth of a child is a joyful low 20 other developed baby out of the birth canal Expectant mothers need to
time. The decisions ex- countries in rates of mater- or twist the baby’s head in be educated that they are
pectant the mother makes nal death. the right position for deliv- in control of every aspect
during this time of change Medical experts in the ery. of their birth experience,
directly affects their baby. United States say increas- Unfortunately, a number from a healthy pregnancy
Wanting the safest pos- ing maternal obesity and a of injuries to both mother to labor and afterbirth and
sible experience, friends jump in Caesarean opera- and baby can result from even the degree of dis-
and family are allowed tions are partly to blame. the use of forceps and comfort they do or do not
to influence the mother’s That makes a lot of sense; vacuum extractors, many feel. By trusting your body’s
decisions, usually advis- since women in the United of them serious and some innate ability to birth your help couples conceive
ing a hospital delivery. This States are electing to have fatal. In fact the baby can baby, you too can be a and with many issues that
sounds reasonable until we Caesarean operations or suffer from torn nerves, torn woman giving birth natu- arise during the pregnan-
look at the facts. C- sections at the same cartridge in the knees and rally. Many women do not cy.
The Dutch influence is in- rate Dutch women have elbows and traction injuries know that they can choose Get The Point! Many devel-
grained in our Aruban cul- their children at home. The which are nerve injuries re- natural childbirth after hav- oping countries like Brazil
ture in many aspects ex- facts speak for themselves, sulting from trauma to the ing a previous child by C – and Costa Rica are redis-
cept child birth practices. the chances of a woman neck and shoulder. The section. covering the benefits of
The Netherlands leads dying is 3.6 times higher primary symptom is burn- Midwifes specialize in help- home births with the help
Western countries with after a C- section than af- ing pain radiating down ing women prepare for of a midwife and natural
30% planned home births. ter a vaginal delivery. C- the upper arm. The pain is and birth their child natu- health practitioners. We
Dutch women have been section operations have sometimes accompanied rally. In the unlikely event need to reeducate our-
well informed through pro- significantly increased risk by numbness, or a skin sen- that a problem might pres- selves about what’s “old”.
gressive sexual education of maternal death from sation, such as burning, ent; they work closely with After all, acupuncture that
and public health leaflets complications of anesthe- prickling, itching, or tingling, doctors and are trained in helps many people ev-
giving a widely accepted sia, childbirth infection, with no apparent physical emergency procedures to eryday is more than five
list of positive reasons for and bleeding. Compared cause or weakness. get you to the hospital safe- thousand years old. Natu-
home birth and informed with natural vaginal deliv- What happened to the ly. Meanwhile, acupunc- ral childbirth is even older.
choice of place of birth. ery, cesarean delivery is natural way? Modern ture treatments have many Call to make an appoint-
Meanwhile, the Nether- associated with increased health concerns prior to benefits for the expectant ment to learn more on how
lands has one of the lowest risks of endometritis, the and during pregnancy, in- mother. One of the reasons to naturally welcome your
rates in the world of women need for blood transfusion cluding obesity, stress and a C-section may be recom- healthy new baby.q
who die in or as a result of because of bleeding, and others need to be brought mended is the baby is side- CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is
childbirth. pneumonia. Recovery usu- under control to ensure the ways or not in a safe posi- an Oriental Medical Doc-
Worldwide, a woman dies ally takes much longer for safest, healthiest childbirth. tion in the belly to be born tor (O.M.D.) having stud-
every minute as a result of a C-section than a vaginal A holistic health plan that naturally. Midwives are ied in China; a US Board
complications arising dur- birth. Also, C-section is usu- includes scientific tests and trained to manually turn the Cert. Clinical Nutritionist
ing pregnancy, childbirth ally more expensive than a monitoring can increase baby and specialized acu- (C.C.N.), an Addiction Pro-
or immediately thereafter. vaginal birth. your chances of delivering puncture techniques have fessional (C.Ad.), Chairper-
The United Nations pre- The expectant mother and naturally without compli- shown to work amazingly son of the Latin American
sented goals that mater- partner’s desire for a safer cations. A certified clinical well turning breech babies Committee of the Interna-
nal mortality should be birthing experience may nutritionist can evaluate in several hospital trails. tional Academy of Oral
reduced by 75% by 2015 be misguided by insisting in and prepare an optimum Acupuncture can be used Medicine and Toxicology
compared with 1990 fig- a hospital birth where more plan for mother and baby. successfully for nausea that (IAOMT), a Rejuvenating
ures. This UN goal might be problems can develop. Pregnant women should affects 75% of pregnant Cell Therapist specializing
a problem for the United Women in labor too long always use professional ad- women, with no harmful in Age Management, has
States, whose new gov- in the hospital often have vice when considering us- side-effects to the baby. a weekly radio program,
ernment figures show U.S. an operative delivery by ing any medications, sup- Later on in the pregnancy, writes and lectures exten-
women are dying from an obstetrician. An obstet- plements or treatments. acupuncture can aid in sively. For information:
childbirth at the highest ric procedure many times Another reason woman are calming the baby and help VIANA HEALING CENTER,
rate in decades according includes a vacuum extrac- afraid of natural childbirth with mother’s back pain. Kibaima 7, St Cruz TEL: 585-
to statistics released by the tor or forceps that look like is pain. Choosing a natu- Additionally, acupuncture 1270 Web Site: www.viana-
National Center for Health long thongs used to speed ral birth does not mean and oriental medicine can