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TECHNOLOGY                      Monday 15 april 2024

            U.S.-China competition to field military drone swarms                                                                            HEALTH

            could fuel global arms race                                                                                            DOCTOR ON DUTY

            By FRANK BAJAK                                                                         of  State  Henry  Kissinger   Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
            AP Technology Writer                                                                   urged Beijing and Washing-   Tel. 527 4000
            As  their  rivalry  intensifies,                                                       ton to work together to dis-       San Nicolas
            U.S.  and  Chinese  military                                                           courage  AI  arms  prolifera-
            planners  are  gearing  up                                                             tion.  They  have  “a  narrow   Imsan 24 hours
                                                                                                                                 Tel.524 8833
            for  a  new  kind  of  warfare                                                         window of opportunity,” he   Women in Difficulties
            in  which  squadrons  of  air                                                          said.                        PHARMACY ON DUTY
            and  sea  drones  equipped                                                             Xi and President Joe Biden
            with  artificial  intelligence                                                         made a verbal agreement      Oranjestad:
            work together like a swarm                                                             in  November  to  set  up    del Pueblo :  Tel.582 1253
                                                                                                                                San Nicolas:
            of  bees  to  overwhelm  an                                                            working groups on AI safe-   San Lucas:Tel. 584 5119
            enemy.                                                                                 ty, but that effort has so far
            The planners envision a sce-                                                           taken  a  back  seat  to  the   OTHER
            nario  in  which  hundreds,                                                            arms race for autonomous     Dental Clinic 587 9850
            even  thousands  of  the                                                               drones.                      Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            machines  engage  in  co-    In this photo from the Defense Visual Information Distribution Ser-  The competition is  not apt   Urgent Care 586 0448
            ordinated  battle.  A  single   vice, British soldiers launch a drone during Project Convergence   to build trust or reduce the   Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
            controller  might  oversee   exercises at Fort Irwin, Calif., on Nov. 4, 2022.         risk of conflict, said William   +297 588 0539
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            dozens  of  drones.  Some                                             Associated Press  Hartung,  a  senior  research   EMERGENCY
            would scout, others attack.  sistent tensions over Taiwan  than  100  cheap  air  and  fellow  at  the  Quincy  Insti-
            Some would be able to piv-   make  the  prospect  of  co-  land drones in late 2021 in  tute  for  Responsible  State-  Police         100
            ot to new objectives in the  operation look dim.          an  urban  warfare  exercise  craft.                      Oranjestad        527 3140
                                                                                                                                                  527 3200
            middle  of  a  mission  based  The  idea  is  not  new.  The  at  an  Army  training  site  at  If  the  U.S.  is  “going  full   Sta. Cruz      527 2900
            on prior programming rath-   United  Nations  has  tried  Fort Campbell, Tennessee.    speed  ahead,  it’s  most    San  Nicolas      584 5000
            er than a direct order.      for  more  than  a  decade  Not  to  be  outdone,  Chi-   likely China will accelerate   Police Tipline      11141
            The  world’s  only  AI  super-  to  advance  drone  non-  na’s  military  claimed  last  whatever  it’s  doing,”  Har-  Ambulancia      911
            powers  are  engaged  in  proliferation  efforts  that  year  that  dozens  of  aerial  tung said.                  Fire Dept.        115
            an arms race for swarming  could  include  limits  such  drones  “self-healed”  after  There’s  a  risk  China  could   Red Cross      582 2219
            drones  that  is  reminiscent  as forbidding the targeting  jamming  cut  their  com-  offer  swarm  technology     TAXI SERVICES
            of  the  Cold  War,  except  of  civilians  or  banning  the  munications.  An  official  to  U.S.  foes  or  repressive   Taxi Tas    587 5900
            drone  technology  will  be  use  of  swarms  for  ethnic  documentary said they re-   countries, analysts say. Or it   Prof. Taxi   588 0035
            far more difficult to contain  cleansing.                 grouped,  switched  to  self-  could be stolen. q         Taxi D.T.S.    587 2300
            than nuclear weapons. Be-    Drones have been a priori-   guidance  and  completed                                  Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
            cause  software  drives  the  ty for both powers for years,  a  search-and-destroy  mis-                            A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
            drones’  swarming  abilities,  and each side has kept its  sion  unaided,  detonating                               Women in Difficulties
            it  could  be  relatively  easy  advances secret, so it’s un-  explosive-laden  drones  on                          TRAVEL INFO
            and  cheap  for  rogue  na-  clear  which  country  might  a target.                                                Aruba Airport   524 2424
            tions  and  militants  to  ac-  have an edge.             A  year  ago,  CIA  Director                              American Airlines 582 2700
            quire  their  own  fleets  of  It’s  not  clear  how  many  William  Burns  said  Chinese                           Avianca       588 0059
            killer robots.               drones  a  single  person  Communist  Party  leader  Xi                                Jet Blue      588 2244
            The  Pentagon  is  push-     would  control.  A  spokes-  Jinping  had  instructed  his                             Surinam       582 7896
            ing  urgent  development  man for the defense secre-      military  to  “be  ready  by                              Women in Difficulties
            of  inexpensive,  expend-    tary declined to say, but a  2027” to invade Taiwan. But                               AID FOUNDATIONS
            able drones as a deterrent  recently  published  Penta-   that doesn’t mean an inva-
            against China acting on its  gon-backed study offers a  sion is likely.                                             FAVI- Visually Impaired
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 5051
            territorial  claim  on  Taiwan.  clue:  A  single  operator  su-  Just  before  he  died  last
            Washington  says  it  has  no  pervised  a  swarm  of  more  year,  former  U.S.  Secretary                         Alcoholics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736 2952
            choice  but  to  keep  pace                                                                                         Narcotics Anonymous
            with  Beijing.  Chinese  offi-                                                                                      Tel. 583 8989
            cials say AI-enabled weap-                                                                                          Fundacion Contra Violencia
            ons are inevitable so they,                                                                                         Relacional Tel. 583 5400
            too, must have them.                                                                                                Centre for Diabetes
            The  unchecked  spread  of                                                                                          Tel. 524 8888
            swarm  technology  “could                                                                                           Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 4433
            lead to more instability and
            conflict around the world,”                                                                                         Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            said Margarita Konaev, an                                                                                           General Info
            analyst  with  Georgetown
            University’s  Center  for  Se-                                                                                      Phone Directory Tel. 118
            curity  and  Emerging  Tech-
            As  the  undisputed  leaders
            in the field, Washington and
            Beijing  are  best  equipped
            to set an example by put-
            ting limits on military uses of
            drone  swarms.  But  their  in-
            tense competition, China’s
            military  aggression  in  the
            South  China  Sea  and  per-                                                                               
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