P. 11

A4   U.S. NEWS
               Monday 18 deceMber 2017

            Jones: Don’t expect him to always side with Senate Democrats

            By HOPE YEN
             Associated Press
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Dem-
            ocrat  Doug  Jones,  who
            won  election  to  the  Sen-
            ate from staunchly Repub-
            lican  Alabama,  insisted  to
            both  parties  in  politically
            divided  Washington  Sun-
            day that he’ll leave “all the
            options on the table” when
            it  comes  to  his  votes  next
            year  on  issues  from  immi-
            gration to infrastructure.
            “I’m  going  to  consider
            anything,”  said  Jones,  ex-
            plaining  that  he  doesn’t
            plan  on  labeling  himself  a
            progressive  or  a  conserva-
            tive Democrat but a “Doug
            Jones Democrat.”
            In an early sign, Jones reiter-
            ated that he would oppose
            spending  money  to  build
            a  wall  on  the  U.S.-Mexico
            border,  as  President  Don-
            ald Trump insists upon, and
            expressed  concern  that  a
            sweeping GOP tax cut pro-
            posal that was on track for
            approval this week was be-   In this photo taken Wednesday, Dec, 13, 2017, Democrat Doug Jones speaks during an interview with the Associated Press, in
                                         Birmingham, Ala.
            ing  “plopped  into  a  vote                                                                                                    Associated Press
            too  quickly.”  At  the  same
            time,  Jones  said  people  liberal  Democrats.  Trump  Alabama  in  the  Senate  in  as  some  Democrats  are  would  likely  involve  ques-
            should  not  “expect  me  to  has  also  urged  Moore  to  a  quarter-century.  He  was  calling for.               tions  of  a  pathway  to  citi-
            vote solidly for Republicans  concede the race.           lifted  by  African-American  But  siding  with  congres-  zenship  for  immigrants  liv-
            or Democrats.”               “We hope that frankly Doug  voters,  independents  and  sional  Democrats,  Jones  ing  here  illegally,  he  said:
            The 63-year-old former U.S.  Jones  will  help  us  change  moderate     Republicans  made  clear  he  wants  to  “I think it’s going to be very
            attorney  made  clear  he’s  the  climate  here  in  Wash-  who  turned  out  to  reject  help  devise  safeguards  for  complicated.  ...I’m  not  as
            ready  to  move  forward  ington,”  Short  said.  Dur-    Moore,  who  faced  newly  immigrants  brought  to  the  sure  it’s  as  important  as
            even  though  his  Republi-  ing  the  campaign,  Trump  raised allegations of sexual  country illegally as children,  health care and some oth-
            can opponent in last Tues-   chastised Jones as a liberal  misconduct involving teen-  but  without  funding  for  a  er things right now.”
            day’s special election, Roy  who would be “terrible” on  age girls decades ago.        border  wall.  The  Obama  He  pointed  to  fixing  roads
            Moore, has yet to concede  crime  and  border security,  Making  his  first  Sunday  administration      program  and  bridges,  a  priority  of
            the  race.  “Alabama  has  and a “puppet” for Senate  talk  show  appearances  which  provided  those  pro-         Trump’s,  as  a  bipartisan  is-
            spoken,”  Jones  said.  “I  will  congressional leaders.  since his win, Jones said he  tections,  the  Deferred  Ac-  sue that could benefit Ala-
            be  ready  to  go  regardless  But  on  Sunday,  Jones  looked forward to meeting  tion  on  Childhood  Arrivals  bama.  “Let’s  get  on  with
            of whether he concedes or  downplayed  Trump’s  ear-      with  Trump  and  believed  program  is  set  to  expire  in  the real issues that are fac-
            not.”                        lier  criticism  as  statements  his  own  mandate  was  to  March.                    ing  people  of  this  country
            Jones’ election will cut the  made  “in  the  heat  of  a  avoid  rigid  partisan  posi-  “I  have  said  before  that  I  right now,” Jones said.
            Republicans’  Senate  ma-    campaign,” and described  tions  in  favor  of  compro-   opposed  the  building  of  Jones  appeared  on  “Fox
            jority  to  51-49,  when  he  the president’s congratula-  mise  and  “getting  things  a wall. I think that’s an ex-  News  Sunday”  and  CNN’s
            takes  office  in  early  Janu-  tory  call  after  the  election  done,” even if meant com-  pense  that  the  taxpayers  “State  of  the  Union.”  Short
            ary.                         as “very gracious.”          ing  across  as  “pure  pie-in-  just  don’t  have  to  incur  was  on  NBC’s  “Meet  the
            White  House  legislative  di-  “I’m  going  to  be  looking  the-sky”  and  sometimes  because  I  do  think  you  Press.”q
            rector  Marc  Short  said  the  at issues on both sides,” he  disappointing  some  of  his  can increase border secu-
            administration  was  eager  said.                         core constituents.           rity without having to go to
            to  see  whether  Jones  will  Jones defeated Moore, by  On  the  one  hand,  Jones  the  incredible  expense  of
            “actually work to represent  20,000 votes, or 1.5 percent,  said  that  he  doesn’t  think  building  that  wall,”  Jones
            the people of Alabama” in  to become the first Demo-      Trump  should  resign  over  said. Referring to a broader
            a bipartisan way or side with  crat  elected  to  represent  sexual  misconduct  claims,  immigration  overhaul  that                /arubatoday/
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