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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Monday 23 october 2017

            FBI couldn’t access nearly 7K devices because of encryption

             By MICHAEL BALSAMO                                                                                                 being  unable  to  unlock
             Associated Press                                                                                                   and   recover    evidence
             PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  The                                                                                         from cellphones and other
             FBI hasn’t been able to re-                                                                                        devices  seized  from  sus-
             trieve data from more than                                                                                         pects  even  if  they  have  a
             half of the mobile devices it                                                                                      warrant,  while  technology
             tried to access in less than                                                                                       companies  have  insisted
             a  year,  FBI  Director  Chris-                                                                                    they must protect custom-
             topher  Wray  said  Sunday,                                                                                        ers’ digital privacy.
             turning  up  the  heat  on  a                                                                                      The  long-simmering  de-
             debate  between  technol-                                                                                          bate  was  on  display  in
             ogy  companies  and  law                                                                                           2016, when the Justice De-
             enforcement officials trying                                                                                       partment tried to force Ap-
             to recover encrypted com-                                                                                          ple to unlock an encrypted
             munications.                                                                                                       cellphone  used  by  a  gun-
             In the first 11 months of the                                                                                      man in a terrorist attack in
             fiscal  year,  federal  agents                                                                                     San  Bernardino,  California.
             were unable to access the                                                                                          The department eventually
             content of more than 6,900                                                                                         relented after the FBI said it
             mobile  devices,  Wray  said                                                                                       paid  an  unidentified  ven-
             in a speech at the Interna-                                                                                        dor who provided a tool to
             tional Association of Chiefs                                                                                       unlock  the  phone  and  no
             of  Police  conference  in                                                                                         longer needed Apple’s as-
             Philadelphia.               FBI Director Christopher Wray speaks at the International Association of Chiefs of Police annual   sistance,  avoiding  a  court
             “To  put  it  mildly,  this  is  a   conference Sunday, Oct. 22, 2017, in Philadelphia. Wray said federal agents haven’t been able to   showdown.
             huge,   huge    problem,”   retrieve data from more than half of the mobile devices they’ve tried to access in a year.   The  Justice  Department
                                                                                                    (AP Photo/Michael Balsamo)  under  President  Donald
                                                                                                   Wray  said.  “It  impacts  in-  Trump has suggested it will
                                                                                                   vestigations   across   the  be  aggressive  in  seeking
                                                                                                   board — narcotics, human  access to encrypted infor-
                                                                                                   trafficking,   counterterror-  mation  from  technology
                                                                                                   ism,   counterintelligence,  companies.
                                                                                                   gangs,  organized  crime,  But  in  a  recent  speech,
                                                                                                   child exploitation.”         Deputy  Attorney  General
                                                                                                   The  FBI  and  other  law  en-  Rod  Rosenstein  stopped
                                                                                                   forcement  officials  have  short of saying exactly what
                                                                                                   long  complained  about  action it might take. q

                                                                                                   White House must name a

                                                                                                   Puerto Rico recovery chief

                                                                                                   NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Sen.  response to Hurricane Ma-
                                                                                                   Charles  Schumer  is  urging  ria has been mismanaged.
                                                                                                   the White House to appoint  At  least  49  people  have
                                                                                                   a chief executive in charge  been killed since Maria hit
                                                                                                   of  helping  Puerto  Rico  re-  Puerto  Rico  on  Sept.  20
                                                                                                   cover from the devastating  and  thousands  have  lost
                                                                                                   effects of Hurricane Maria.  their  homes.  Trump  gave
                                                                                                   The  New  York  Democrat  himself a “10” on Thursday
                                                                                                   said Sunday that the “chief  for  his  administration’s  re-
                                                                                                   executive of response and  sponse to Puerto Rico.
                                                                                                   recovery”  would  have  a  But  Schumer  said  that  80
                                                                                                   direct  line  to  Republican  percent  of  Puerto  Ricans
                                                                                                   President  Donald  Trump  still  lack  electricity.  He
                                                                                                   and  other  federal  and  said “this is just unconscio-
                                                                                                   Puerto Rican officials.      nable  and  demands  new
                                                                                                   Schumer  said  the  federal  action.”q
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