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P. 6
Page 13
January 24, 2020
T: 582-7800
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
China locking
down cities with 18
million to stop virus
By KEN MORITSUGU and New Year travel period.
YANAN WANG The open-ended lock-
Associated Press downs are unmatched in
BEIJING (AP) — Chinese size, embracing more peo-
authorities Thursday moved ple than New York City, Los
to lock down three cities Angeles and Chicago put
with a combined popula- together.
tion of more than 18 million The train station and airport
in an unprecedented ef- in Wuhan, the epicenter
fort to contain the deadly of the outbreak, were shut
new virus that has sickened down, and ferry, subway
hundreds of people and and bus service was halt-
spread to other parts of the ed.
world during the busy Lunar Continued on Page 8 Passengers wear protective face masks on the subway in Hong Kong, Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020.
Associated Press