P. 7

Antilliaans Dagblad Donderdag 28 juni 2018         ADVERTENTIE                                                      7

   Management Report 2017                         Balance Sheet
                                                  (In Thousands of ANG)
                                                  ASSETS                           2017  2016   2017  2016   2017  2016
                                                  Non-Admissable Assets             17,803    95,552     -   1,284    -     172
                                                  Real Estate                      38,654    32,648      -     -
                                                                                   70,056    63,314     -     -     20,583    19,470
   continue to hold leading market positions in all key lines of business delivering a steady   Stocks     134,823    86,473     -     -    728     727
   stream of profi ts in a stable currency.                                        429,745   377,583     50,997    51,039    3,024     3,024
   In 2017 an aggregated net profi t of ANG 31.2 Million was recorded compared to a net     -     -     -     -
                                                  Mortgage Loans                   25,025    25,770     -     -     -     453
                                                                                  117,884   106,391     2,784     8,317     19,582    16,789
                                                                                  120,173   121,235     3,500     3,500     22,945    25,821
                                                                                      -     -     -      -     -      -
   caused by less release of reserves compared to last year. The General Insurance business
                                                  Current Assets                   115,428    85,476     6,570     5,730    88,578    54,701
                                                                                      601     378     19     58    1,947     2,823
                                                  From Separate Accounts Statement      7,028     6,890                  -
   ANG 23.1 Million (39.9%) compared to previous year and ANG 3.6 (8.7%) Million for our
                                                  TOTAL                          0 , 1        7  2 , 7  2  0 , 1       0  0  7 , 1  1        0  6    8 , 3  7      0  6    9 , 9  2  1         8  5  3 , 7  8  1       7  2  9 , 3  8      0
                                                  EQUITY, PROVISIONS AND LIABILITIES
   The decrease is mainly due to changes in our reinsurance program causing reinsurance
                                                  Capital and Surplus
                                                  Capital                          46,637    46,637      6,194     6,194    32,730    32,730
                                                  Surplus                          157,640   146,787     35,499    38,286   18,504    18,556
                                                  Less Treasury Stock                 -     -     -      -     -      -
                                                  Subordinated Instruments            -     -     -      -     -      -
                                                  Provisions for Insurance Obligations
                                                  Net Technical Provision for Life Insurances     837,903   786,314     -   -   -   -
   an objective and transparent manner and are not subject to management’s undue infl uence.   Net Technical Provision for Accident and Sickness   -    -    -   -   -   -
                                                  Net Unearned Premium Provision      -     -      3     4     11,360    11,487
                                                  Net Claim Provision                 -     -     4,535     3,778    20,338    19,235
                                                  Net Claim Adjustment Expense Provision   -    -     288     292     -    -
   interesting value propositions.                Funds Provision                     -     -     -      -     -      -
                                                                                      -     -     11,949    14,892     -   -
   At Guardian Group Fatum, various governance and control functions coordinate to help     6,285     4,704     -   -   -   -
                                                                                      -     -     547     533     472     528
   place and operating eff ectively.               Current Liabilities               21,683    10,327      4,855     5,949     73,983    41,444
                                                                                       44     51     -   -     -      -
                                                  Contingent Liabilities              -     -     -      -     -      -
                                                  From Separate Accounts Statement       7,028     6,890       -     -    -   -
                                                  TOTAL                          0 , 1          7  2 , 7  2  0 , 1       0  0  7 , 1  1  6             0  8 , 3  7      0  6    9 , 9  2  1       8  5  3 , 7  8  1       7  2  9 , 3  8        0
                                                    Profi t & Loss Statement        2017  2016   2017  2016   2017  2016
   becoming a world-class insurer.
