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A30    world news
                  Diasabra 22 Januari 2022

                       EU nations urge stronger borders to ease migration pressures

                                                                      security  bodies  like  Europol  “We  have  to  prevent  people  minister  of  migration  and
                                                                      and Frontex, the EU’s border  from departing on smuggling  asylum,  which  faces  heavy
                                                                      agency, also joined the talks.  routes  and  to  swiftly  return  migrant  pressures  on  its  sea
                                                                                                   people to the country of ori-  borders and on its land bor-
                                                                      The  ministers  described  the  gin when they have no right  der with Turkey, said the cur-
                                                                      influx of migrants as dramat-  to stay. We can do much more  rent system is not working.
                                                                      ic and urged swift actions, in-  on  returns  if  we  establish  a
                                                                      cluding reinforcing the EU’s  European return system. But  “If  people  have  the  right  to
                                                                      borders  and  cracking  down  I  need  your  support  to  do  arrive in any European mem-
                                                                      on people smugglers to pro-  that,” Johansson told the par-  ber state without any papers
                                                                      tect both EU citizens and the  ticipants.                 and  without  due  process,
                                                                      lives of migrants and refugees                            then  the  whole  Schengen
                                                                      from the Middle East, Africa  She said she will discuss the  code,  the  whole  Schengen
                                                                      and Asia who undertake haz-  plan in more detail at a min-  visa system, is meaningless,”
                                                                      ardous journeys to reach Eu-  isterial  meeting  in  France  Mitarachi said.
                                                                      rope.                        next month.
                                                                                                                                Polish   Interior   Minister
                                                                      “We  must  protect  our  bor-  “We can’t wait until we have  Mariusz Kaminski called for
                                                                      ders from aggression, and we  desperate  migrants  at  our  amendments  to  EU  migra-
                                                                      need to protect our people,”  borders. We need to act soon-  tion  laws.  Poland  and  the
                                                                      Johansson told more than 30  er,”  Johansson  said,  stress-  Baltic  states  of  Estonia,  Lat-
                                                                      officials at the conference.  ing  that  preventative  actions  via, and Lithuania have seen
                                                                                                   must respect the rights of in-  a wave of migrants trying to
            (AP) — Ministers from Eu-    countries  including  Greece,  Doing that, she said, requires  dividuals to seek asylum.  cross  illegally  into  the  EU
            ropean Union nations under  Poland,  Italy,  Austria  and  stopping people who are flee-                            from  Belarus,  encouraged
            pressure  from  unauthorized  France  —  which  current-  ing  poverty  and  conflicts  in  She stressed that all EU na-  by that nation’s authoritarian
            border crossings asked Friday  ly  holds  the  EU’s  rotat-  their  home  countries  from  tions  should  “systematically  president.
            for more action to strengthen  ing  presidency  —  as  well  as  starting  out  on  dangerous  check  travelers  against  the
            and  protect  the  bloc’s  ex-  nonaligned  Switzerland  and  migration  routes.  But  she  relevant  databases  at  entry  Poland is about to start build-
            ternal  borders  as  well  as  for  Norway,  attended  a  border  also  stressed  the  need  for  a  and exit of the (bloc’s inter-  ing  a  tall,  permanent  metal
            rules  to  return  migrants  to  security conference in Lithu-  new  European  system  for  nal visa free) Schengen area,”  wall  with  electronic  surveil-
            their  homelands  or  where  ania’s capital of Vilnius. Eu-  returning  migrants  to  their  and  called  for  strengthening  lance  systems  along  its  land
            they started their journeys.  ropean  Home  Affairs  Com-  homelands  if  they  have  no  Frontex.                  border  with  Belarus  to  pre-
                                         missioner  Ylva  Johansson  permission to stay in the EU.                              vent unauthorized entries.
            Interior  ministers  from  EU  and  the  heads  of  European                           Notis  Mitarachi,  Greece’s

