Page 12 - HOH
P. 12

                 Tuesday 8 November 2022

            The LOOKING FOR BOY project came to an end with the unveiling

            of a mural and tableau vivant in honor of Boy Ecury

            The project is a transnation-  went LOOKING FOR BOY.
            al tribute to this young hero
            of Aruba who gave his life  All pupils and students had
            on  November  6,  1944  for  previously  researched  the
            the freedom of Aruba and  digital archive of the Ecury
            the Netherlands.             family.  This  has  been  digi-
                                         tized in honor of the trans-
            An  extremely  courageous,  national  celebration  of  75
            and  honest  young  person  years  of  freedom  by  Ar-
            who is still an example to us.  chivo Nacional Aruba and
            As admirers of the mural art  the  Dutch  Institute  for  War
            culture,  the  collaborating  Documentation. This archi-
            partners  noticed  that  the  val research forms the basis
            heroes  portrayed  on  the  of their creative expression
            walls  of  Aruba  lack  their  in  theatre,  poetry,  and  vi-
            own  young  hero  from  the  sual workshops.
            Second  World  War.  That  is
            why  Colegio  San  Antonio,  Artist  Esmeralda  Kelly  cre-
            Filomena College, Muchila  ated the mural on the out-
            Creativo,  Monumentsfund  side  of  Filomena  College,
            Aruba,  the  MBO  Media  inspired by the ideas of the
            College in Amsterdam and  students  during  their  visual
            Stichting  Cultuurgeneratie,  workshops  led  by  her  and

                                                                      Rudberth Wolff. In the pres-  Muchila Creativo. They cre-
                                                                      ence  of  the  Governor  of  ated this tableau vivant in  An  extraordinary  year  of
                                                                      Aruba,  mr.  Alfonso  Boek-  honor of our hero Boy Ecury  working  transnationally  to
                                                                      houdt,  Minister  of  Culture,  with  theater  coaches  Lu-  share and honor this com-
                                                                      Minister  of  Education  and  pita  Bernabela  and  Jhon  mon  World  War  II  hero  -
                                                                      members of the Ecury fam-    Freddy Montoya.              BOY ECURY - and to reflect
                                                                      ily, this beautiful mural was                             together on our own cour-
                                                                      unveiled.                    The  students  of  the  MBO  age and the heroes of to-
                                                                                                   Media  College  from  Am-    day in their fight against ex-
                                                                      Afterwards,  the  students  sterdam  filmed  everything  clusion, cruelty and racism.
                                                                      and  guests  walked  to  the  and will make a short doc-
                                                                      main stage of the ART FAIR,  umentary.                    LOOKING FOR BOY is made
                                                                      where the students of Cole-                               possible thanks to  the Cul-
                                                                      gio San Antonio performed  The work of the students of  tural Participation Fund, the
                                                                      their  tableau  vivant,  musi-  Filomena  college  can  be  Municipality of Amsterdam
                                                                      cally accompanied by stu-    seen  in  the  Library  of  San  and Department of Culture
                                                                      dents  and  teachers  from  Nicolas.                      Aruba. q
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