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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 11 June 2022
             U.S. lifts COVID-19 test requirement for international travel

            By ZEKE MILLER and DAVID                                                                                            to  others.  It  was  coupled
            KOENIG                                                                                                              with a requirement that for-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    eign, non-immigrant adults
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            traveling  to  the  United
            Biden  administration  is  lift-                                                                                    States need to be fully vac-
            ing  its  requirement  that  in-                                                                                    cinated,  with  only  limited
            ternational  travelers  test                                                                                        exceptions.
            negative    for   COVID-19                                                                                          The initial mandate allowed
            within a day before board-                                                                                          those  who  were  fully  vac-
            ing  a  flight  to  the  United                                                                                     cinated to show proof of a
            States,  ending  one  of  the                                                                                       negative  test  within  three
            last remaining government                                                                                           days  of  travel,  while  un-
            mandates     designed    to                                                                                         vaccinated people had to
            contain  the  spread  of  the                                                                                       present a test taken within
            coronavirus.                                                                                                        one day of travel.
            A  senior  administration  of-                                                                                      In November, as the highly
            ficial  said  Friday  that  the                                                                                     transmissible  omicron  vari-
            mandate  will  expire  early                                                                                        ant  swept  the  world,  the
            Sunday morning.                                                                                                     Biden administration tough-
            The  official,  speaking  on                                                                                        ened the requirement and
            the  condition  of  anonym-                                                                                         required all  travelers — re-
            ity  to  preview  the  formal                                                                                       gardless of vaccination sta-
            announcement,  said  the                                                                                            tus — to test negative with-
            Centers  for  Disease  Con-  Passengers get a COVID-19 test at Heathrow Airport in London, Nov. 29, 2021.           in a day of travel to the U.S.
            trol  and  Prevention  de-                                                                         Associated Press  Travelers  found  creative
            termined  that  the  testing                                                                                        ways  to  avoid  the  rule.
            requirement  is  no  longer  for  Global  Business  Travel  May,  U.S.  international  air  The requirement for a neg-  This  spring,  several  Cana-
            necessary. The person said  Group  Inc.,  which  advises  travel remained 24% below  ative COVID-19 test before  dian teams in the National
            the  CDC  will  reevaluate  companies  on  travel  poli-  2019  levels,  with  declines  flying  to  the  U.S.  dates  to  Hockey League flew to cit-
            the issue every 90 days and  cy.                          among  both  U.S.  and  for-  January  2021  and  is  the  ies  near  the  border,  then
            could reinstate the require-  Airlines  argued  that  the  eign  citizens,  according  most  visible  remaining  U.S.  took  buses  into  the  U.S.  to
            ment if a troubling new vari-  rule  was  put  into  effect  to  trade  group  Airlines  for  travel restriction of the pan-  avoid the risk of losing play-
            ant of COVID-19 emerges.     when few Americans were  America.                         demic era.                   ers who tested positive.
            Airline  and  tourism  groups  vaccinated — now 71% of  Many other countries have  In  April,  a  federal  judge  in  Despite  ending  the  testing
            have  been  pressing  the  those 5 and older are fully  lifted  their  testing  require-  Florida  struck  down  a  re-  requirement,  the  CDC  will
            administration  for  months  vaccinated,  according  to  ments  for  fully  vaccinated  quirement that passengers  continue  to  recommend
            to  eliminate  the  testing  CDC  figures.  Airlines  also  and boosted travelers in a  wear masks on planes and  COVID-19  testing  prior  to
            requirement,  saying  it  dis-  complained  that  people  bid to increase tourism.     public  transportation,  say-  air  travel  of  any  kind  as  a
            courages    people    from  entering  the  U.S.  at  land  In  February,  travel  groups  ing  that  the  CDC  had  ex-  safety precaution, accord-
            booking  international  trips  borders are not required to  argued that the testing re-  ceeded  its  authority.  The  ing to the senior administra-
            because  they  could  be  test negative for COVID-19,  quirement  was  obsolete  Biden  administration  is  ap-     tion official.
            stranded  overseas  if  they  although  they  must  show  because  of  the  high  num-  pealing  that  ruling,  saying  U.S.  airlines  estimate  that
            contract  the  virus  on  their  proof of vaccination.    ber  of  omicron  cases  al-  it aims to protect the CDC's  dropping  the  test  require-
            trip.                        American     Airlines   CEO  ready in every state, higher  ability to respond to future  ment  will  mean  4.3  million
            Roger  Dow,  president  of  Robert Isom said last week  vaccinations rates and new  health emergencies.             more  passengers  in  one
            the  U.S.  Travel  Association,  that the requirement on air  treatments for the virus.  The  Biden  administration  year.
            called lifting the testing rule  travelers "is something that  "I'm  glad  CDC  suspended  put  the  testing  require-  It  is  unclear,  however,
            "another huge step forward  is  damaging  not  only  U.S.  the  burdensome  corona-    ment in place as it moved  whether  airlines  can  boost
            for the recovery of inbound  travel,  but  it  just  doesn't  virus  testing  requirement  away  from  restrictions  that  flights  quickly  enough  to
            air travel and the return of  make sense."                for  international  travelers,  banned nonessential travel  handle  that  kind  of  in-
            international  travel  to  the  While  domestic  U.S.  travel  and I'll continue to do all I  from  several  dozen  coun-  crease.  Airlines  facing  a
            United States."              has returned nearly to pre-  can  to  support  the  strong  tries  —  most  of  Europe,  shortage  of  pilots  have  al-
            "The  whole  industry  has  pandemic  levels,  interna-   recovery  of  our  hospital-  China,  Brazil,  South  Africa,  ready  scaled  back  their
            been  waiting  for  this  an-  tional travel — which is very  ity industry," Sen. Catherine  India  and  Iran  —  to  focus  original  schedules  for  the
            nouncement,"  said  Martin  lucrative  for  the  airlines  Cortez Masto, D-Nev., said  instead  on  classifying  indi-  peak  summer  vacation
            Ferguson,  a  spokesman  — has continued to lag. In  in a statement.                   viduals by the risk they pose  season.q

            Biden nixes Trump design for Air Force

            One over cost, delay

            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     is  currently  modifying  two  white  design  for  a  deeper
            dent  Joe  Biden's  admin-   Boeing 747-800 aircraft that  navy and streak of dark red.
            istration   has   scrapped  will bear the Air Force One  The Trump paint scheme is
            former  President  Donald  callsign when the president  not  being  considered  be-
            Trump's red, white and blue  is  onboard  to  replace  the  cause  it  could  drive  ad-
            design for the new genera-   existing  fleet  of  two  aging  ditional  engineering,  time
            tion  of  presidential  aircraft  Boeing  747-200  aircraft.  and cost, according to an   A model of the new Air Force One design sits on a table during a
            after  an  Air  Force  review  Trump,  in  2018,  directed  administration  official  who   meeting between President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime
            suggested  it  would  raise  that  the  new  jumbo  jets  spoke  on  the  condition  of   Minister Justin Trudeau  in the Oval Office of the White House,
            costs  and  delay  the  deliv-  shed  the  iconic  Kennedy-  anonymity  in  order  to  dis-  June 20, 2019, in Washington.
            ery of the new jets. Boeing  era  robin's  egg  blue  and  cuss the program.q                                                   Associated Press
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