Page 28 - DESPA 10 DEC 2015
P. 28
WORLD NEWSThursday 10 December 2015
Mexican health authorities approves first dengue vaccine
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexican the vaccine’s manufacturer 2014, the vaccine had an av- life-threatening form of the were 60 percent or more.
health authorities approved had proved its safety and ef- erage rate of effectiveness of disease — known as dengue The federal agency, known by
the first vaccine to gain official fectiveness, but did not name about 60.8 percent in protect- hemorrhagic fever, which its initials as Cofepris, said the
acceptance for use against the drug. In a separate state- ing against the four strains of can cause internal bleed- vaccine could help prevent
the dengue virus, which sick- ment, the Lyon, France-based dengue currently circulating. ing, shock, organ failure and 104 deaths, 8,000 hospital
ens about 100 million people Sanofi Pasteur identified the But it appeared to be par- death — may hit people who admissions and save about
every year, mostly in Asia, Af- vaccine as Dengvaxia. Mexico ticularly effective in protect- have already had one strain, $65 million in health expen-
rica and Latin America. said the vaccine is aimed at ing people who had already and then suffer a subsequent ditures annually. Mosquitoes
Mexico’s federal medical safe- people aged 9 to 45, and will been exposed to one of the infection by a different strain. transmit the dengue virus.
ty agency said Wednesday the be used in areas where the four strains from catching Because of that, Mexico said Symptoms include high fevers
vaccine has undergone test- disease is endemic. According another strain. That is impor- it planned to apply the vac- and severe muscle and joint
ing on over 40,000 patients to a World Health Organiza- tant because experts believe cine in areas were exposure pain. There’s no specific treat-
worldwide. It said Wednesday tion report published in late the most extreme, potentially rates to at least one strain ment for dengue.q
Australia police raid home of man said to be bitcoin founder
A Federal police officer walks through the garage at the home of a Sydney man in Sydney, Aus- house in a Sydney suburb asked if she was speaking
tralia, Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015 as they search the property as part of a tax investigation. Technol- hauling two black roller with the person named as
ogy news sites have alleged the man is the creator of the virtual currency Bitcoin. suitcases. Nakamoto, he asked who
Technology publications was calling. When told he
(AP Photo/Rob Griffith) Wired and Gizmodo pub- was speaking to a reporter,
lished reports this week the man said, “Sorry. Not
KRISTEN GELINEAU claimed is the founder of on the virtual currency, claiming an Australian busi- here,” and hung up. Voice-
Associated Press virtual currency bitcoin. which is used for transac- nessman is bitcoin’s likely mails left on the man’s mo-
SYDNEY (AP) — Australian A statement from the Aus- tions across borders without inventor. bile and office numbers
police on Wednesday raid- tralian Federal Police said third parties such as banks. Since bitcoin’s birth in 2009, were not returned.
ed the home and business the searches were related Federal officers and tax the identity of currency’s His LinkedIn profile lists him
premises of a man that- to a tax investigation and officials refused to answer creator has remained a as working for a Sydney
technology news sites have not recent media reports questions as they left the mystery. The person, or company that focuses on
people, behind the digital “alternative currency” and
currency’s inception have “next generation banking.”
been known only as “Sa- The police search of the
toshi Nakamoto,” which man’s home in the wealthy
many observers believed northern Sydney suburb
to be a pseudonym. of Gordon lasted several
In March last year, Ameri- hours and drew a steady
can Dorian Prentice Sa- trickle of perplexed neigh-
toshi Nakamoto denied in bors into the quiet, tree-
an exclusive interview with lined street.
The Associated Press that Many described the man
he was the inventor after as quiet and somewhat
Newsweek published a standoffish, and said they
4,500-word cover story link- had noticed the family
ing the currency to him. kept an unusual amount
Attempts to reach the Syd- of electronics running in
ney businessman that re- the sunroom at the front of
ports claim is Nakamoto their two-story brick house.
were unsuccessful. None had seen the fam-
A man answered a mobile ily on Wednesday; letters
phone number belong- overflowed the mailbox
ing to the businessman’s and the garbage bins were
wife. When an AP journalist full. q
Suleiman the Magnificent’s tomb believed found in Hungary
Associated Press stood and where he died. points in the same direc- in the Balkans, the Middle back to Constantinople, as
BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Pap, head of the depart- tion,” Pap said at a presen- East and northern Africa Istanbul was then known.
The remains of the tomb of ment of Political Geogra- tation of the latest findings. during his 46-year reign. His death at Szigetvar was
Suleiman the Magnificent, phy, Regional and Devel- “That is why we say ‘in all What is believed to be the kept secret for 48 days to
who died in 1566 while opment Studies at the Uni- certainty,’ because there is sultan’s tomb is located in prevent his troops from giv-
his troops were besieging versity of Pecs in Hungary, no sign pointing in another the former Ottoman settle- ing up the fight. Szigetvar
the fortress of Szigetvar in said objects suggesting it direction. But more confir- ment of Turbek, which was was defended by locals
southern Hungary, have “in was Suleiman’s tomb were mation is needed, as this is destroyed in the 1680s. The led by Croatian-Hungarian
all likelihood” been found, found during the dig, as a very delicate topic.” settlement’s discovery was nobleman Miklos Zrinyi. The
a Hungarian historian said well as other historical evi- Until his death at age 71, announced by Pap in 2013. siege was a pyrrhic victory
Wednesday. Norbert Pap dence, although more ex- Suleiman was the Ottoman Historians believe Sulei- for the Turks and delayed
said the tomb is believed cavations are needed to Empire’s longest-ruling sul- man’s heart and internal their ultimately unsuccess-
to have been built over the confirm the find. tan. The Turks greatly ex- organs were buried in the ful advance toward Vien-
spot where Suleiman’s tent “We have data which all panded their dominance tomb and his body taken na for decades. q