Page 38 - MIN ECUE
P. 38
Wednesday 25 OctOber 2017
Loyal Guests Honored at the Costa Linda Beach Resort
ORANJESTAD - Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority had
the great pleasure of honoring two very nice families who
are loyal and friendly visitors of Aruba at the Costa Linda
Beach Resort as Goodwill Ambassadors.
The symbolic honorary titles are presented in the name of
the Minister of Tourism as tokens of appreciation to guests
who visit Aruba for 20-to-34 consecutive years.
The honorees were Mr. Lloyd and Mrs. Ann Gariepy, and
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Elaine Patterson, all celebrating 20 or
more consecutive annual visits to Aruba!
These special visitors are regular guests at the Costa Linda
Beach Resort and they love Aruba very much because of
the safety, the beautiful sunsets, friendly locals, variety of
food and the feeling of home-away-from-home. The cer-
tificates were presented by Ms. Emely Ridderstaat repre-
senting the Aruba Tourism Authority together with friends,
family and Mr. Luigi Heredia, Ms. Gloria Janga and Ms.
Miriam Rodriquez from the Costa Linda Beach Resort.q
Loyal Guest Honored at the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort
PALM BEACH - Recently the Alessio of New Jersey, celebrat-
Aruba Tourism Authority had ing her 10th consecutive annual
the great pleasure of honoring visit to Aruba!
a very nice guest who is a loyal Carmela is a regular guest at
and friendly visitor of Aruba at the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort
the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort as and she loves Aruba very much
a Distinguished Visitor. because of the safety, the
beautiful sunsets, friendly locals,
The symbolic honorary title is variety of food and the feeling
presented in the name of the of home-away-from-home. The
Minister of Tourism as a token of certificate was presented by Ms.
appreciation to guests who visit Marouska Heyliger representing
Aruba for 10-to-19 consecutive the Aruba Tourism Authority to-
years. gether with associates from the
The honoree was Ms. Carmela Divi Phoenix Beach Resort.q