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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 11 February 2025

            USAID is stripped of its lease and staffers turned away from DC headquarters

            By ELLEN KNICKMEYER                                                                                                 been hit hardest so far.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The  president  signed  an
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Of-                                                                                            executive  order  freezing
            ficials  and  federal  officers                                                                                     foreign  assistance,  forcing
            turned away scores of U.S.                                                                                          U.S.-funded aid and devel-
            Agency  for  International                                                                                          opment  programs  world-
            Development  staffers  who                                                                                          wide to shut down and lay
            showed up for work Monday                                                                                           off staff. Secretary of State
            at its Washington headquar-                                                                                         Marco  Rubio  had  sought
            ters, after a court temporarily                                                                                     to mitigate the damage by
            blocked a Trump administra-                                                                                         issuing a waiver to exempt
            tion order that would have                                                                                          emergency  food  aid  and
            pulled all but a fraction of                                                                                        “life-saving” programs.
            workers  off  the  job  world-                                                                                      The  Norwegian  Refugee
            wide.                                                                                                               Council, one of the largest
            The  Trump  administration                                                                                          humanitarian groups, called
            confirmed to The Associated                                                                                         the U.S. cutoff the most dev-
            Press that it had taken USAID                                                                                       astating in its 79-year history
            off the lease of the building,                                                                                      and said Monday that it will
            which  it  had  occupied  for                                                                                       have to suspend programs
            decades.                                                                                                            serving  hundreds  of  thou-
            USAID’s  eviction  from  its                                                                                        sands of people in 20 coun-
            headquarters marks the lat-                                                                                         tries. “The impact of this will
            est in the swift dismantling of   Priya  Kathpal,  right,  and  Taylor  Williamson,  who  work  for  a  company  doing  contract  work  for   be felt severely by the most
            the aid agency and its pro-  the United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, carry signs outside the USAID   vulnerable, from deeply ne-
                                         headquarters in Washington, Monday, Feb. 10, 2025.
            grams by President Donald                                                                          Associated Press  glected Burkina Faso, where
            Trump  and  his  billionaire                                                                                        we are the only organization
            ally,  Elon  Musk.  Both  have  front  desk  officer  Monday  are you here?”           had  been  removed  from  supplying  clean  water  to
            targeted agency spending  that he had a list of no more  USAID staff were denied en-   the lease and the building  the 300,000 trapped in the
            that they call wasteful and  than 10 names of people al-  try to their offices to retrieve  would  be  repurposed  for  blockaded city of Djibo, to
            accuse its work around the  lowed to enter the building.  belongings  and  were  told  other government uses.       war-torn Sudan, where we
            world of being out of line with  Tarps covered USAID’s inte-  the lease had been turned  Even  as  Trump  and  Musk,  support nearly 500 bakeries
            Trump’s agenda.              rior signs.                  over to the General Services  who runs what is billed as a  in Darfur providing daily sub-
            A steady stream of agency  A man who earlier identified  Administration, which man-    cost-cutting Department of  sidized bread to hundreds of
            staffers — dressed in business  himself  as  a  USAID  official  ages  federal  government  Government Efficiency, have  thousands of hunger-stricken
            clothes or USAID sweatshirts  took a harsher tone, telling  buildings. A GSA spokesper-  taken aim at other govern-  people,” the group said in a
            or T-shirts — were told by a  staffers “just go” and “why  son  confirmed  that  USAID  ment  agencies,  USAID  has  statement. q

              Judge finds Trump administration hasn’t fully followed his order to unfreeze federal spending

              By LINDSAY WHITEHURST       low his temporary restraining  caused  and  continues  to  and tax package.         Barack Obama, said his or-
              Associated Press            over halting its plans for a  cause irreparable harm to a  But  McConnell,  who  is  der blocked the administra-
              WASHINGTON (AP) — A fed-    sweeping freeze of federal  vast portion of this country.”  based in Rhode Island and  tion from a wide range of
              eral judge found Monday  funding.                       The administration has said  was nominated by President  funding cuts. q
              that the Trump administra-  The  White  House  did  not  it  was  making  good-faith
              tion  hasn’t  fully  followed  immediately respond to a  efforts to comply with the
              his  order  to  unfreeze  fed-  message seeking comment.  judge’s  ruling  in  a  lawsuit
              eral spending and told the  The judge said his temporary  filed  by  nearly  two  dozen
              White House to release all  restraining order also blocks  states. But the Justice De-
              the money.                  the administration from cut-  partment also argued that
              U.S.  District  Court  Judge  ting billions of dollars in grant  his ruling only applied to a
              John McConnell ruled that  funding from the National  sweeping spending freeze
              continued struggles to get  Institutes of Health.       outlined in a late January
              federal money for things like  “These  pauses  in  funding  memo that has since been
              early childhood education,  violate the plain text of the  rescinded.
              pollution reduction and HIV  (temporary  restraining  or-  The ruling doesn’t apply to
              prevention  research  vio-  der),” he wrote. “The broad  other spending pauses out-
              lated his Jan. 31 order. He  categorical and sweeping  lined in different memos, in-  President Donald Trump speaks to reporters aboard Air Force
              ordered the Trump adminis-  freeze  of  federal  funds  is,  cluding funds that were part   One as he prepares to sign a proclamation declaring Feb. 9
                                                                                                   Gulf of America Day as he travels from West Palm Beach, Fla.
              tration to “immediately take  as  the  Court  found,  likely  of President Joe Biden’s sig-  to New Orleans, Sunday, Feb. 9, 2025.
              every step necessary” to fol-  unconstitutional  and  has  nature climate, health care                                      Associated Press
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