P. 31

                                                                                     PeoPle & Arts Tuesday 12 december 2017
                                                                      No joke: ‘Trainwreck’ filmmaker

                                                                      wants to be top banana

                                                                      By LYNN ELBER
                                                                       AP Television Writer
                                                                      LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Did
                                                                      you  hear  the  one  about
                                                                      the  hugely  successful  Hol-
                                                                      lywood producer who sub-
                                                                      jected himself to the uncer-
                                                                      tainties and meager pay of
                                                                      stand-up comedy?
                                                                      No  punchline  follows  for
                                                                      Judd  Apatow,  just  the
            In this Oct. 17, 2017 file photo, musician Tina Turner poses during   chance to reconnect with
            a  photo  call  to  promote  the  launch  of  the  musical  “Tina”,  in   a youthful dream of excel-
            London.                                                   ling  at  one  of  entertain-
                                                     Associated Press  ment’s   riskiest   ventures:
            Tina Turner writing                                       Revealing  yourself  to  an

                                                                      audience  and  praying  for
            sequel to memoir                                          laughs, not flop sweat. The
                                                                      result is “Judd Apatow: The
                                                                      Return,”  a  Netflix  special
                                                                      debuting Tuesday in which
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Tina  erything from “finding love”    Apatow seeks to prove his
            Turner  is  not  done  telling  to surviving a “life-threaten-  chops as a comedian.
            her story. The rock superstar  ing  illness”  she  had  never   “When  I  was  a  kid,  stand-
            is  working  on  a  sequel  to  disclosed before.         up was all I wanted to do.
            her  1986  memoir  “I,  Tina,”  Turner,  who  endured  a   Everything else was a weird
            Atria Books told The Associ-  horrifying  marriage  to  mu-  offshoot of my desire to do
            ated Press on Monday.        sician  Ike  Turner,  married   stand-up,” he said. A grow-
            The  new  book  is  called  Erwin  Bach  in  2013.  She   ing  demand  for  his  com-
            “Tina Turner: My Love Story”  is  known  for  such  hits  as   edy  writing  services  got  in
            and will come out next Oc-   “Proud Mary” and “What’s     the way, along with a frank
            tober, timed to the singer’s  Love Got To Do With It,” the   self-evaluation.
            60th year in music.          title  of  a  1993  biopic  star-  “I thought there were peo-
            Seventy-eight      year-old  ring Angela Bassett as Tina   ple  who  seemed  much      This image released by Netflix shows Judd Apatow in a scene
            Turner  says  in  a  statement  Turner  and  Laurence  Fish-  better at it (stand-up) than   from  his  Netflix  special,  “Judd  Apatow:  The  Return,”  debuting
            that she will write about ev-  burne as Ike.q             me, and I didn’t want to be   Tuesday.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
                                                                      in the middle of the pack,”   ally hits its targets — which  the  last  two  years,  so  they
            Singer Gwen Stafani                                       he said. “I was able to write   include sexual misconduct,  know all the jokes. ... Iris will
                                                                      jokes for Roseanne, for Jim
                                                                                                   although  the  show  was  always point out that I say
                                                                      Carrey, and I noticed they
            to wrap up Super Bowl                                     performed  them  better      taped  last  summer  before  the same thing every time.
                                                                                                                                I  then  say,  ‘Taylor  Swift
                                                                                                   the Harvey Weinstein scan-
                                                                      than me.”
            week performances                                         Instead,  he  joined  his  writ-  dal  and  its  immense  fall-  sings the same songs every
                                                                                                   out. It’s Bill Cosby in the TV  time. What do you think we
                                                                      ing skills with directing and
                                                                      producing,    racking   up   hot  seat,  but  Apatow  has  do, write a new act every
                                                                      impressive  credits  on  TV   already  proven  a  vocal  night?’”
            PRIOR  LAKE,  Minn.  (AP)  —                              (“The Larry Sanders Show,”   critic  of  the  new  crop  of  He  offered  to  let  his  off-
            Pop  singer  Gwen  Stefani                                ‘’Freaks  and  Geeks”)  and   the accused. Another, less-  spring  preview  the  Netflix
            will  close  out  a  star-stud-                           on  the  big  screen  with   fraught  theme:  How  tech-  special  and  veto  anything
            ded  Super  Bowl  week  in                                movies  (“The  40-Year-Old   nology  is  changing  child-  that  made  them  uncom-
            Minnesota.                                                Virgin,”  ‘’Knocked  Up”)    rearing so fast that parents  fortable.  “They  both  said,
            The  three-time  Grammy                                   that  defined  the  turn-of-  are  scrambling  to  figure  ‘I don’t need to see it,’” he
            winner will headline at Club                              the  century’s  ribald  com-  out whether it’s healthy for  said,  adding  in  a  knowing
            Nomadic  at  Mystic  Lake                                 edy  zeitgeist.  In  middle   youngsters to spend much  dad voice: “Which was not
            Casino  Hotel  on  Sunday,                                age, he’s gained the con-    of their lives online. “We’re  trust, but lack of interest.”
            Feb. 4.                                                   fidence and, of course, the   all  in  a  wide-eyed  panic  The  family  provides  more
            Stefani is the final headliner.                           clout to show what he can    because  there’s  no  infor-  than  fodder  for  jokes.  Les-
            Other acts at Club Nomad-    This  image  released  by  NBC   do onstage.              mation about whether this  lie  Mann,  his  actress-wife,
            ic  include  The  Chainsmok-  shows singer Gwen Stefani in   “I’m now older, I have sto-  is  helpful  and  potentially  was  a  catalyst  for  how  he
            ers on Thursday, Feb. 1; Ellie   her Christmas special, “Gwen   ries  to  tell  and  more  opin-  essential for the modern kid  approaches  his  work,  in-
                                         Stefani’s You Make it Feel Like
            Goulding  and  Norwegian     Christmas,” airing Dec. 12 at 9   ions.  And  it’s  fun  to  do   or making them unable to  cluding collaborations with
            electronic  dance  music     p.m. ET on NBC.              when I don’t need it to pay   read a book,” he said.      bold  female  voices  Lena
            artist  DJ  Kygo  on  Friday,            Associated Press  more  rent,”  Apatow  said.   His daughters, Maude, who  Dunham (“Girls”) and Amy
            Feb. 2; and Florida Georgia  perform  at  Nomadic  Live!   “You don’t get paid when    is 20 this month, and Iris, 15,  Schumer (“Trainwreck”).
            Line on Saturday, Feb. 3.    on  Super  Saturday  Night.   you do stand-up.”           were  sanguine  about  giv-  His  creative  decisions  are
            Stefani  joins  a  growing  list  Sheila  E.,  the  Revolution   In  the  special,  the  com-  ing  Apatow  some  of  the  based  on  talent,  not  gen-
            of  performers  who  will  be  and Morris Day & the Time   fortably  low-key  Apatow   material  that  he’s  been  der, said Apatow (who has
            in  Minnesota  during  Super  will perform a Prince tribute   cracks  wise  about  mar-  honing  in  club  appear-  made a point of condemn-
            Bowl week. Others include  as  part  of  a  series  of  free   riage, fatherhood and mor-  ances.   “They’ve   come  ing  entertainment  industry
            Jennifer  Lopez,  who  will  concerts.q                   tality. The comic patter usu-  and seen me perform over  sexual misconduct).q
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