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Diamars 4 di Augustus 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
Mester tuma • Tevreden: Miho
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Pagina 3 Pagina 16
University of Aruba
August 4, 2020
T: 582-7800
Page 31/32
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Parents struggle as schools reopen amid coronavirus surge
By JEFF AMY and DENISE to balance her fears with
LAVOIE her belief that her child-
DALLAS, Ga. (AP) — Putting ren need the socialization
your child on the bus for the and instruction that school
first day of school is always provides, even as the U.S.
a leap of faith for a parent. death toll from the corona-
Now, on top of the usual virus has hit about 155,000
worries about youngsters and cases are rising in nu-
adjusting to new teachers merous places.
and classmates, there’s As the bus pulled away
COVID-19. from the curb in Adamus’
Rachel Adamus was fee- Dallas, Georgia, neighbor-
ling those emotions Mon- hood, the tears finally be-
day morning as she got gan to fall.
7-year-old Paul ready for “We have kept them pro-
his first day of second gra- tected for so long,” said
de and prepared 5-year- Adamus, who said her
old Neva for the start of kin- aunt died from COVID-19
dergarten. in Alabama and her hus-
With a new school year be- band’s great uncle suc-
ginning this week in some cumbed to the virus in a Paul Adamus, 7, waits at the bus stop for the first day of school on Monday, Aug. 3, 2020, in Dallas,
states, Adamus struggled New Jersey nursing home. Ga.
Continued on Page 25 Associated Press