Page 16 - MIN VOS 29 JULY 2015
P. 16


South Korea
‘de facto end’
to Mers virus

MR. HWANG said that as there had been no new

infections for 23 days, the public “can now be free
from worry”.
He also apologized for the government’s much-criti-
cized response to the virus, which has killed 36 people
in South Korea, Yonhap news agency reports.
But the WHO said it was not yet declaring Mers of-
ficially over.
A spokeswoman in Manila said the World Health Or-
ganization required 28 days without a new infection
to make the announcement - twice the incubation pe-
riod of the virus. The last case was confirmed in South
Korea on 4 July.
South Korean Health Ministry official Kwon Duk-
cheol said precautions, including screening at airports,
would remain in place “until the situation comes to a
formal end”, AFP news agency reports.
“We still have many arrivals from the Middle East so
there is always a possibility that new patients can come
in,” he added.

‘SHAKE OFF ALL CONCERNS’                                   Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn has apologized for causing prior concern
                                                                          and worry, declaring an end to its MERS outbreak.
Speaking in Seoul Mr. Hwang said that “after weigh-
ing various circumstances, the medical personnel and       Mers appeared in South Korea on 26 May, brought         health centers which were not adequately prepared for
the government judge that the people can now be free       by a man who had visited the Middle East, where the     a contagious disease.
from worry”.                                               disease was first identified in 2012.                   The outbreak - and subsequent quarantine and restric-
“I ask the public to shake off all concerns over Mers and  South Korea - the only outbreak outside the Middle      tions on daily life - have had a disastrous effect on the
to resume normal daily activities, including economic,     East - has confirmed 186 infections, with 36 deaths.    economy, with tourism seeing a 40% drop in foreign
cultural, leisure and school activities,” the Yonhap                                                               visitors.
news agency quoted him as saying.                          The government was accused of being slow to react       Last week, the government approved an 11.5tn won
“I am sorry to the people for causing worries and dis-     to the crisis, with most of the infections happened at  ($9.8 billion) package to help the struggling economy.

20 INTERNATIONAL                                                                                                   Wednesday, July 29 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
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