Page 6 - ATA FLIP 17 JUNE 2017
P. 6

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 17 June 2017

            Midyear Party 2017:

            Playa Linda Celebrates its Extraordinary Team Members

            ORANJESTAD  –The  annual  of  our  success,”  explains
            tradition of a mid-year par-  Human  Resources  Director
            ty, organized by the Playa  Sulaika Kelly.
            Linda  Beach  Resort,  once  “It  is  our  ability  to  deliver
            again helped recognize its  the  highest  levels  of  cus-
            entire  team,  whose  com-   tomer service that helps set
            bined  contributions  have  Playa Linda apart.            and provide an additional  from home’ for both guests  well  as  a  community  feel,
            garnered  the  resort  its  ex-  We  do  this  by  investing  in   thank you to employees.   as  well  as  employees.  and  is  especially  proud  of
            cellent  reputation  for  hos-  our  team  through  training   For over 30 years, Playa Lin-  Playa  Linda  is  a  top  island  its talented team members
            pitality.  For  over  15  years,  as well as in looking for addi-  da Beach Resort has been  timeshare  that  maintains  who always share the best
            Playa Linda has expanded  tional ways to offer support    a  beloved  ‘home  away  an upscale environment as  of themselves with visitors.q
            its annual thank you to em-  and show our appreciation
            ployees  from  its  year-end  for  what  they  accomplish
            celebration to also include  each  day  for  resort  mem-
            a mid-year party.            bers and guests.”
            This  year,  the  event  took  As united as the team is in
            place  at  Casibari,  carried  work, Playa Linda employ-
            a theme of ‘black & white  ees also came together in
            with a touch of gold’ and  play, enjoying easy cama-
            was  made  complete  with  raderie  during  an  evening
            a  BBQ  feast  and  DJ  Mark  out  with  fellow  associates.
            Benson’s  mix  of  dance  Raffles  were  held  during
            tunes.                       the mid-year party to help
            “Our team is at the center  heighten  the  celebration,
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