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                                                                                                                           Saturday 19 auguSt 2017

            Monday, August 21:
                   Partial Solar Eclipse Visible from the Island of Aruba

                                                                                                   tion  will  be  near  Carbon-  NASA recommends the use
            Solar Eclipse                riod when the moon com-      hour and a half, it will cross  dale, Illinois, where the sun  of solar filter eclipse glasses
            On  Monday,  August  21,  pletely blocks the sun from  through  Oregon,  Idaho,  will be completely covered  or pin-hole projectors if you
            2017,  all  of  North  America  any  given  location  along  Wyoming,  Montana,  Ne-   for two minutes and 40 sec-  wish  to  watch  the  partial
            will be treated to an eclipse  the path will be about two  braska,  Iowa,  Kansas,  Mis-  onds.                     eclipse.
            of  the  sun.  Anyone  within  minutes  and  40  seconds.   souri, Illinois, Kentucky, Ten-                         An  eclipse  is  a  rare  event,
            the path of totality can see  The  last  time  the  contigu-  nessee, Georgia, and North  How to See It On Aruba:   but  protecting  your  eyes
            one of nature’s most awe-    ous U.S. saw a total eclipse  and  South  Carolina.    The  2:18pm:  Partial  Eclipse  be-  from  the  sun  should  be
            inspiring  sights  -  a  total  so-  was  in  1979.  The  last  time  total  eclipse  will  end  near  gins and the Moon touches  a  daily  occurrence,  says
            lar eclipse. This path, where                                                          the Sun’s edge.              Keith  Skolnick,  M.D.,  an
            the  moon  will  completely                                                            3:38pm:  Maximum  Eclipse  ophthalmologist  with  the
            cover the sun and the sun’s                                                            is  reached  (54%)  and  the  Baptist  Eye  Surgery  Center
            tenuous  atmosphere  -  the                                                            Moon is closest to the cen-  in Florida.
            corona - can be seen, will                                                             ter of the Sun.              “With the eclipse, if you look
            stretch from Lincoln Beach,                                                            4:48pm: Partial Eclipse ends  directly at the sun that can
            Oregon     to   Charleston,                                                            and  the  Moon  leaves  the  lead  to  permanent  dam-
            South  Carolina.  Observ-                                                              Sun’s edge.                  age  of  the  macular,  the
            ers outside this path will still                                                                                    center and most important
            see  a  partial  solar  eclipse                                                        Protecting Your Eyes:        part of the retina,” explains
            where  the  moon  covers                                                               Never  look  at  the  sun  di-  Dr. Skolnick. “It’s basically a
            part of the sun’s disk.                                                                rectly, your mom may have  sunburn of the macula.
                                                                                                   told  you  more  than  once.  Enjoy  the  Eclipse  on  Mon-
            Who Can See It?                                                                        And  she  was  right.  This  is  day!
            Lots  of  people!  Everyone                                                            also  true  during  the  long-
            in  the  contiguous  United                                                            anticipated total or partial  (Information    provided
            States, in fact, everyone in                                                           solar  eclipse  that  will  take  by  National  Aeronautics
            North  America  plus  parts  Aruba  saw  a  total  eclipse  Charleston,  South  Caro-  place Monday, Aug. 21.       and  Space  Administration
            of  South  America,  The  was in 1988.                    lina at 2:48 p.m. EDT.  From  NASA stresses that it’s “nev-  (NASA),,
            Caribbean,  Africa,  and                                  there  the  lunar  shadow  er  safe  to  look  directly  at  Aruba  Astro  Research  Int.,
            Europe  will  see  at  least  a  Where Can You See It?    leaves the United States at  the sun’s rays – even if the  and  Baptist  Health  South
            partial  solar  eclipse,  while  You  can  see  a  partial  4:09  EDT.    Its  longest  dura-  sun  is  partly  obscured.”  Florida).q
            the  thin  path  of  totality  eclipse,  where  the  moon
            will  pass  through  portions  covers  only  a  part  of  the
            of  14  states.    On  Aruba,  sun,  anywhere  in  North
            the  eclipse  will  be  partial,  America.  To  see  a  total
            reaching  a  maximum  of  eclipse,  where  the  moon
            54% coverage.                fully  covers  the  sun  for  a
                                         short few minutes, you must
            What is It?                  be  in  the  path  of  totality.
            This celestial event is a solar  The path of totality is a rela-
            eclipse in which the moon  tively  thin  ribbon,  around
            passes  between  the  sun  70 miles wide, that will cross
            and  Earth  and  blocks  all  the  U.S.  from  West  to  East.
            or part of the sun for up to  The first point of contact will
            about three hours, from be-  be  at  Lincoln  Beach,  Or-
            ginning  to  end,  as  viewed  egon at 9:05 a.m. PDT. To-
            from a given location.  For  tality begins there at 10:16
            this eclipse, the longest pe-  a.m.  PDT.    Over  the  next
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