Page 22 - MIN ECEM
P. 22

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 21 March 2017

             Group of Loyal

              Aruba Visitors

             Honored at the

              Casa del Mar

            EAGLE BEACH - Recently Jon-
            athan  Boekhoudt  from  Aru-
            ba  Tourism  Authority  had  the
            great  pleasure  to  honor  Mr.
            Bob and Mrs. Ramona Stanley
            as Honorary Emerald Ambas-
            sadors,  Mr.  Hugh  MacKenzie
            as  a  Goodwill  Ambassador
            and Mr. Michael and Mrs. De-
            nise  Barone  as  Distinguished
            Visitors.  The  honorary  titles
            are  presented  in  the  name
            of  the  Minister  of  Tourism  to
            loyal visitors with 10+, 20+ and
            35+  consecutive  years  visit-
            ing Aruba! The honorees love
            Aruba mainly for the climate,
            beaches and happy people.
            On the picture, honorees are
            seen together with Jonathan,
            General  Manager  Mr.  Bob
            Curtis  and  Shahaira  from  the
            Casa del Mar.q
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