                                                                                   80,873    57,807     19,860    27,144     44,789    41,189
                                                  Net Investment Income and Realized Capital
   Curaçao, 22 June 2018
                                                  Gains and Losses                 44,051    54,729      3,715     3,446    5,600     4,400
                         Diego Fränkel                                              1,680     683     580     595    474     185
                         President & CEO Fatum Holding  Net Benefi ts / Claims Incurred     47,719    36,127     12,084    15,264     25,051    21,640
                                                  Change In Provisions for Insurance Obligations     51,603    38,449     -   -      -   -
   Independent auditor’s report                   Net Claim Adjustment Expenses Incurred   -    -      (2.943)    (2.647)   -   -
                                                  Underwriting Expenses Incurred     22,761    16,081     7,463    10,377     20,656    16,228
                                                                                     311     1,093    (404)    (253)    (970)    504
                                                  Net Transfers to or from Separate Accounts    -    -    -   -      -   -
                                                                                      -     -     -      -      -     -
                                                  Profi t Sharing to Policyholders     408     (261)    -   -      -   -
                                                  Extraordinary Results               -     -     -      -      -     -
                                                  Net Operational Results Before Corporate Taxes
                                                  and Net Results From Separate Accounts      3,802    21,730      7,959     8,450    6,126     7,402
   and Fatum General Insurance N.V.
                                                  Corporate Taxes Incurred           673     3,121      1,978     1,974     536     597
   Financial highlights
                                                  and Before Net Results From Separate Accounts      3,129    18,609      5,981     6,476    5,590     6,805
   General Insurance Annual Statement Composition and Valuation Guidelines (2015) of   Net Results from Separate Accounts     (176)    (14)    -      -      -      -
                                                  Net Operational Results           2,953    18,595      5,981     6,476    5,590     6,805
                                                  Net Unrealized Gains or Losses      16,643     232    -       -       -       -
                                                  Net Profi t or Loss               19,596    18,827     5,981     6,476     5,590     6,805
                                                  Analysis of Unassigned Earnings
   Life and General Insurance Annual Statements.  Unassigned Earnings (Beginning of Year)      138,561   119,734     38,286    31,810    18,556    11,744
                                                  Net Profi t or Loss               19,596    18,827     5,981     6,476     5,590     6,805
   The audited Life and General Insurance Annual Statements
                                                  Distribution of Accumulated Earnings    10,326     -       8,768     -       5,128     -
                                                                                     -      -      -       -       (514)    7
   Insurance Annual Statements in our report dated 22 June 2018.
                                                  Unassigned Earnings (End of Year)      147,831   138,561     35,499    38,286    18,504    18,556
                                                                   e t a t S   s s o L  m e  g i e r o F   . t n  b   n  o n  e   fi i s s a l c   e r a   s d        r i a f “   s a   d  claims ratio. The ageing reserve amounts to ANG 10,775
                                                                                           as per December 31, 2017 (2016: ANG 13,613).
                                                              All gains and losses resulting from revaluation are
                                                                                           less any necessary provisions for credit risk exposure.
   Auditor’s Responsibility                                 4.  Mortgage loans are stated at face value less any  12. Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are expressed
                                                              necessary provision for credit risk exposure.
                                                            5.  Capitalized interest rate rebates are amortized at
                                                 Engagements to
   Report on Summary Financial Statements.
                                                            6.  Policy loans are stated at face value. The surrender
   Curaçao, 22 June 2018                                                                 13. Corporate tax is expensed to profi t and loss on an
   for Ernst & Young Accountants                                                           accrual basis. The accrued profi t tax charge is based
   Signed by                                                  earned based on experience ratios of previous years.
   C. Smorenburg RA AA      F. de Windt-Ferreira CPA        8.  For General Insurance provision for outstanding claims   corporate tax rate is 22% (2016: 22%). The eff ective
                                                              are stated at estimated cost per event.
   N                                                        9.  The (reinsured) provision for life policy liabilities is prin-  account any tax credits, non-deductible tax expenses
                                                                                           and prior year adjustment, where applicable.
                                                              using mortality tables and interest rates customary in
   Summary of signifi cant accounting and valuation principles
                                2.  Shares are stated at market value. In case no fair value   3-4%.
   previous year:                 realizable value.
                                3.  Local bonds are classifi ed as “held to maturity” and are
                                  stated at amortized cost. The amortization of premium
     equipment are stated at cost less straight line depre-
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12