P. 37
AWEMainta Dialuna, 25 September 2017 11
Victoria di partido MEP ta danki na
di Evelyn
General insurance . Life insurance . Pensions
Guardian Group Fatum
DESDE principio di aña cu partido MEP a lansa su is looking for a Customer
campaña por a mira un campaña profesional y bon
coordina. Un cara nobo y moderno di partido. E ac- Due Diligence O cer
tividadnan cu practicamente tabatin mensualmente
tabata magno y cu presencia di miles di persona. E PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 6. Send request to Chamber of Commerce
reconocemento na miles di baluarte a trece MEP bek To ensure completion and continuous updating of and if possible, o er public entities when
cerca di pueblo, manera tempo di Betico. e regulatory required Customer Due Diligence applicable, to request public company
(CDD) documents and related information, in information of companies (Chamber of
order to enable us to be in compliance wi e Commerce registration)
Tabata obvio cu MEP a scucha pueblo, y MEP a pensa legislative and regulatory requirement to properly 7. Report quarterly to GG Fatum Compliance
rib’e solucionnan cu pueblo ta desea. identify customers, relations, service providers. on e progress and e incomplete fi les.
The responsibilities will apply for:
Na momento cu a cuminsa presenta candidatonan di - Life department: Anti Money Laundering and PRINCIPAL QUALIFICATIONS/COMPETENCIES
peso desde trempan den campaña, e animo a crece Combatting Terrorism Financing (AML and CTF), • Have a nity wi , and preferably knowledge
FATCA/Common Reporting Standards, Sanctions
of CDD and compliance wi e CDD related
mucho mas cerca e pueblo votador. Y tur esaki a legislation. regulatory requirements.
refleha dia a haci entrega di e miho lista den e elec- - GI department: Sanctions legislation. • Have su cient experience and skills to access,
- Broker contracts, and o er contracts between
store and maintain e relevant information
cion aki, cu ta e lista di partido MEP. GG Fatum and Aruba service providers/relations: in e systems.
Partido MEP tin e vision y e ekipo pa soluciona e Sanctions legislation. • Have appropriate independence.
problemanan di nos pais, a wordo bisa cada biaha. Duties: • Able to persist and to seek alternative
approaches until e required information
1. Receive from e GG Fatum departments is obtained.
Tur esaki ta basa riba vision y liderasgo di Evelyn e fi les wi incomplete CDD, for purposes • Be accurate and orough.
• Able to deal adequately wi confi dential
of follow up and monitoring.
Wever-Croes y su ekipo. Esaki a refleha tambe den 2. Contact e customer/relation to request e information.
su posicion como “vote getter” di partido MEP y required CDD documents/information and • Able to realize and maintain a good access
to departments and customers, relations
remind and follow up until e information
“second vote getter” di Aruba. is received. and service providers to appropriately perform
Un dama prepara, cu experiencia profesional amplio 3. Update e CDD information of walk e function.
in customers (if applicable)
den tanto sector publico como den Gobierno; un 4. Update e customer/relations fi les wi e • Have good skills in eff ective verbal and
written communications, including active
politico cu experiencia; un mama, abuela, y esposa. requested CDD documents and information listening skills and skill in presenting fi ndings
and recommendations.
and keep e fi les updated.
E liderasgo di Evelyn y su forma incansable di traha 5. Keep track of all fi les wi incomplete CDD • Have e ability to establish and maintain
dia aden y dia afo pa partido MEP a duna su frutonan. documents/information and of e eff orts harmonious working relationships wi
Su liderasgo a wordo cuestiona y poni na prueba, pero done to obtain e documents/information. co-workers, staff and external contacts,
na fin di dia, Aruba a responde. and to work eff ectively in a professional
team environment.
• Have at least a HBO level of functioning.
Awor ta toca na su persona pa purba forma un Gobi- Please send your letter to Mrs. Sonia Giel,
erno cu dos otro partido, un tarea no facil, pero cu e
conocemento y experiencia cu Evelyn tin, e lo sa di before October 6 .
haci esaki tambe exitoso.
live easy
Pabien na MEP y lider Evelyn Wever-Croes. For more information: L.G. Smi Boulevard 162 I T 582 1111 I E