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            Thursday 21 december 2017

            Azure Beach Residences, Just a Few Steps Away from Opening in Early 2018

            PALM  BEACH  -  Aruba  of-                                                             also  include  Juan  Ramon   at nearby Eagle Beach or
            fers  a  wide  range  of  ac-                                                          Pacheco  who  will  oversee   golf privileges at two near-
            commodations,  from  up-                                                               landscaping in the project.   by courses, including Tierra
            scale hotels to time-shares                                                            Marinelda  Cartaya,  Man-    del  Sol,  designed  by  Rob-
            and  condominium  rentals.                                                             ager  of  Sales  and  Market-  ert Trent Jones Jr.
            Each comes with its perks:                                                             ing  added  “Having  seen    The  property  is  located
            bustling atmospheres, hap-                                                             the plans for the resort, it’s   steps  away  from  Aruba’s
            pening  happy  hours,  full                                                            impressive  how  every  as-  two most popular beaches
            kitchens,  living  and  dining                                                         pect of the property is de-  and  tourist  areas:  Eagle
            areas,  and  in  Aruba,  most                                                          signed  to  exceed  the  ex-  Beach  and  Palm  Beach.
            come  with  beach  access.                                                             pectations  of  owners  and   AZURE is an easy walk from
            But  what  sets  the  condo-                                                           guests.  In  particular  I  love   dining  and  attractions.=
            miniums  at  Azure  Beach                                                              the  ocean-front  pool  area   Just  four  miles  from  Azure
            Residences  apart  are  the                                                            with  its  expansive  green   Beach  Residences,  Aru-
            spectacular views, peace-                                                              lawns”                       ba’s capital Oranjestad re-
            ful  setting,  and  sunny  and                                                         180 o views of Eagle Beach   tains the charm of a quaint
            spacious luxury units.                                                                 Bay from the comfort of your   seaside village, although it
                                                                                                   own private balcony. Azure   has developed into a cos-
            The Pering Group develop-                                                              Beach Residences will con-   mopolitan,    international
            ers,  a  65-year-  old  family-                                                        sist of two residential towers   tourist destination, with styl-
            owned  company  that  has                                                              with spacious units ranging   ish  shops,  gourmet  restau-
            been  in  Aruba  for  over                                                             from two to five bedrooms    rants,  nightclubs,  and  ca-
            14  years,  is  adding  Azure                                                          and  offering  unobstructed   sinos. Other attractions are
            Beach  Residences  to  its                                                             views  of  the  Atlantic.  They   crystal-clear  blue  waters,
            exclusive portfolio of luxury                                                          will be decorated in a sleek   miles of white sand beach-
            condominium       develop-   The property will feature 98  sort. When we selected the   contemporary  style  and    es,  music  festivals,  and  lo-
            ments in Aruba. Its first de-  spacious  whole-ownership  site for Azure and enjoyed   feature  elevated  ceilings,   cal  cultural  events.  Need-
            velopment,  Oceania  Resi-   condominium units and 14  the stunning views of Eagle     roomy  terraces,  upscale    less to say that this precious
            dences,  located  on  the    superb villas that will be built  Beach Bay, we knew it was   appliances  and  electron-  destination  is  also  located
            white sand Eagle Beach in    in two phases, with the first  spectacular  –  it’s  hard  to   ics,  and  wireless  internet.   out of the hurricane belt.
            the low rise hotel area, was   scheduled  for  completion  imagine  a  more  idyllic  lo-  Planned   on-site   ameni-  Azure is not only all of the
            the first beach front condo-  by  the  second  quarter  of  cation.”                   ties  include  two  swimming   above,  but  also  affiliated
            minium project in Aruba. It   2018. Alberto Perret-Gentil,  Pering  has  partnered  up   pools,  fitness  center,  ten-  to  Preferred  Residences,
            was  so  successful  that  the   Project Manager said: “Our  once again with architects   nis  court,  Club  Room  and   a  worldwide  hospitality
            group soon started building   vision  is  to  create  a  high-  Enrique  Feldman  and  Ar-  landscaped  sun-deck  and   branding program for luxu-
            Blue  Residences,  an  oasis   quality product with all the  mand De Koning which will   the beach right across the   ry shared ownership resorts
            located  between  the  low-  modern conveniences and  be  in  charge  of  the  proj-   street.  Owners  and  guests   offered by Interval Interna-
            rise and high- rise tumult.  services of a full-service re-  ect’s design. The team will   also can enjoy water sports   tional,  an  operating  busi-
                                                                                                                                ness of ILG (Nasdaq: ILG).
                                                                                                                                Preferred  Residences  of-
                                                                                                                                fers   owners   high-touch
                                                                                                                                exchange  services  to  a
                                                                                                                                portfolio of resorts curated
                                                                                                                                especially  for  the  affluent
                                                                                                                                traveler.  Owners  may  also
                                                                                                                                exchange  vacation  time
                                                                                                                                for  stays  at  participating
                                                                                                                                Preferred Hotels & Re-
                                                                                                                                sorts  SM,  as  well  as  enjoy
                                                                                                                                discount pricing on nightly
                                                                                                                                reservations  at  participat-
                                                                                                                                ing resorts. In addition, they
                                                                                                                                receive unique year-round
                                                                                                                                benefits such as an annual
                                                                                                                                membership  in  Preferred
                                                                                                                                Golf  SM,  providing  access
                                                                                                                                to some of the world’s most
                                                                                                                                challenging  and  presti-
                                                                                                                                gious courses, complimen-
                                                                                                                                tary membership in Priority
                                                                                                                                Pass™  airport  VIP  lounge
                                                                                                                                program,  personal  con-
                                                                                                                                cierge  services  accessible
                                                                                                                                24/7 online and via phone,
                                                                                                                                special  offers  at  restau-
                                                                                                                                rants, and much more.
                                                                                                                                For  more  details  access
                                                                                                                                their  website
                                                                                                                        or  schedule
                                                                                                                                an  appointment  by  call-
                                                                                                                                ing Sales office +(297) 594-
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