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U.S. NEWS Friday 21 July 2017
Publicly assailed by Trump, Sessions says he’s staying on
By ERIC TUCKER kind of work we intend to
Associated Press Asked at the White House
WASHINGTON (AP) — Attor- about Trump’s feelings on
ney General Jeff Sessions, Sessions, spokeswoman
publicly skewered by his Sarah Huckabee Sanders
boss for stepping clear of said, “Clearly, he has con-
the Russia-Trump investiga- fidence in him or he would
tions, declared Thursday he not be the attorney gen-
still loves his job and plans eral.” It all followed Trump’s
to stay on. Yet Donald statements to the Times
Trump’s airing of his long- that he never would have
simmering frustrations with tapped the former Ala-
Sessions raised significant bama senator for the job
new questions about the had he known a recusal
future of the nation’s top was coming.
prosecutor. Sessions took himself off the
The White House was quick Justice Department-led
to insist that the president case in March following
“has confidence” in Ses- revelations he’d failed to
sions. However, the epi- disclose his own meetings
sode underscored how the with the Russian ambassa-
attorney general’s crime- dor to the U.S. That placed
fighting agenda is be- Attorney General Jeff Sessions accompanied by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, left, the investigation with his
ing overshadowed by his speaks at a news conference to announce an international cybercrime enforcement action at deputy, Rod Rosenstein,
the Department of Justice, Thursday, July 20, 2017, in Washington.
fractured relationship with who in May appointed
Trump and the continuing a mammoth internet drug ask about the interview. Sessions said. “We love this former FBI Director Robert
investigations into allega- marketplace, faced zero Sessions did not directly job, we love this depart- Mueller to serve as special
tions of Russian ties to the questions about that case address his relationship to ment and I plan to contin- counsel.
Republican candidate’s and was instead grilled on Trump except to say he ue to do so as long as that In the same Wednesday
presidential campaign. his reaction to being exco- was still carrying out the is appropriate.” interview, Trump lashed
The challenges for Sessions riated by Trump in a New agenda of the president. Asked how he could ef- out at Mueller, Rosenstein,
were laid bare Thursday York Times interview a day “I have the honor of serv- fectively serve if he didn’t James Comey, the FBI di-
when the attorney general, earlier. The news confer- ing as attorney general. It’s have Trump’s confidence, rector Trump fired, and
at a Justice Department ence on the drug case was something that goes be- he responded, “We’re serv- acting FBI Director Andrew
news conference to an- quickly ended once it was yond any thought I would ing right now. The work McCabe, who replaced
nounce the takedown of clear reporters would only have ever had for myself,” we’re doing today is the Comey.q
GOP leaders planning Tuesday
health vote, it’s an uphill climb
By ALAN FRAM President Barack Obama’s
Associated Press health care law.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Re- “Dealing with this issue is
publican leaders pushed what’s right for the coun-
toward a Senate vote try,” said Majority Leader
next Tuesday on resurrect- Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. He
ing their nearly flat-lined added, “It was certainly
health care bill. Their uphill never going to be easy, but
drive was further compli- we’ve come a long way
cated by the ailing GOP and I look forward to con-
Sen. John McCain’s poten- tinuing our work together
tial absence and a dreary to finally bring relief.”
report envisioning that the As leaders tested revi-
number of uninsured Amer- sions that might attract
icans would soar. GOP votes, others began
The White House and GOP comparing the process
leaders fished Thursday for with the trade-offs they
ways to win over recalci- scorned seven years ago
trant senators, including as top Democrats pushed
an administration proposal Obama’s overhaul. “It’s al-
to let states use Medicaid most becoming a bidding
funds to help people buy process — let’s throw $50
their own private health in- billion here, let’s throw $100
surance. But there were no billion there,” said Sen. Bob
indications they’d ensured Corker, R-Tenn. “It’s making
the votes needed to even me uncomfortable right
start debating the party’s now. It’s beginning to feel
legislative keystone, a bill a lot like how Obamacare
scuttling and supplanting came together.”q