Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11

                                                                                                           local Monday 3 February 2025
             Feeling parched? Grab refreshments by the side of the road!

            (Oranjestad)—Touring  the  family  outings  around  the
            island in the blistering heat  island, these stands can be
            can leave one feeling rath-  found in the following loca-
            er  thirsty  and  looking  to  tions:
            cool off. Luckily there are a  -    Near  the  red  An-
            few stands along the roads  chor in San Nicolas
            of Aruba that can offer you  -      On  the  Linear  Park
            just what you need: a nice,  in  Oranjestad  (in  front  of
            refreshing beverage!         airport runway)
                                         -      At  the  California
            These  “coconut  stands”  Light House hill
            can  be  found  at  several  -      Bushiribana    Gold
            locations  on  the  island,  Mill Ruin
            where you can cool off with  -      Bushiribana  Beach
            delicious  smoothies,  drinks,  (Near  the  Ling  &  Song  Su-
            snacks, and of course, fresh  permarket)
            coconuts!  Perfect  during

            Papiamento words and phrases you may want to know!

                                                                      fer to the morning time.     ally  the  shortened  version  and not respectful, so keep
                                                                      2.     Bon tardi. In the af-  of the word “anochi”.       that in mind.
                                                                      ternoon  to  early  evening
                                                                      hours, we use “bon tardi” to   Yes…no…maybe?              Thanks man…
                                                                      greet people, which means  The  affirmative  and  nega-   Lastly, a word that we can
                                                                      “good  afternoon”.  “Tardi”  tive  expression  is  very  sim-  also say more often is “dan-
                                                                      actually  comes  from  the  ple in Papiamento. Just like  ki”,  which  means  literally
                                                                      word “atardi”, which direct-  Spanish,  our  yeses  are  “si”  “thank you”. “Danki” is de-
                                                                      ly translates to “afternoon”.  and our no’s are “no”. Pret-  rived from the Dutch word
                                                                      However,  the  shortened  ty  easy  right?  If  you  want  “bedankt”.   Though   we
                                                                      “tardi” is used to keep the  to  gain  some  extra  points  don’t really have a transla-
                                                                      rhythm on the phrase. And  from  younger  locals,  you  tion for “I appreciate it” in
            (Oranjestad)—Aruba       is  “con  bay?”  or  “con  ta?”  the same could be said for  can also say “se”, which is  English, we do use “masha
            a  melting  pot  of  different  Con  bay  is  a  shortened  our last greeting of the day.  a  more  casual  affirmative  danki” to convey the mes-
            nationalities,  cultures  and  version  of  “con  ta  bay?”,  3.   Bon   nochi.   You  used mostly by the younger  sage.  “Masha”  means  “a
            languages.  Primarily  for  which  essentially  means  guessed  it,  “bon  nochi”  generation.  However,  do  lot”  or  “very”,  so  “masha
            this  reason,  the  average  “how are you?”               means  “good  night”.  Just  note:  some  older  genera-  danki”  means  “thank  you
            Aruban  can  understand                                   like “tardi”, “nochi” is actu-  tions may find this improper  very much”.
            and  speak  Dutch,  Eng-     The  word  “con”  in  Papia-
            lish  and  Spanish  relatively  mento   means   “how?”
            well. However, as much as  and  is  pronounced  with  a
            we  pride  ourselves  in  be-  rounder  “o”  sounds,  like  in
            ing  able  to  communicate  the  English  word  “cone”.
            with  almost  everyone,  we  “Ta bay” refers to how you
            cherish  our  native  tongue  are doing.
            Papiamento     above     all
            else.  Want  to  learn  some  When we say goodbye, we
            common words in our lan-     use the word “ayo” (not like
            guage? Here are a few ba-    the  Ayo  Rock  Formation,
            sic words and phrases that  but also…kinda?). We may
            can get you a hat tip from  also  use  “te  oro”,  which
            an Aruban.                   means “see you later”.

            When you arrive at the air-  Greetings during the day
            port  in  Aruba,  one  of  the  Most,  if  not  all,  languages
            first  words  in  Papiamento  have  different  ways  to
            you may encounter is “Bon  greet according to the time
            bini.” Bon bini in Papiamen-  of day, and Papiamento is
            to means welcome, and is  no  different.  Since  Papia-
            probably  the  most  famous  mento is heavily influences
            Papiamento word for tour-    from Portuguese and Span-
            ists.                        ish,  some  of  these  phrases
                                         may look very familiar.
            Hi! Bye!
            To be fair, there is no unique  1.   Bon  dia  is  used  in
            way  to  say  “hello”  in  Pa-  the  morning,  up  to  about
            piamento. At least, not of-  noon.  Bon  dia  essentially
            ficially.  We  often  just  use  means  good  morning.  The
            the English “hello” or “hey”,  word “bon” means “good”,
            or  Dutch  “hallo”  to  greet  and  while  “dia”  does  not
            someone.  We  do  howev-     directly mean “morning” in
            er, always follow it up with  English, it is used often to re-
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