                             Nigeria extremists still ‘very dangerous,’ says UN official

            (AP)  —  The  Islamic  ex-   Boko    Haram,    Nigeria’s  The  faction  allied  with  the  people displaced and to those  munities over access to water
            tremist    insurgency    in  homegrown Islamic extrem-    Islamic State group this week  who  remain  at  their  homes  and grazing land.
            northeast  Nigeria  is  a  ist rebels, launched an insur-  released  a  video  showing  but are vulnerable to attacks.
            “very,   very   dangerous  gency in the country’s north-  dozens of child fighters train-  Nigerian  officials  “under-  Nigeria’s  fight  against  ex-
            (and)  very  threatening”  east in 2009, to fight against  ing in open fields and being  stand this is not a quick fix,”  tremists “can’t be won on the
            crisis  that  needs  more  western education and to es-   taught  in  classrooms.  The  said  Griffiths  after  meetings  battlefield,” said the U.N. of-
            than  $1  billion  in  aid  in  tablish Islamic Shariah law in  video  is  a  “clear”  message  with government authorities.  ficial, who urged more com-
            2022  to  assist  those  hit  Nigeria.                    that the extremists “are here                             munity development efforts.
            by  the  decade-long  con-                                to  stay”  and  “a  new  genera-  Beyond  the  northeast,  the
            flict,  United  Nations  hu-  Their  rebellion  has  spread  tion is coming,” according to  northwest  and  central  parts  “You  win  civil  wars  in  the
            manitarian  chief  Martin  over  the  years  to  the  neigh-  Vincent Foucher of the Inter-  of  Nigeria  are  experiencing  minds of the people who live
            Griffiths said.              boring  West  African  coun-  national Crisis Group.      violent attacks carried out by  there,” said Griffiths. “If you
                                         tries of Cameroon, Niger and                              armed groups who had tradi-  don’t  have  the  communities
            In an interview with The As-  Chad. Boko Haram drew in-   Nigeria’s security forces have  tionally  worked  as  nomadic  on your side, it doesn’t really
            sociated Press, Griffiths, head  ternational  condemnation  in  also beefed up their air capac-  cattle herders and are caught  matter how much else you’ve
            of  the  U.N.  Office  for  the  2014 when they abducted 276  ity  “which  means  it  is  dif-  up in a decades-long conflict  got on your side. You won’t
            Coordination of Humanitar-   schoolgirls in Chibok village,  ficult  for  (the  Islamic  State  with  Hausa  farming  com-  make peace.”
            ian  Affairs,  urged  the  world  prompting  the  #BringBack-  offshoot)  to  get  away  with
            not to forget the continuing  OurGirls  campaign.  More  the  large  attacks  it  carried
            devastation  caused  by  Boko  than  100  of  those  abducted  out two or three years ago,”
            Haram  and  its  offshoot,  the  students are still missing.  Foucher added.
            Islamic  State  West  Africa
            Province,  together  blamed  The  conflict  has  resulted  in  The   U.N.   humanitarian
            for killing tens of thousands  approximately 35,000 deaths,  chief said it’s not clear when
            of  residents  and  displacing  according to the U.N. Devel-  displaced populations will be
            millions.                    opment  Program.  For  each  able to return to their homes,
                                         casualty,  “an  additional  nine  although  it  is  a  crucial  goal
            “This is a very different kind  people,  primarily  children,  so that people are given hope
            of  operation  and  very  dif-  have  lost  their  lives  due  to  “that maybe it’s not an indefi-
            ficult also to deter ... a grave  lack  of  food  and  resources,”  nite exile from their villages.”
            and clear and present danger,  the U.N. agency estimated in
            obviously, to the people and a  a report in June last year.  For 2022, the U.N. estimates
            priority for the government,”                             Nigeria’s northeast will need
            Griffiths  said  in  Abuja,  Ni-  Nigeria’s  military  continues  development  assistance  of
            geria’s  capital.  “The  world  to  try  to  quell  the  violence  more  than  $1  billion  in  ad-
            needs  to  remember  this  is  a  especially  in  northeastern  dition to government spend-
            tragedy that needs to be sort-  Borno  state  and  the  Lake  ing,  he  said.  The  funds  are
            ed out.”                     Chad region, but the conflict  needed  to  provide  food  and
                                         has continued year after year.  healthcare to the millions of
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