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                 Diabierna 15 di Mei 2020  Email:  Tel: 582-7800  Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin

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                                                                                                                              •  Marco Rubio


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                                                                                                                      Arubans living abroad

                                                                                       May 15, 2020
                                                                                       T: 582-7800

                 A                                                                                                                           Page31
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Among the mainstays of 2020 claimed by the pandemic: Spring

            By MALLIKA SEN               renewal and rebirth, spring
            Associated Press             is  ever  more  precious  in
            By  the  time  spring  arrived  a  world  beset  by  climate
            in  the  Northern  Hemisphe-  change.  After  dark  win-
            re, the pandemic had the  ters, spring arrives and the
            world firmly in its grip.    earth  turns  green  again.
            The vernal equinox arrived  The word itself is shorthand
            March 19, the day Califor-   for  revolutionary  move-
            nia  handed  down  the  first  ments — the Springtime of
            statewide     stay-at-home  Nations (1848), the Prague
            order  in  the  United  States.  Spring  (1968),  the  Arab
            Most of the country would  Spring  (2010-2012).  Igor
            soon follow suit. In the co-  Stravinsky  chose  “The  Rite
            ming weeks, vast swaths of  of Spring” in 1913  to chart
            humanity would be largely  new musical frontiers.
            confined to their homes.     April lies at the heart of the
            Now,    midway     through  poetic spring. Shakespeare
            spring, people are already  takes a jaunty view of it in
            fretting about summer. The  his  “Sonnet  98,”  personify-
            spring of 2020 — for human  ing it as a month that “hath   In this March 26, 2020, file photo, a person takes in the afternoon sun amongst the cherry blos-
            beings, at least — has be-   put a spirit of youth in eve-  soms along Kelly Drive in Philadelphia.
            come the season that isn’t.  rything.”
            Long considered a time of           Continued on Page 25                                                                       Associated Press
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