Page 11 - Min.TTC 17 March 2015
P. 11

LOCALTuesday 17 March 2015

Native daughter returns home for her 60th birthday

contributions for years to
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Hampshire County.”

Last year Ruth was in-
ducted into the Royal
Order of Oranje-Nassau
for her outstanding and
compassionate service
at Big Brother Big Sister
of Hampshire County,
MA during a quarter of a
century and for her two
decades of dedicated
participation in the vol-
unteer UMASS Interna-
tional Students Hospital-
ity Program that she now

New Arrivals from Aruba Esso News of April 9, 1955. Ruth Harms is married to
Dr. Stephen Hickman, an
Sixty years ago the and then some! By the setts but she never forgot is presented annually to associate pediatrician at
Aruba Esso News an- time she graduated from Aruba. She continued to “someone whose work Amherst Pediatrics. The
nounced under New Ar- high school in Beirut, Leb- visit her island regularly demonstrates a long- couple celebrated their
rivals the birth of Esther anon, Ruth had attend- and over a decade ago term commitment to 35th wedding anniver-
Ruth Harms, daughter of ed ten different schools the Aruban Tourism Au- helping children recov- sary in December. They
Clyde Harms, currently in six countries and five thority named Ruth and er from abuse”. At that have two adult children,
President Emeritus of the continents. She obtained her husband Ambassa- time she also received Sarah Elizabeth and Ra-
Aruba Scholarship Foun- her Bachelors degree at dors of Goodwill. from the State of Massa- chel.
dation. After six years Macalester College in St. chusetts a Citation that
Ruth left Aruba with her Paul, Minnesota and her In 2010 the Northwest- reads “In recognition of Happy Birthday, Ruth! En-
family. During the next Masters in Social Work at ern Children’s Advoca- her outstanding dedica- joy your island’s beaches
twelve years Ruth went University of Missouri. cy Project of Hampshire and warm weather.q
wherever her father Almost 30 years ago she County, Massachusetts tion and many valuable
(then an employee of and her husband settled honored Ruth with the
Esso/Exxon) was sent to, in Amherst, Massachu- Ellen Sedlis Award which

Ruth Harms and her husband Dr. Stephen Hickman arrive
in Aruba, happy to have left the snow and cold weather of
Amherst, MA
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