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              Thursday 19 OcTOber 2017
            Aruban Drone Pilot Wins Champions League with his Team

            ORANJESTAD  -  IRC  Racing  several teams. He travelled
            is a drone FPV Racing Team  around  the  world,  practic-
            powered  by  ImmersionRC  ing his sport in this futuristic
            and  Aruban  Vince  Irie  is  phenomenon.  The  sport  is
            part  of  that  team.  During  growing quickly in popular-
            the  recent  Drone  Cham-    ity and Vince his skills were
            pions  League  in  Romania  shown  in  the  main  sport
            the  team  won  first  price.  channels  on  television  like
            The event was spectacular  Eurosport,  Fox  Sport  and
            and drew a lot of attention  YouTube  channel  Twitch.
            worldwide.                   The  races  in  Romania
                                         took place in an old mine,
            Vince  was  immediately  called  Sardina  Turna,  situ-
            hooked on the sport when  ated 150 meter above the
            he  experienced  his  first  ground. The first day Vince
            ‘flight’  and  since  then  be-  and his team won second
            came a world known drone  place, but the second day
            pilot,  popular  among  the  –with a more difficult track-

                                                                                                                                made  it  to  the  overall  first
                                                                                                                                place.  The  team  was  out-
                                                                                                                                rageous and Aruba proud
                                                                                                                                to  have  an  ambassador
                                                                                                                                in  an  innovative  sport  like
                                                                                                                                drone racing.q
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