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                   Tuesday 29 augusT 2023

             ‘Holler, Child’ is a profound short story collection about Black lives

             in America

            By DONNA EDWARDS             male    perspective,    like                                                           the first year it was officially
            Associated Press             “Dog Person.” The narrator                                                             recognized  as  a  federal
            LaToya  Watkins  has  sur-   convinces  his  girlfriend  to                                                         holiday despite over a cen-
            passed the high bar set by  accept his dog as a part of                                                             tury of celebrations  helps to
            her beautifully crushing de-  himself in a story that turns                                                         frame  the  motif  of  gender
            but  novel,  “Perish,”  with  a  out to be absolutely heart-                                                        roles and divisions between
            collection of short stories ti-  wrenching.  Layers  of  be-                                                        men and women through-
            tled “Holler, Child.” Heavily  trayal and hurt and blame                                                            out  “Holler,  Child.”  It’s  a
            rooted in west Texas where  and  sadness  have  no-                                                                 messy,  fluid  thing  that  she
            the author grew up, the 11  where to go, so they fester.                                                            explores  in  various  forms:
            fictional  pieces  focus  on  What does the dog have to                                                             a  wife  completely  fed  up
            Black  lives    and  the  huge  do with it? It’s impossible to                                                      with her husband after de-
            range of people and rela-    say,  exactly,  even  though                                                           cades  of  marriage;  a  hus-
            tionships  within    to  form  a  the dog is the keystone of                                                        band who feels his wife has
            profound collection.         the story.                                                                             peeled away pieces of him
            In the namesake short story,  Generations  of  trauma,                                                              over the years; two sisters in
            which includes some of the  sacrifice and striving make                                                             search  of  the  brother  who
            most  brutal  scenes  in  the  the  characters  complex                                                             was  disowned  because  of
            book, the bloodied face of  and Watkins fits loads of in-                                                           his identity.
            the  narrator’s  son  reminds  formation into just a hand-                                                          Those  male-female  rela-
            her  of  the  day  she  was  ful of pages by skipping un-                                                           tionships go on to influence
            raped  and  beaten    “Hol-  necessary context. Instead,                                                            others,  like  the  daughter
            ler,  Child”  being  what  she  she draws on societal truths                                                        who  confronts  her  mother
            commanded  her  17-year-     and the reader’s empathy                                                               for  her  cold-heartedness;
            old  self  to  do  way  back  to form the solid foundation                                                          the  mother  who  decides
            then,  but  couldn’t.  Now,  beneath each story.                                                                    to love her kids out of spite
            confronted  with  the  possi-  Each  voice  brings  some-                                                           for  her  husband;  and  the
            bility that her son may have  thing  special,  every  narra-                                                        young  woman  who  sees
            raped someone, she has a  tive hard-hitting yet tender.                                                             her  parents  in  a  new  light
            chance  to  handle  things  Then, in the final short “Time                                                          after  her  baby’s  father  re-
            differently.                 After,” it all comes home.                                                             fuses to help.
            Its ending is completely un-  And,  really,  all  the  stories                                                      The  stories  lay  bare  the
            expected  a  battlefield  of  are  about  coming  home                                                              death of a child, a partner,
            conflicting logic and emo-   wherever  or  whomever                                                                 a sibling, a pet  topics that,
            tion that’s hard to fathom,  home  may  be,  and  re-     This cover image released by Tiny Reparations shows “Holler,   in less careful hands, might
            but also strangely sensical.  gardless  how  the  charac-  Child” by LaToya Watkins               Associated Press   be  beyond  ethical  ap-
            While  many  of  the  pages  ters  feel  about  it.  In  many                                                       proach  in  a  mere  20  pag-
            are  about  mothers  and  cases, home is west Texas.                                                                esq
            wives,  some  are  from  a  In  some,  it’s  a  mother,  or  oneself. An article by Wat-  kins for Juneteenth this year

            Trans-Siberian Orchestra will return with a heavy metal holiday

            tour, ‘The Ghosts of Christmas Eve’

            By MARIA SHERMAN             heavy metal, classical mu-   winter.                      half  the  attendees  have  found in the story.
            AP Music Writer              sic, theater production, py-  “The  Ghosts  of  Christmas  been  “coming  to  us  since  “Everybody  misses  some-
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Trans-    rotechnics  and  laser  light-  Eve    the  Best  of  TSO  &  the jump.”               body,  especially  on  Christ-
            Siberian  Orchestra    the  show hybrid  will return this  More,” will hit 62 cities and  Fans can expect a memo-   mas,”  he  says.  The  show
                                                                      deliver  104  performances  rable  performance  that  provides  an  arena  for
                                                                      in  both  matinee  and  eve-  references the band’s 1999  people  to  feel  less  alone,
                                                                      ning sets. It kicks off on Nov.  “The  Ghosts  of  Christmas  “wrapped up in the world’s
                                                                      15  at  the  Resch  Center  in  Eve”  television  film  and  al-  biggest  rock  and  roll  pro-
                                                                      Green Bay, Wisconsin, and  bum.  The  story  follows  a  duction,” he adds.
                                                                      runs through Dec. 30, con-   young  girl  who  runs  away  The numbers don’t lie: As of
                                                                      cluding at the Xcel Energy  from  home  on  Christmas  July 2022, Pollstar put Trans-
                                                                      Center in Saint Paul, Minne-  Eve;  she’s  alone,  visions  Siberian Orchestra’s box of-
                                                                      sota.                        come to her, and eventual-   fice gross at $769 million.
                                                                      Al Pitrelli, TSO’s guitarist and  ly she makes her way back  Tickets  for  the  2023  holi-
                                                                      music  director,  says  that  to  her  family  at  midnight,  day tour will go on sale on
                                                                      since  the  band  started  28  just in time for the Christmas  Friday, Sept. 15, at 10 a.m.
                                                                      years ago, their winter tours  holiday.  Singers  represent  local time. Limited $39 tick-
                                                                      have  become  a  tradition  different  characters,  wo-   ets will be available for pur-
                                                                      for loyal fans and their fami-  ven into a narrative by the  chase within the first week,
                                                                      lies.                        late founder Paul O’Neill.   or while supplies last. A dol-
            Members of Trans-Siberian Orchestra perform on Nov. 11, 2022
            during  a  rehearsal  for  their  2022  Winter  Tour  at  Mid-America   “I call them repeat offend-  Pitrelli  believes  the  reason  lar from each ticket sold will
            Center in Council Bluffs, Iowa.                           ers,” he jokes.              TSO  performances  con-      be donated to charity.q
                                                     Associated Press   Pitrelli estimates that nearly  tinue  to  draw  people  in  is
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