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              Wednesday 1 February 2023
            Global report highlights link between corruption, violence

            By KIRSTEN GRIESHABER                                                                                               threat  that  corruption  and
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the  absence  of  govern-
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Most  of  the                                                                                      ment  accountability  pose
            world  continues  to  fail  to                                                                                      for  global  peace  and  se-
            fight corruption with 95 % of                                                                                       curity,  the  report  said.  It
            countries having made little                                                                                        added  that  kleptocrats  in
            to no progress since 2017, a                                                                                        Russia, which is at 28 points,
            closely  watched  study  by                                                                                         have  amassed  great  for-
            an  anti-graft  organization                                                                                        tunes  by  pledging  loyalty
            found Tuesday.                                                                                                      to  President  Vladimir  Putin
            Transparency       Interna-                                                                                         in  exchange  for  profitable
            tional’s  2022  Corruption                                                                                          government contracts and
            Perceptions  Index,  which                                                                                          protection  of  their  eco-
            measures  the  perception                                                                                           nomic interests.
            of public sector corruption                                                                                         “The   absence    of   any
            according  to  experts  and                                                                                         checks  on  Putin’s  power
            businesspeople, also found                                                                                          allowed  him  to  pursue  his
            that  governments  ham-                                                                                             geopolitical ambitions with
            pered  by  corruption  lack                                                                                         impunity,”  the  report  con-
            the  capacity  to  protect                                                                                          cluded. “This attack desta-
            the  people,  while  public                                                                                         bilized the European conti-
            discontent is more likely to                                                                                        nent,  threatening  democ-
            turn into violence.                                                                                                 racy, and has killed tens of
            “Corruption  has  made  our   Police block a protest against the jailing of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in Yekaterinburg,   thousands.”
            world  a  more  dangerous    Russia, Saturday, Jan. 23, 2021.                                      Associated Press  Before   the     invasion,
            place.   As   governments                                                                                           Ukraine,  which  scored  33
            have  collectively  failed  to  corrupt” 0 to a “very clean”  The   United   Kingdom  amidst concerns over weak  points, had a low score but

            make  progress  against  it,  100. Denmark is seen as the  dropped  five  points  to  73  integrity and lobbying reg-  was  undertaking  impor-
            they fuel the current rise in  least  corrupt  this  year  with  its lowest ever score. The re-  ulations  even though their  tant  reforms  and  steadily
            violence and conflict – and  90 points, and Finland and  port said a number of scan-   scores remain high in com-   improving.  Even  after  the
            endanger  people  every-     New  Zealand  both  follow  dals  from  public  spending  parison  to  the  rest  of  the  outbreak  of  the  war,  the
            where,”  said  Delia  Ferreira  closely at 87. Strong demo-  to lobbying, as well as rev-  world.                   country  continued  to  pri-
            Rubio,  the  chairperson  of  cratic  institutions  and  re-  elations  of  ministerial  mis-  In  eastern  Europe  corrup-  oritize  anti-corruption  re-
            Transparency International.  gard  for  human  rights  also  conduct, have highlighted  tion  is  seen  as  remaining  forms.  However,  wars  dis-
            “The  only  way  out  is  for  make these countries some  woeful inadequacies in the  rampant as many countries  rupt normal processes and
            states to do the hard work,  of the most peaceful in the  country’s  political  integrity  reached historic lows.   exacerbate risks, the report
            rooting  out  corruption  at  world, the report said.     systems. Public trust in poli-  Russia  in  particular  was  pointed  out,  allowing  cor-
            all levels to ensure govern-  However,  the  report  also  tics is also worryingly low, it  highlighted as a glaring ex-  rupt actors to pocket funds
            ments  work  for  all  people,  shows  that  while  western  said.                     ample  of  corruption’s  im-  meant for recovery.
            not  just  an  elite  few,”  she  Europe  remains  the  top-  Countries  like  Switzerland,  pact on peace and stabili-  Earlier this month investiga-
            added.                       scoring  region,  some  of  its  at 82, and the Netherlands,  ty. The country’s invasion of  tions  exposed  alleged  war
            The  report  ranks  countries  countries are showing wor-  which scored 80 points, are  Ukraine almost a year ago  profiteering  by  several  se-
            on  a  scale  from  a  “highly  rying signs of decline.   showing  signs  of  decline  was a stark reminder of the  nior officials. q

            EU lawmakers move to lift immunity of scandal suspects

             BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  An  influ-  ment  voted  unanimously  lawmakers  being  sought  be  questioned  by  Belgian  Niccolo  Figa-Talamanca.
             ential  committee  at  the  on  Tuesday  to  lift  the  pro-  by  Belgian  authorities  on  prosecutors.           Qatar  and  Morocco  deny
             European  Union’s  parlia-  tective  immunity  of  two  suspected  links  to  a  major  Hundreds  of  thousands  of  any involvement.
                                                                      corruption scandal.          euros  (dollars)  were  seized  The  request  by  prosecu-
                                                                      The European Parliament’s  in  raids  across  Brussels  in  tors  for  parliament  to  lift
                                                                      legal affairs committee de-  December.  Four  people  the  immunity  of  Tarabella
                                                                      cided by 23 votes to zero,  were  charged  with  cor-     and  Cozzolino  suggests
                                                                      with  no  abstentions,  to  lift  ruption,  money  launder-  that  they  too  could  be
                                                                      the  parliamentary  immu-    ing  and  membership  in  a  charged.  Both  men  deny
                                                                      nity  of  Belgian  lawmaker  criminal  organization  for  wrongdoing and have said
                                                                      Marc Tarabella and Italian  allegedly accepting bribes  they  are  willing  to  talk  to
                                                                      Andrea Cozzolino, its chair-  from Qatari and Moroccan  investigators.  A  lawyer  for
                                                                      man,  Adrian  Vazquez  Laz-  officials to influence parlia-  Panzeri’s  wife  and  daugh-
                                                                      ara, announced on Twitter.   mentary proceedings.         ter,  who  were  also  being
                                                                      The  move  paves  the  way  They are S&D lawmaker Eva  sought      over   suspected
                                                                      for  the  full  house  to  vote  Kaili,  who  was  an  assem-  links  to  what’s  one  of  the
                                                                      on whether to remove their  bly vice president until the  EU’s biggest-ever scandals,
                                                                      protections on Thursday so  charges came to light; her  said Monday that they had
                                                                      that the two men, who are  partner and parliamentary  been freed from house ar-
            Silvia  Panzeri,  the  daughter  of  former  MEP  Antonio  Panzeri,   members of the center-left  assistant  Francesco  Giorgi;  rest after Belgian authorities
            leaves  the  Brescia  law  court  on  a  penitentiary  police  car,  in   Socialists  and  Democrats  former  S&D  lawmaker  Pier  abandoned  their  attempt
            Brescia, northern Italy, Dec. 20, 2022.                   (S&D) political group hard-  Antonio  Panzeri,  and  the  to have the two transferred
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      est hit by the scandal, can  head  of  a  charity  group,  for questioning.q
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