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                                                                                                           local Saturday 18 February 2023

            Aruba Airport Authority: project Gateway 50% executed

            Aruba    Airport   Authority
            (AAA) held a press confer-
            ence to give updates about
            project Gateway 2030. Dur-
            ing  this  press  conference,
            the minister of Tourism and
            representatives present vis-
            ited the construction site.

            Before  stepping  on  to  the
            construction  site,  the  min-
            ister  and  the  executive
            director of AAA Joost Mei-
            jis,  along  with  the  project  sic  components  of  each  on the site, including those  in the project as a way to  sured that Phase 1A of the
            team  and  press  were  all  phase has been expanded  from the AAA, the contrac-       achieve this.                project  is  an  investment
            given safety vests from the  upon and explained.          tor  company,  and  other  The next phases in the proj-   of  143  million  dollar.  After
            Project  Management  Of-                                  parties  that  either  directly  ect are already in the pro-  this, they will continue with
            fice  (PMO),  who  is  also  in-  “We are happy and proud  or  indirectly  work  on  this  cess of evaluation and will  Phase  1B,  Phase  2  and
            volved in the realization of  to present Minister Oduber  phase.                       be included in the project.  Phase  3.  As  the  minister
            project Gateway 2030.        with  the  latest  advance-  This phase also includes the  This  includes,  for  example,  stated,  “this  project  is  very
            The  director  of  develop-  ments of project Gateway  development  and  installa-     a  new  concession  area  important  for  our  tourism
            ment  and  technology  at  2030, which is now in its first  tion  of  baggage  handling  where  all  gates  for  Ameri-  and our economy, keeping
            AAA,  Gilbert  Rafeal,  was  phase of development. The  systems and the new zone  can flights are connected,  in mind the limitations in ca-
            accompanied by the PMO  goal is to complete this first  for luggage preparations.      new installations for arrivals  pacity that we are current-
            team  consisting  of  Mr.  phase by the third trimester  Phase  1B  includes  the  ex-  and  the  extension  of  the  ly  experiencing,  as  well  as
            Henry  Balentin,  Sr.  project  of 2024, and begin the next  pansion of the current gate  service  area  at  the  termi-  the increase in hotel rooms
            director;  Mr.  Gerard  Turk,  phase  in  that  same  year,”  8  area  and  the  creation  nal.                     from  hotels  that  are  cur-
            resident  engineer  and  Mr.  Joost Meijs stated.         of  two  waiting  rooms  that                             rently in construction. This is
            Gerko  Rijkers.  Representa-  Phase  1A  of  the  project—  will be connected to three  Minister  Oduber  expressed  why it is also necessary that
            tives  from  the  ABC  Project  which  has  been  ongoing  contact gates and one em-   that  they  have  been  giv-  we amplify our airport and
            Venture  contracting  com-   for a year and a half now—  barking gate. At the same  en  extensive  information  ensure  good  infrastructure
            pany provided the minister  primarily  includes  the  ex-  time,  Rafael  also  men-   on  the  project.  He  also  to  comply  with  the  wishes
            with information on the re-  pansion of the building for  tioned that they have also  announced  that  project  of our guests.”
            cent updates in the project  U.S. check-ins. In the future,  considered  the  matter  of  Gateway is already 50% in  At the same time, he point-
            during the course of Phase  this  area  will  become  the  sustainability as part of their  its execution phase, where  ed  out  that  this  project  is
            1A  and  the  schedule  to  main  check-in  terminal  for  strategy.  Infrastructures  for  they  are  currently  keeping  being  executed  by  local
            complete  this  project  on  all outgoing travelers.      solar  panels  and  reusable  up  with  planning  in  order  contractors, which can be
            time.                        According to Rafael, Phase  rain  water  for  bathrooms  to complete the project on  an example for other local
            Concerning     the    other  1A consists of approximate-  are among the few factors  time.                          contractors to pursue more
            phases  of  the  project,  ba-  ly  200  employees  working  they  have  implemented  Minister  Oduber  has  as-    projects.q

            Mikayla Ruiz crowned as Queen Ritz Carlton Aruba

            (Oranjestad)—On       Wednesday  For the first time, Ritz Carlton Aruba
            evening,  the  election  for  Grand  organized a queen election, which
            Carnaval  Queen  and  Madam  was  held  in  the  hotel’s  ballroom
            Carnaval of the Ritz Carlton Aruba  and was attended by a big crowd.
            Hotel was held. A total of 9 contes-  The candidates’ family, friends and
            tants—5 competing for the Madam  colleagues  united  to  show  their
            Carnaval title and 4 others for the  support for their candidate.
            Grand Queen title—performed and
            presented their speech for the ulti-  For  both  titles,  awards  were  giv-
            mate titles of the Ritz Carlton Aruba  en  for  the  titles  of  Most  Popular
            Queens.                             Queen; Queen QR (online voting),
                                                Best  Costume;  Best  Speech;  Best

                                                                                    Show;  Runner-ups  and  of  course,  Speech,  Best  Show  and  Best  Cos-
                                                                                    Queen.                              tume.
                                                                                    For  the  category  of  Madam  Car-
                                                                                    naval, the winner was Orelis Kelly,  In terms of entertainment, the car-
                                                                                    who is representing Casino Tables.  naval  group  Tsunami  headlined
                                                                                    She was also awarded with the title  the  event,  and  all  guests  were
                                                                                    of Best Speech.                     seen enjoying the ambience from
                                                                                                                        beginning to end.
                                                                                    For the category of Grand Queen,
                                                                                    the winner was Mikayla Ruiz, repre-  It is also worth mentioning that the
                                                                                    senting Meetings & Special Events.  theme of recycling really out in the
                                                                                    Ruiz  also  snatched  the  awards  contestants’ costumes, where their
                                                                                    for  Most  Popular,  Queen  QR,  Best  creativity was front and center.q
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